What gifts and souvenirs can you bring from Montenegro?

Those who love the beautiful sea, hot sunny days and joyful impressions go to rest in Montenegro. When you return to your native land, you always want to share the joy of rest or leave memories. All this can be done by bringing with you a memorable item.

  • Alcohol
  • Rakia
  • Slivovitsa
  • Wines
  • Kaymak
  • Pottery
  • Lavender
  • National clothes
  • Capa
  • Negushsky cheese
  • Olive oil and olives
  • prosciutto
  • Religious souvenirs
  • Icons
  • Broyanitsa
  • amulet
  • can not remove


Montenegro asand many other countries, is famous for its alcoholic beverages. Such a gift can, without thinking to take with you. Those who like strong drinks better to buy some kind of raki, and for wine lovers wine, local production will do.

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Vodka called rakia is made from berries and fruits. It combines a pleasant unusual taste of brandy, which you can feel by sipping a drink in small sips, as the drinking rules suggest, and a strong national character, sometimes reaching 60 degrees. Rakia has varieties depending on the raw material from which it is made.

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Slivovitsu is considered a legendary drink, the story of which begins in the days of Karl and Jan of Luxembourg. As is clear from the title, the basis of this drink is the most common sort of homemade plum. However, the climatic conditions of Montenegro endow it with specific taste qualities that have already conquered millions of people.

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What can be better than a bottle of wine as a gift, especially if it is made according to unusual Balkan recipes. The most popular and having an unforgettable taste are red wine "Vranac" and white "Krstach".

List of things to take with you to the sea http://woman-l.ru/chto-brat-v-poezdku-na-more/
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Kaimak is a kind of fermented milk product that is something intermediatebetween cream, with a high percentage of fat and sour cream. Consistency of kaimak resembles a thick cream, and its taste can not even be described, it seems that there is no such product. It is suitable for salad dressings or meat dishes. It is worth remembering that the product quickly deteriorates, like all dairy, so you need to buy it before returning home.

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On the shelves in Montenegro you can find thematic decorative plates that can be hung on a wall or left on a stand. Remind of a pleasant stay will also be a beautiful ceramic vase, a cup or a whole service, which will be pleasant to use in special cases at home.

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Lovers of aromatherapy can buy a lavender sachet. Such a gift is usually beautifully decorated in a special bag and fragrant. This sachet can be carried with you or put at home. The aroma of lavender affects the well-being and mood, adding to it a note of peace, tranquility and joy. If desired, you can buy lavender and directly with you it will fill the chosen pillow.

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National clothing

From such things in Montenegro you can find everything your heart desires. Many products are embroidered by hand, many made with knitting. You can please yourself or your loved ones with various small pieces of clothing: socks, mittens, shawls. And you can buy warm beautiful things that carry a memory of Montenegrin territory, for example, a vest, a sleeveless jacket or a coat.

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In addition to knitted things, there are unusual linen shirts and dresses, which are embroidered with national patterns. When choosing such things, it is worthwhile to be careful to acquire a truly original thing, and not a fake.

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The main national hat of Montenegro is Capa. It is somewhat similar to the eastern skullcap, however, it has a more pointed form of corners. Usually the top of this cap is covered with red material embroidered with gold and black threads. It depicts a crowned eagle and a shield, testifying to the difficulties and sorrows that the Montenegrin people had to endure.

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Negush cheese

There are a lot of cheese products in Montenegro, but the Negush cheese causes a special interest among tourists. They call it that because the inhabitants of Negushi village are preparing it. The peculiarity of this cheese can be explained by the specific production technology. Prepare cheese from goat's milk, and then for some time stand in the olive oil. Therefore, when biting the finished cheese, it sucked natural olive oil.

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Olive oil and black olives

Compared with the Greek plantations, Montenegro lags slightly behind, but the taste of olives and olives is no less delicious. On sale there is an olive oil of different grades. From the factory oil popular brand "Barsko zlato."As for home-made oil, it can be purchased "with hands".Lovers of olives and olives can go on tasting these products - this is a frequent event at the resorts.

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Like the Negush cheese, proshut originates from the same village. The product itself is a smoked pork leg. The process of making such meat is very interesting. For smoking, only the legs of a pig are up to a year old, beforehand they pass a natural, then artificial extraction from the blood, after which the beech woods are smoked for a period of twelve months. The term of smoking can last up to 5 years.

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Religious souvenirs

Montenegro is a country of Orthodox faith. The people of Montenegro are notable for their piety, but the country is rich in holy places, from which it is possible to bring home some shrine.

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Icons of

The most precious gift to a believing person will be an icon. For example, it is in Montenegro that there is a prototype of the glorified icon of the Mother of God called "Troeruchitsa".Copies of this icon can be found in any monastery complex or church, or in church tents. Cetinje monastery represents the treasure of the Orthodox world - a part of the Cross of the Lord and the right hand of the Baptist of the Lord John.

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Montenegro armor is a kind of rosary, only they are made of wood and not woven from sheep's wool.

Each brogue has 33 knots, each of which symbolizes one year of the life of Jesus Christ.

The combination of these nodules occurs with the help of a cross with equal sides, it can depict the Virgin or Jesus. With the help of a braid, believers read the prayer rule or carry with them a soul-warming object of faith.

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The choice of ladies is very rich in any church shop. The symbol that denotes this thing is a firm belief in God. It can look different: it is a small bag with incense, a piece of embroidered church ornament paintings. Its dimensions are very small, because they wear it hidden from prying eyes under clothes, attaching with a pin to clothing or clothing around the neck.

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Things that are national values ​​and historical relics, without the necessary package of documents.

  • Jun 09, 2018
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