How to wash rust off clothes

It often happens that as a result of the contact of clothing with metal products, stains from rust remain on it. Especially strongly it spoils products from light and white fabrics. But do not be upset about this, because with the help of special tools you can wash rust and return things to the old look.

  • Methods for removing rust
  • Folk remedies

Methods for removing rust

Some household chemicals can be used to solve this problem. Well-proven funds of the Domestos series for the removal of calcareous deposits and rust Green and Pink. And, although they are designed to clean various ceramic and metal surfaces, wash them with rust from white clothes. It can not be used for colored fabric, it can shed. To remove stains from rust, dilute a tablespoon of the product in a liter of warm water and soak the thing for an hour and a half.

Before using this method, it is worthwhile to test. Not all tissues endure treatment with chemistry and can deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to sustain a small inconspicuous patch of a thing in the solution and see how the tissue reacts.
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The same advice applies to the method using hydrochloric acid. A liter of water will require two milliliters of acid. The thing is soaked until the stain disappears. After this procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the thing in water with the addition of ammonia( 10 liters of water requires 30 tablespoons of ammonia).

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Folk remedies

For this purpose, you can use ordinary vinegar. Dilute two tablespoons of this liquid in two liters of warm water, in the resulting solution you need to soak the soiled object and leave it there for the whole night. In the morning clothes should be rinsed and washed with powder. This method can also be used to remove stains from colored things, since vinegar can not harm their color.

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Effectively copes with rusty stains and oxalic acid. A couple of spoons of this liquid should be dissolved in 250 ml of cold water, moisten it with a stain and leave for two hours. After, do not forget to wash clothes with detergent or a special liquid.

For the control of rusty spots, tartaric acid is also suitable. Especially it is effective for white things.

The acid must be mixed with the kitchen salt and with the help of water turn them into gruel. Pulling the fabric where there is a stain, apply the prepared product to it. The thing should be left in direct sunlight until the spot disappears. After that, it should be washed and thoroughly rinsed.

Another well-proven method is the use of lemon juice. It is necessary to moisten the stain of rust with a strained juice( without pulp!) And moisten with an iron( the surface of the iron must be clean!).Between a cloth and an iron it is necessary to put a clean thin fabric( white).When the stain dries, it must be stretched, dried and, if necessary, repeated the procedure.

Rusted stains are considered hard to remove, so it's sometimes impossible to get rid of them yourself. If you do not want to ruin a thing, it's best, of course, to take it to a dry cleaners and give it to the professionals. They have the means, which easily remove such stains and at the same time do not spoil the tissue, do not destroy its structure.

  • Jun 09, 2018
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