Warts are benign neoplasms that appear on various parts of the human body. Most often, the size of the warts is 3-4 mm, but larger lesions are also found. Warts do not look aesthetically pleasing, so people always try to get rid of them by any methods. Consider the different types of warts, the causes of their appearance, as well as ways to remove these lesions.
- Types of warts
- Wart types
- Causes of warts
- Diagnosis of warts
- Wart removal
- Folk remedies for warts
- Prevention of the appearance of warts
Types of warts
Dermatologists distinguish the following types of warts:
- Ordinary warts. This type of skin lesions is dense nodules of rounded shape with a rough surface. Ordinary warts are located on the hands, on the face, feet.
- Plantar warts. This kind of warts looks like a dry callus and is formed from bundles of threadlike papillae. The location of the plantar warts is the feet. Plantar warts cause painful sensations during walking.
- Flat warts. This type of neoplasm is an oval-shaped nodule with a smooth and flat surface. Flat warts are formed on the hands and on the face. The given kind of warts of young people amazes. Genital warts. This type of wart has the appearance of dermal outgrowths of pink color, which are attached to the skin with "thin legs".Condylomata occur on the genitals. If you do not remove warts in time, they can actively grow.
- Star warts. This type of wart has a roughened surface and an oval shape. Star warts are colored brown. Such warts are typical for the elderly.
The presence of any kind of warts on the skin can be one of the symptoms of a malignant growth of the skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to remove the warts yourself.
to the table of contents ^Causes of the appearance of warts
The main cause of the formation of warts on the surface of the skin is the human papillomavirus, which actively multiplies in the skin cells and promotes the growth of its upper layers. In the human body, this virus can develop for about six months. It is transmitted by direct contact of a healthy person with a patient or through objects of common use. The carrier of the virus may not have warts.
Dermatologists claim that the appearance of warts on different parts of the body is facilitated by the following factors:
- decreased immunity;
- violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
- non-compliance with personal hygiene;
- HIV infection;
- promiscuous sexual intercourse;
- pregnancy;
- wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothes;
- visits to public places;
- use of non-disinfected instruments for performing pedicure or manicure;
- diabetes mellitus.
Warts can actively grow, change color, and also begin to bleed. If you find the above changes, contact your doctor, since the warts can be transformed into a malignant tumor.
to table of contents ^Diagnosis of warts
A wart dermatologist can easily diagnose by external characteristics. For controversial questions, the patient is assigned an additional study - a biopsy. The doctor selects the course of therapy individually for each patient, taking into account the current state of the patient's immunity, his age and the number of warts on the surface of the skin.
to the table of contents ^Methods for the removal of warts
Today, many methods are used to remove benign skin lesions. The choice of method depends on the location of the wart and its type. Sometimes the removal of several warts results in the disappearance of the remaining growths on the skin. Consider the main methods of wart removal:
- Cryodestruction. The method is based on a painless "freezing" of warts with liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is minus 180 degrees. The time of removal of one wart by cryodestruction depends on the size of the lesion. Most often the procedure lasts 10-30 seconds. This method does not leave scars and burns on the skin, and is also easily tolerated by adults and children. The disadvantage of cryodestruction is the impossibility to control the depth and force of the impact. After the first procedure for removing the wart with liquid nitrogen, it may appear again. For complete removal of warts, two to four procedures are performed. The interval between sessions is one week.
- Removal of warts by laser. The essence of this method is a painless layer-by-layer removal of a benign neoplasm. The procedure lasts 2-4 minutes. The choice of laser type, depth and time of penetration depends on the size and location of the wart. After removing the wart on the skin, there is a depression that disappears after a few weeks.
- Electrocoagulation. Warts are removed under the influence of high frequency current. Heating tissue closes the virus's access to healthy tissues. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as it is accompanied by painful sensations, as well as a specific odor. On the place of the wart a crust forms, which disappears after a week. After the procedure, a scar may remain on the skin.
- Surgical excision. This method is rarely used, since cosmetic sutures are applied after the removal of warts, and in modern medicine, minimally invasive methods of treatment are preferred. After surgical excision, noticeable scars remain on the skin. Surgical excision of skin outgrowths under local anesthesia is performed.
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Medical treatment of warts is also used in medical practice. To remove warts used a variety of ointments: radixol, stephalin, salicylic ointment, shack. Before using them, consult with your doctor.
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Folk remedies for warts
To remove warts, you can use a variety of folk remedies. Consider effective recipes of alternative medicine for the treatment of warts:
- Aloe vera warts. Pulp of fresh leaf of aloe put on cotton wool and attach to wart. Then fix the bandage and do not remove it all night. Do these compresses for 11 days, and the warts should disappear.
- Juice of celandine grass. Wipe warts for 14 days with celandine juice. Skin growths will decrease in size and eventually disappear.
- Fresh potatoes. Grind the potatoes with the peel to a mushy state and use the resulting mass for compresses. Warts should disappear in five days. Onion or garlic. Wipe daily warts with onion juice or garlic juice until they disappear completely.
- Vinegar with lemon. Grind the peel of lemon and place it in a 100 ml vinegar solution. Healing solution should be infused for 7 days. Then, every day, lubricate with this tincture of a wart. The course of treatment is six days.
- Ammonium alcohol. Daily wipe with ammonia warts, until they completely disappear.
- Garlic tortillas. Pound one slice of garlic and add 5 ml of acetic essence and 20 g of flour to the resulting mass. Knead the dough and blend a small cake of it. Attach a cake to the wart and fix with adhesive plaster. The bandage should be kept for four days. When you remove the bandage, the wart disappears. If the wart remains in its original place, repeat the procedure one more time.
Preventing the appearance of warts
To prevent the appearance of benign tumors on the skin, the following preventive measures should be observed:
- not to use other people's things;
- avoid tight shoes and clothing;
- strengthen immunity by physical activity and proper nutrition;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene;
- take multivitamins;
- to stabilize your own emotional state.
Compliance with the above preventive measures will minimize the risk of warts.