There are many cosmetic defects that appear on the skin of a person. One of them is stretching. They are small scars, which are visually very noticeable. Study the methods presented below, how to remove striae on the hips, abdomen, chest or other parts of the body in order to restore the skin to its former beauty.
What causes stretch marks on the body
The main causes of stretch marks are pregnancy and the subsequent postpartum period, when the weight gained goes too fast, therefore all layers of the skin simply do not have time to react adequately to what is happening. As a result, such defects appear on the chest, abdomen and thighs. They can form on the buttocks or back. Other causes of stretch marks include the following:
- of the endocrine system;
- abrupt weight loss( both in women and men);
- changes in the hormonal background in adolescents, because at their age puberty occurs;
- genetic predisposition of skin to striae.
How to get rid of stretch marks at home
Before you successfully remove stretch marks, you'll have to sort out their types. Cosmetologists distinguish 2 types - new and old striae. The first type of stretch marks has a red, purple or purple color. Avoiding their development will help wraps, massage, training program and procedures such as photopigmentation and microdermabrasion. Old stretch marks look like white scars. To get rid of them, they use laser resurfacing, injections of enzymes and even plastic surgery.
Various vegetable or essential oils are considered traditional means to help fight not only stretch marks, but also with cellulite. They help moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins. With ethereal extracts you should be more careful, they are very concentrated. They need to be diluted with fatty oils, seaweed, clay, body creams or natural products such as honey, kefir or cottage cheese.
In the process of preparing a mixture for wrapping, massage or simply rubbing into the skin to 10 ml of the basic composition, add only 3-5 drops of the ether extract. The following oils are capable of combating stretching:
- caraway;
- grape seed;
- of citrus fruits;
- olive;
- rosemary;
- of jojoba;
- of wheat germ;
- almond;
- sea buckthorn.
The action of scrubs on stretch marks is based on the renewal of the dermis due to the removal of the upper dead skin. Such drugs are sold in the pharmacy, but they are prepared even at home. Just mix 150 grams of sugar and salt with 2-3 tsp.any vegetable oil. In addition to these ingredients, ground coffee, sour cream, soda or oat flakes are often used. Scrubs can easily remove stretch marks on the abdomen or in the hips area.
If you are thinking how to remove stretch marks, try cream with mummies. This ingredient is a medicinal raw material of dark brown or black color, capable of improving the mineral metabolism. To prepare the product, you need to fill 1-2 tsp.warm boiled water 5 g of mummy. Then add 100 grams of cream to this composition, preferably a child's cream. Apply the finished mixture twice a day, while massaging the area of stretch marks.
Pharmacy products
Assortment of pharmaceutical products from stretch marks is very wide. These are ointments, creams, gels, scrubs and other cosmetic products. In the pharmacy among the popular compounds that help with stretch marks, you can find the following components:
- Badyaga. This is a medicinal product of animal origin, which is produced from freshwater sponges. It has a lot of very small needles. The effect is to polish the skin, which leads to faster updating processes. The drug is effective against new stretch marks.
- Contractbucks. A special gel or ointment that help cure all sorts of stretch marks. The main ingredients are onion extract, sodium heparin and allantoin. All of them have an equalizing, anti-inflammatory and blocking growth of connective tissue action. The latter is especially necessary in the fight against stretch marks.
- Laminaria. This name hides healing algae. In another way they are called sea kale. It is a natural sorbent, therefore it absorbs all toxins and slags. Instead of them, the skin is saturated with microelements and minerals, which are necessary for healing and rejuvenation.
Effective folk remedies for stretch marks on the skin
The above listed products, bought in pharmacies, are often used in prescriptions of traditional medicine against stretch marks. Here are the most effective:
- Badyaga. Mix 1-2 tsp.of this substance in the form of a powder with water to obtain a consistency of sour cream, with hydrogen peroxide or essential oil of orange or grapefruit. Rub in stretch marks for about 3-5 minutes, making circular motions, then wrap the area to be treated with film and leave the composition for half an hour. Remove the product with a wet cotton pad and rinse the skin with water. Do 10 procedures.
- Clay. Prepare 3 tsp.natural ground coffee. Add to it as much gray or blue clay. Fill with water until a creamy consistency, add a couple of drops of essential oil, preferably one of the citrus. Spread the coffee mixture over the skin, wrap the film. After half an hour, take a warm shower.
What procedures offer cosmetology
You can not remove stretch marks on the chest, abdomen or thighs not only with your own efforts. Today beauty salons offer a number of procedures to eliminate this cosmetic defect. All of them are divided according to methodology, price and duration into several main groups:
- Cosmetic. Shallow superficial stretch marks on the skin can be treated by adjustment using procedures such as masks, peelings, massage and wraps.
- Injection. Based on the introduction directly under the skin of cocktails from special substances. Such procedures include mesotherapy, including fractional, ozonotherapy, bioremediation, and carboxytherapy.
- Laser. It is the evaporation of the surface layer of the skin at stretch marks with a laser beam.
- Surgical. If the sparing methods are not effective, then the skin is corrected by surgery.
Professional massage with hands positively affects the skin and muscles. As a result, blood flow increases and metabolism is significantly accelerated. This is necessary for places with such defects as stretch marks. A massage with honey is especially effective. Sessions can last only 10 minutes - this is enough to speed up blood circulation and fill the skin with microelements. In addition to honey, a can of massage is applied, i.e.vacuum. It helps to eliminate toxins and activate venous lymph flow.
Wraps of
Another effective way to remove stretch marks is wrapping. They are classified into cold and hot. The first ones are shown to those who have a problem with the veins, because they are not related to the thermal effect. Hot ones are based on heating the skin, which increases its blood supply. Especially effective against stretch marks are wraps:
- mud;
- clay;
- honey;
- algal;
- coffee.
The purpose of this salon procedure is to stimulate production in the skin of collagen. This is necessary to activate the recovery processes. Specialist with the help of the thinnest needle introduces under the skin mesozastvory, which are selected individually for each client. Effectively, this effect in the abdomen, priests and thighs. There is a special mesoroller that is used for injections from stretch marks at home.
Ultrasound Therapy
With the help of high-frequency vibrations, cosmetologists work on the skin, creating a thermal effect in it. In general, ultrasound has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and bactericidal action. The procedure does not bring painful or unpleasant sensations. The patient simply lies on the couch while the specialist guides the skin through a special radiator. Judging by the feedback, ultrasound is an excellent solution if the patient does not know how to remove old stretch marks.
Laser and chemical peeling
The essence of peeling is in exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. As a result, active synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers begins. The procedure itself can be superficial and median. The first is not able to completely remove the stretch marks - it just smoothes the skin. The medial peeling is also called chemical peeling, because acids are used in the process, such as trichloroacetic, phenolic and fruit. They penetrate much deeper. Chemical peeling is carried out using anesthesia. Laser, however, requires a long period of rehabilitation. It can cost about 20 thousand rubles.
Removing stretch marks surgically
If the patient has tried unsuccessfully different ways of solving the problem, and is still looking for an effective option, how to remove the stretch marks, a radical move is possible - surgical intervention. It is called abdominoplasty. During surgery, skin areas with defects are simply removed under general anesthesia. The process of recovery after such a procedure is very long. During rehabilitation, you have to constantly see a doctor.