How to become beautiful at home? Tips for taking care of photos and videos

Every woman should look after her appearance, which consists of the health of the skin, hair, nails, internal organs and systems, clothing, behavior, manner of speech. Beauty is well-groomed, and grooming is a constant improvement of what nature has given you, self-development in terms of appearance. Every girl, girl and woman must do herself. How to become beautiful at home? It's easier than you think. The main thing is to cultivate your own beauty on an ongoing basis. And the secrets and tips below will help you with this.

How to become very beautiful and well-groomed for 30 days

If you approach the task correctly, then you can achieve tangible results. How to become beautiful and well-groomed for a month at home? Think about the question, what stands in the way to beauty? This may be an inappropriate wardrobe, excess weight, cosmetic problems. Ugly, terrible people do not, there are only lazy people. Based on these points, it is necessary to draw up a strategic plan and begin to act. The following tips will help you become beautiful:

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  • A healthy person is always beautiful. Absence of problems with internal systems, organs will provide you with internal hygiene, without which you can not maintain your state, thoughts are in order. To become beautiful, you need to create health, because this is the cause of true radiantness. This means that you must have strong immunity, absence of disease, excess weight, thoroughness, flexibility of joints, muscles, lack of bad habits, physical energy.
  • To become beautiful at home, you need to regularly perform different procedures. Care for nails, hair, body, face should give pleasure, go without haste.
  • Always use only your items to become beautiful at home: comb, washcloth, brush, sponge, etc.
  • Get rid of cosmetics, the expiration date of which has expired in order to become beautiful and not to cause harm to health.
  • Drink vitamins at home to become beautiful. The body needs certain substances, which depends on the time of the year. However, each time to take tests in order to find out what vitamins are required, it is difficult. Therefore, it turns out that when taking multivitamin preparations with certain substances, we saturate the body, and others - oversaturated, that is, poison. To avoid this, follow this pattern: a week take a multivitamin, take a break and drink 7 days of mineral water, which removes unnecessary substances from the body. Then repeat the course again until all the packaging is finished.
  • The most favorable time for skin care to become beautiful at home is the period from 19 to 21 hours. You need to focus on this gap.
  • Pay attention to the composition of cosmetics, because you do not need rashes on the face due to substandard components to become beautiful at home.
  • Try to always keep your posture to be beautiful, because it not only has a positive effect on your appearance, but also on health.
  • Keep clean not only the body, but also the mind to become beautiful at home. At the moment you are the result of your thoughts yesterday. Try to think positively, to learn new every day, to develop, to comprehend new crafts, hobbies. This will make you an interesting, intelligent person and an interlocutor, which will affect your self-esteem. After all, external beauty without inner is impossible.
  • Observe the wakefulness and sleep mode to become beautiful at home. It is necessary to go to bed no later than 10 pm, as the nervous system rests from 21 to 24 hours. Sleep should last no less than 8 hours and not more than 10.
  • Properly determine your skin and hair type to become beautiful, according to this choose care yourself or contact a professional beautician.
  • Be sure to visit a cosmetologist, cure the teeth that require it to become beautiful.
  • Choose feminine clothes that match your figure, color, inner self-image, character, lifestyle, to become beautiful at home.

Effective ways to become the most attractive

Every girl can become beautiful at home, if she wants to. For the result, you need to make efforts, spend time, have patience. There are some effective ways that will help you to find the desired attraction:

  • Learn to love yourself, to become beautiful without visiting the salons, at home. You must be able to present yourself, to know your own worth. Every day, tell yourself, your body compliments, gently spread yourself creams and various lotions after a shower.
  • Try to do something pleasant everyday for yourself to become beautiful even at home: watch your favorite movie, read an interesting book, make yourself small gifts, communicate with pleasant people, arrange relaxation days.
  • Pick up the makeup that you have to face, so that without a stylist at home, be beautiful. Use the video lessons to learn how to do it correctly.
  • Make it a rule to always look attractive, even if you are going to throw out the trash to become beautiful without the extra costs at home.
  • Develop a flying campaign, a light half-smile on your face, a pleasant soft erotic voice.

The decision of a problem of excess weight

Proper nutrition, physical exercises is the only sure way to get rid of accumulated kilograms. To lose weight, to become beautiful, you need to spend more calories than get. You can increase the consumption by active activity, and reduce - by controlling the calorie content of food. However, the quality of food is important, since 1000 kcal, obtained from sweets, is not better than 1600 kcal from vegetables and fish. Daily aerobic activity should be present to become beautiful, and heavy training - no more than three times per week.

It is necessary to consume more protein, which is considered a building material for tissues, muscles. Together with training, such a trick will help you to build up muscle mass faster, and the more it is, the more energy is burned. Do not forget about the drinking regime, because with a small supply of fluid, the metabolism slows down. In addition, water removes toxins, which helps to lose weight and become beautiful. It is not superfluous to savor food with ginger, cinnamon, which have fat burning properties.

Give preference to fats, not carbohydrates, because the former give a feeling of saturation for a longer time, contain fewer calories. The diet should consist of five meals to become beautiful: three basic, two snacks. To effectively lose weight, you must pass at least 10,000 steps daily. Give up harmful food addictions. Do not neglect breakfast, which will give you the necessary energy. Such advice will help you to lose weight, become beautiful.

How to be younger and prettier without make-up

To become beautiful at home, look younger, it does not necessarily have to apply a ton of make-up, as you will see from celebrity photos. Refusal of decorative cosmetics involves taking care of the cleanliness, fresh appearance of your skin. It is necessary to do a daily facial massage, which gives tone, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, helps to become beautiful. At home, high efficiency is shown by washing with ice cubes, applying masks. It is important to exfoliate the skin regularly, which will restore its former shine.

A younger, more beautiful appearance is promoted by well-groomed eyebrows. They should not be too plucked: give preference to the natural width. Watch for the correct shape, remove the hairs that are knocked out of the total mass. To make eyebrows look well-groomed, put on them a mixture of burdock, castor, almond oil. Important components of natural beauty are nails, hair. Watch out for the hairdo, which should always look neat to become beautiful.

For giving your hair health, shine, use special masks, balms, conditioners. Do not forget to refresh your hair every month, saying goodbye to the ends visited, which do not give beauty to your appearance. Learn to make a beautiful manicure, monitor the condition of the nails. Regularly arrange strengthening baths. Hands can give out your age, so use sunscreens with ingredients that improve the texture of the skin.

If you want to become beautiful at home, look younger, then give up sunbathing. Sunburn visually makes it older, ultraviolet rays dry the skin, which at the age of experiencing problems with moisture retention, the production of collagen. Do not appear on the street without sunscreen, headgear. And the last important thing is hormone therapy. Since after 50 years, the production of female sex hormones decreases, in the absence of contraindications, special medications are prescribed. It helps to preserve the inner beauty given by nature.

Magic, plots and spells to become a beautiful woman

Every woman wants to become beautiful, attractive at home. All kinds of methods from the women's arsenal prove useful for achieving the necessary goal. Everyone needs to monitor their appearance at home. As an additional tool you can take advantage of magical rituals:

  • Conspiracy of water on a full moon to become beautiful at home - fill a small container by 2/3.Set it so that it reflects the full moon. Three times read the following words: "As you are the moon, white, round, so I will have a gentle skin, a beautiful face. Share your light with me, donate mother of pearl from the chela. I'll go for a steam bath, soak in foam, warm my bones, be pissed off with heat. You've made me a key driver. "Leave the water overnight, and the next morning, pour it yourself after taking a bath or a bath.
  • A morning ritual to become beautiful at home - a month every morning you need to read a prayer. This will help you be more attractive to men. It is better to make the ritual a habit, performed on a daily basis. Type in a bowl of water, read the prayer: "Swan white drank the water, but left me a little. Yes, the water is not simple, it is the young, the key, to be beautiful to me and people to be nice. "Wash your face with this water.
  • Beauty for a new moon at home - the first hours of the emerging moon are considered to be the most effective and powerful. Say the next conspiracy at this time as often as you like: "The new moon was born, she shared with me beauty. My face is white, the skin is tender, the belt is thin, the hair is long. Mouth, as if the sun on sunsets, the cheeks, that zorenka at sunrise. In the world white is no sweeter than me. "
  • Conspiracy for the beauty of the body at home. Be naked in front of a full-length mirror, read at night with light from natural candles: "From the toe to the top I'm good. Hvorba disappeared. Every day comes my health, harmony, flexibility, beauty in my body. And let it be so forever. "

Video: How to become beautiful and slender at home

The standard of beauty imposed by glossy magazines is very rare in real life, so many girls remain unhappy with their own appearance. Few people are happy that the standards can not be met. For this reason, women manage to always find flaws and shortcomings. Each girl can blossom, mastering science, how to become beautiful at home. After all, grooming is a guarantee of confidence. The recommendations in the video will help you improve your appearance.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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