A common stereotype that the white color of tooth enamel indicates an increased calcium content or dental health is fundamentally untrue. The strongest enamel has a yellowish tinge, and a snow-white smile is just a genetically prescribed feature of appearance. If you do not belong to the number of people who have a beautiful color of teeth, and want to whiten them, it is necessary to systematically use bleaching agents.
Why teeth turn yellow
A common cause of yellowing of teeth is the nature of food. Enamel has the property of absorbing food colorings contained in foods and beverages consumed by humans. Black tea, coffee, red wine, carbonated drinks are no less actively obscuring the covering of teeth than nicotine from tobacco products. With age, the tooth enamel becomes thinner and becomes transparent, and since the posterior wall of the teeth has a darker color, the smile looks yellow.
In addition, the reasons for changing the tooth color can be the course of antibiotic treatment, the transferred maxillofacial trauma. The color of the coating is also affected by the quality of teeth cleaning: many perform this procedure too hastily, as a result, the not completely cleared surface of the teeth becomes yellow. Dentists recommend regularly giving teeth at least 3 minutes. After thorough cleaning of tooth enamel, there should be no traces of food on it, which leads to yellowing of the teeth.
Can I whiten my teeth without harm to my enamel
How to whiten my teeth at home? Before carrying out any procedures, it is worth to be sure that your teeth are perfectly healthy. Therefore, it is better to visit a dentist who will examine your gums and teeth before self-bleaching, to make sure that there are no defects or diseases. If there are injuries, then any methods of bleaching for you are unacceptable, they stimulate the progress of deformation of the enamel.
In the presence of braces, metal or metal-ceramic crowns, during pregnancy, children under 12 years old can not whiten yellow dental plates with special means. In addition, people who have a lot of old fillings or orthopedic structures such as crowns and bridges refrain from the procedure, since bleaching will be ineffective. Virtually all folk and professional tools do not work on artificial materials such as porcelain or plastic.
Effective folk remedies for fast teeth whitening
- Hydrogen peroxide
This substance is the main component of most professional teeth whitening products. Hydrogen peroxide creates an active foam in the mouth, which cleanses the pigmented pigments from the tooth enamel, returning to it a natural light color. The more the concentration of the agent is used and the longer it is held in the mouth, the more noticeable the effect. The disadvantage of this method of bleaching is the inability to independently control the time of action of the drug, which can lead to the development of hypersensitivity of the teeth.
As a rule, 3% hydrogen peroxide is used to return the whiteness of tooth enamel. During the procedure, the tooth covering is wiped with cotton wool soaked in the solution, after which the teeth are thoroughly brushed. The second option is to rinse your mouth with a mixture of peroxide and water( 25 drops per third of the glass) after each tooth brushing. And the procedures are carried out for 2 weeks. In the event of unpleasant sensations, whitening is interrupted.
- Baking soda
To remove the yellow coating of a smoker or coffee lover, it is worth trying bleaching with baking soda. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 days, because frequent use of soda is fraught with damage to dental tissues. Carefully apply the powder on the enamel, trying not to touch the gum, so as not to scratch them. It is better to do this not with a brush, but with wet gauze. Carefully slide it vertically, then rinse well with warm water.
- Activated Carbon
How to whiten your teeth at home quickly? The method using activated carbon is universal and effective. Its main advantage is complete safety for enamel. For example, soda causes dryness of the oral cavity and can damage the gum, in contrast to coal, which carefully and gently whitens the tooth enamel. Pound the tablets into powder, apply it on the teeth with a damp toothbrush, making translational vertical movements. The abrasive components thoroughly clean the enamel. Repeat the procedure until the result is noticeable.
- Tea Tree Oil
Essential vegetable oil effectively whitens teeth only when you acquire a natural product, not an aromatic analogue. This tool not only removes the yellow coating, but also has bactericidal properties, cleans teeth from stones, restores the gum. Apply oil after the main brushing of teeth, applying a couple of drops on the brush and circular movements covering the tooth surface. After that, the mouth should be rinsed with water with a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar.
- Wood ash
The substance contains potassium hydroxide, which has strong clarifying properties. However, coarse particles of ash can injure enamel and gums, so do not get carried away using this inexpensive means. Apply wood ash once in 4-6 months in the absence of other means of cleaning the enamel. Brush ash on the brushed teeth, mixing it with toothpaste approximately 1: 1.After this, carefully rinse the tooth cavity with warm water.
- Strawberry and strawberry
To whiten the dentition, some use berries. Strawberries and strawberries have clarifying properties, but they can not be used often. Fruit acid can destroy enamel, especially it threatens sensitive teeth. Carefully cut the cut of the berries with both dental rows, then brush your teeth in the usual way. The second option is bleaching - crush the berry and brush it on the teeth, massaging for at least 5 minutes, after rinsing your mouth. Repeat the procedure no more than 3 times a week.
- Lemon citrus
Grate the surface of the tooth with a lemon after each cleaning for 4-5 days. If the bleaching procedure will occur more often, ascorbic acid, which is contained in citrus, can destroy not only the plaque, but also the enamel. After cleaning, rinse your mouth with water. For a deeper bleaching from the inside, the lemon skin should be chewed for several minutes. With hypersensitivity, this can cause a painful sensation, then you need to abstain from the procedure.
- Banana peel
The product contains many different minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese - they are all very useful for the teeth and are distinguished by a clarifying effect. First, brush your teeth with toothpaste, and then rub it with a banana skin for 2-3 minutes. The final stage will be repeated brushing your teeth, but the second time you can do without pasta. To achieve the expected effect, bleach every day.
Professional methods for home teeth whitening for 1 day
Bleaching is a cosmetic process that aims at changing the color of tooth enamel by using special tools. Successful is the procedure, as a result of which a person's smile becomes much whiter than it was before. As with any other procedures, whitening may cause complications, which it is better to immediately talk with the dentist. Much depends on the texture of tooth enamel, so professional advice should not be neglected.
Individual drops with clarifying gel
Before using bleaching caps, it is forbidden to perform such procedures as filling or denture. Be sure to clean the stones at the dentist. The presence of a large number of old fillings and holes, gum disease, pregnancy, lactation, too, are a contraindication to bleaching with drops. The procedure should not be done by those who have false teeth, since artificial materials can be damaged by the action of a chemical agent, which will necessitate the replacement of prostheses.
Well proven by such means: Crestal, White Glo, Plus White 5 Yotuel 7 Hours. Brush your teeth before using the kapa. In the removable part, place the whitening gel and put the jaws on the jaws, leaving them for the night. To get a snow-white smile, repeat the procedure daily for 3 weeks. A normal phenomenon is the increased sensitivity of teeth to hot or cold food / drinks. During bleaching, avoid the use of coloring products such as beets, tomatoes, sauces, coffee, tea, etc.
Special whitening paste
You can buy this product not only in the pharmacy, but also in almost any cosmetics store, even in a regular supermarket. Whitening paste is considered very soft, but not the most effective professional cleaner for yellowing enamel. However, with regular use it helps to remove the dark smell of the smoker, although it does not give teeth the desired whiteness.
To whiten teeth with a paste, it is better to use a stiff brush. The duration of the course should not be more than one month, otherwise you risk damaging the top layer of the enamel and making your teeth hypersensitive. Excellent options for home whitening are such pastes: Lacalut White, President White Plus, Rembrandt Antitobacco and Coffee, Spat Bleaching Plus, Silca Arctic White.
Pencil for clarifying enamel
Before clarifying the enamel, it is worth wiping the external surface of the teeth with a piece of cloth or napkin cleaning, then the pencil dispenser rotates until the drops of the gel appear on the dentition or separate yellowed plates( usually the fangs become darker).After treatment, do not cover your mouth for 60 seconds, keep a smile. Then wipe the tooth surface with a napkin, without rinsing the mouth. Refrain from eating food or drink( except water) for the next 40 minutes. The result of whitening is seen immediately.
After the bleaching procedure with pencil, there may be increased sensitivity to cold or hot drinks, food - this is considered normal. To save the health of the enamel, use a pencil should not be more than 1 time per day and no longer than 2 weeks. Later the course can be repeated. For bleaching, it is better to use proven products such as TinyDeal Teeth Whitening Pen, Biocosmetics White Kiss, BLIQ.
Teeth whitening strips
This tool is convenient to use, it looks like small strips of perforated polyethylene, on one side of which contains an active gel. Unlike a special pencil, the concentration of the complex of active substances in the preparation is minimal. The main component of the strips are carbamide and hydrogen peroxide. The main advantage of this product for home whitening is a strict dosage of active ingredients, which is established by the manufacturer.
Apply strips to the lower and upper dentition( they differ in size) and hold on the teeth as much as indicated in the instructions. This parameter is different for each individual manufacturer, for example, the brand Crest Whitestrips 3D White should be kept for 5-30 minutes, and Bright Light - from 30 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the strips are removed, and the teeth are cleaned with a soft brush or rinsed with warm water. Typically, firms recommend using the drug twice a day for 1-2 weeks.
rinsers Such bleaching agents can be of two types: with active oxygen( eg Global White) or with hydroxyapatite and herbal extracts( White Shock BlanX).Before use, carefully read the information on the label and consult a doctor - these measures will help determine if a particular bleaching agent is suitable for you or better to refrain from using it, picking up more sparing.
Some conditioner rinses out the plaque, softening it, so they should be used before brushing your teeth. Other products have an exclusively bleaching and refreshing effect, so they are used after dental hygiene. The standard one-time rinse aid volume is 50 grams, the drug should be kept in the mouth for at least a minute. Do not swallow the bleach.
Teeth care after whitening
The first 14 days after the procedure are the most important to preserve and consolidate the result. About two days after bleaching, you should follow a certain diet, do not eat coloring food and do not drink bright drinks. Refrain from coffee, chocolate, black tea, juices, red wine, bright vegetables such as beets or carrots, ketchup, soy sauce, berries and baking that contains them. To maintain the whitening effect for the longest possible period, you need to limit their intake and then, after each meal, brush your teeth.
After the bleaching procedure, refuse for 2-3 days and from smoking tobacco, cigars, tubes, In extreme cases, these products can be replaced with an electronic cigarette, otherwise the effect will be lost. In the next 14 days, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked as much as possible. Try to strictly adhere to the hygiene of the mouth: use a floss and a quality brush, often rinse the cavity, use an irrigator - all this will help keep your teeth white for a long time.
Preventing darkening of tooth enamel
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day, before breakfast and at night, ideally - after each meal. And the cleaning should be at least 3 minutes, after which you should carefully rinse your mouth with water or infusion of herbs. To clean the gap gently, use floss or toothpicks.
- It is better to use a medium-hard brush - it removes plaque well without damaging the enamel. Change hygiene every season, otherwise it will turn into a habitat for harmful bacteria.
- Drink clean water in sufficient quantities( up to 2 liters per day).
- Do not drink beverages containing food coloring, minimize the amount of coffee, tea. Drink fresh juices through a straw - so you protect the enamel from staining and acid damage.
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, because many of them are natural bleaches. However, after eating fruits, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
Video Recipes: How to safely whiten the yellow teeth of the house
Every whitening professional preparation or folk remedy has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of them can cause irreparable damage to the teeth, so the choice of a suitable bleaching method should be handled responsibly. According to dentists, the best choice is professional cleaning in the clinic, and it is possible to support the result obtained with the help of home remedies. After watching the video, you will learn how to whiten the tooth enamel at home without harm to health.
Photo before and after tooth whitening at home
Natural whiteness of the dental plate depends on many aspects: harmful habits such as smoking, diet and even genetic predisposition. However, with the help of effective dental and folk remedies, everyone can whiten tooth enamel to some extent. For this it is only necessary to choose the method of cleaning. Below are the photos of the teeth before and after the procedure, showing the difference in the color of the enamel.
Feedback on results
Oleg, 32 years old : I dentist advised Ionic-White for home whitening. I did 5 procedures for 2 minutes each. The result - the tooth enamel has become noticeably lighter. The only drawback of home whitening was soreness with cold drinks or hot food, but it was a week later. I purchased the device on the Internet at a discount, he cost me 1300 rubles.
Anastasia, 27 : Since I smoke a lot and drink coffee, I have a problem with dental plaque. Tried to whiten with special pastes - all in vain, so I decided to try the kaps. And here I was disappointed: the effect though it was, but quickly passed. After 7-10 days, the former yellowness returned, plus the teeth became very sensitive to different foods. When asked the dentist, the doctor said that the enamel had already been severely damaged, and the procedure exacerbated the situation. An expensive treatment is needed.
Semen, 38 : With age, my teeth began to darken, and since my work is related to sales, appearance means a lot. I used different toothpastes with whitening effect, rinses, rubbed my teeth with lemon peel, but the result was insignificant. When he began to apply the whitening strips, the effect immediately became noticeable. However, there is a drawback - prolonged use of the drug makes the teeth too sensitive.