Exercises on the shoulders in the gym and at home with dumbbells

The width of the shoulders is of great importance for the formation of a handsome male body. Even a huge bicep does not save the situation if the shoulder girdle is not physically developed enough. For this reason, bodybuilding pays a lot of time for pumping deltoid muscles. To do this, perform a series of exercises at home or in the gym.

How to pump the shoulders of

Before you begin to perform exercises on the shoulders, you should understand what kind of structure they have, what load will be most effective. The muscles consist of 3 deltoid beams:

  • medium;
  • front;
  • rear.

In training, as a rule, all three parts are involved, but in different degrees, therefore, for proper, effective development of the shoulders, you need to perform different exercises. They are suitable for men and girls, and the difference is only in weight used weighting. Be sure to warm up before training, because shoulder joints are easily damaged when working with additional weights. Sensations will be extremely unpleasant and the ability to continue to train the shoulders, biceps or triceps will be lost.

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Effective exercises with dumbbells at home

There are different ways to pump your shoulders at home. You need to make weighting for this from improvised means. In the role of additional weight can serve bottles with water, optimally for 5 liters with handles or backpacks with something heavy inside. After this, you can use any exercises with dumbbells at home, described below. The weight is also suitable for training.

If there is no possibility to make weighting, then the shoulders can be rocked as follows:

  1. Approach the window sill and stand with your back to it.
  2. Put your feet on it, and put your hands on the floor.
  3. There should be an angle of 30 degrees between you and the surface. Thanks to it, the load will move from the pectoral muscles to the deltoid.
  4. Do push-ups.

The best exercises on the shoulders in the gym

Any exercises of the athlete's program are divided into isolators that work on accenting a specific muscle, and on the basic( multi-joint), involving several large muscle groups simultaneously. The latter are needed so that other parts of the body are not "idle".Women do not need broad shoulders, so the training scheme is designed with an emphasis on the male audience. You can swing deltas through training, because they are quickly restored.

Basic exercises for deltas

You need to start with multi-joint exercises on the shoulders, which should be performed at the beginning of the workout( after a thorough warm-up).To create the maximum load, it is better to use a barbell, so there is less risk of damaging the joint and you can use more weight. To pump large shoulders, perform the following exercises:

Bench Standing Stand

The exercise is considered to be the main training for the shoulders, it is also called the army bench press. You can perform standing, sitting, but give preference to the first option. The working weight should be such as to have enough strength for 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions. Scheme of execution is:

  1. The bar is installed on the rack. To take her better from such a situation.
  2. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. Squeeze the bar on the maximum straight path up, so that at the highest point it is directly above the head.
  4. Lower the projectile to the top of the chest.

When doing this, make sure that there is no excessive deflection in the lower back, this can provoke pain and unnecessary strain on the lower back. Elbows at the bottom point slightly forward. When lowering to the chest, pauses and delays should not be so as not to relieve the load from the deltoid muscles. The pelvis is slightly retracted to prevent a too strong deflection in the back.

Chinstock Rod In this exercise, the foreleg is most heavily involved with the front beam, slightly less middle, trapezoid and quite a bit of biceps. To take a lot of weight there is no sense, otherwise the technique of performance will be broken, and the likelihood of damaging the shoulder joint will grow. Hvat can be wide or narrow, but the latter is still preferable, more effective. The technique of pulling the bar is as follows:

  1. Grasp the usual grip, the bar of the bar is needed short.
  2. Raise the projectile upward, do it not by lifting not the brushes, but the elbows.
  3. Slowly lower the bar down and repeat the movement 10-15 times.

The main mistake in doing this exercise - the elbows are down. It is important not to lift the bar as high as possible, but specifically the elbows. For maximum effect, it is necessary to bring the projectile to the collarbone. Trajectory of movement should be along the trunk, do not pull the bar along the arc. Exercise should be carried out smoothly, controlled, there should be no sharp or jerky movements.

Bench from behind the head

A serious basic exercise, which is better performed while sitting. The movement itself is not natural for our body, so the likelihood of badly heated joints or too much weight to damage the joints. The middle deltoid bundle is loaded well, the anterior, less - triceps. Perform the exercise on a bench without tilting in the Smith simulator. The technique is as follows:

  1. Place the bench directly under the bar.
  2. Hvat should be slightly wider than shoulders.
  3. Raise the projectile upwards, do not unbend it completely at the elbow of the hand.
  4. Controlling lower the rod, do not put it on your shoulders.
  5. Repeat the movement 10 times.

For this exercise, shoulders should be flexible, otherwise they can be damaged. Do not chase in this case for weight, control technique, concentrate on the muscles being worked on. Always keep an eye on the width of the grip, it should be wider than, for example, when bench presses are standing. If pain occurs, the performance must be stopped immediately.

Isolating exercises for the shoulders

This kind of exercises on the shoulders accentuates loads specifically deltoid beams, excluding other muscle groups. This is necessary to achieve maximum "load" to achieve muscle failure. As a rule, isolating exercises for shoulders with dumbbells are performed at the end of the workout. Here are the most effective and popular ones:

Arnold's wrestling

The movement is very similar to the press up, but with a slight modification, which was invented by Schwarzenegger. He determined that if you start moving from the chest with the brushes turned to the face, the load will be greater, and the pumping will be more effective. Perform the exercise you need, sitting on the bench, the backrest is fully raised vertically. Scheme is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells, sit on a bench, press your back firmly against the back.
  2. Place your hands in front of you, palms facing your face, start squeezing dumbbells.
  3. When they are at the level of the nose, begin to rotate the brush to the normal position with the press up and move to the top point.
  4. The movement is reversed in the same way.
  5. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

For such a shoulder training you do not need to take a lot of weight, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the exercise. Perform bench presses smoothly, without jerking or sharply dropping shells down. In Arnold's press it is important to observe the correct trajectory of movement, otherwise the load will shift from the front, middle beam of deltoid muscles to the biceps or forearm.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you

The basic version of the exercise for the front beam deltas. At first it looks simple, understandable, but with the wrong technique, the entire load shifts to the forearm, so you need to closely monitor what you are doing. Do not take heavy dumbbells, so as not to damage the joint. Technique for doing this:

  1. Take dumbbells, lower your arms at the seams.
  2. Bend them slightly at the elbows, lock the position.
  3. Raise the dumbbell in front of you to eye level.
  4. Smoothly, under the control lower your hand.

You can lift dumbbell lifts to your shoulders with both hands, one at a time or one at a time. A common mistake in the performance of this isolating exercise is the rocking of the body. Make sure that the movement is performed only in the shoulder joint, the body should remain completely still to achieve this, you can rely on the Swedish or conventional wall.

Thrust of the lower block forward

This is an alternative version of the above exercise, but instead of dumbbells, a block simulator is used. The execution technique is completely identical, so all the rules are repeated. The convenience of this method is the ability to quickly and freely adjust the weight. It can not be called more convenient or effective, so its use is a personal preference.

Dumbbell cultivation in the sides

The main exercise for training the average shoulder bundle. The layout can be carried out in two positions: standing flat and tilted. In the second case, the rear delta beam is loaded more. The first option is as follows:

  1. Stand up straight, dumbbells in both hands.
  2. Elbows slightly bent.
  3. Lift the arms up to the level just above the shoulders.
  4. Lower it to the home position.

Make sure that the body does not swing, do not try to lift the dumbbells at the expense of trapezoids, only shoulders should participate in the movement. Big weight is not needed, with each training you can lead a gradual increase in the weight of the inventory. But with the right technique to perform a significant load of the shoulders even with dumbbells 7-8 kilograms. If you easily raise 10-12 kg, you should think about it, but you do it right. Ask someone in the hall to follow your implementation.

Traction of dumbbells lying on stomach

The dilution in the slope is difficult to perform, so you can use the bench to take the correct position. This exercise is the only option to load a back beam of deltas. The technique is as follows:

  1. Lie down on the bench with your stomach down, which is set at an angle of 30 degrees.
  2. To lie on the edge of the back, you need the upper part of the chest, not the head.
  3. Bend the arms slightly, unfold the elbows so that there is a parallel with the shoulders.
  4. Bend them to the sides so that the shoulder blades converge.
  5. Movement should be at the expense of the back of the shoulders, not the back.

Video Tutorials for Beginners

Exercises for the shoulder belt are both simple and complex. The main problem is the need to perform the correct technique. The photos often indicate the muscle groups that are involved in training, but to understand all the nuances of the exercise, it is better to see how someone else performs it. For this, below is a compilation of videos with effective exercises on the shoulders. The first training in the gym is best done with a friend, so that he points out possible inaccuracies in the technique of execution.

Shoulder training for weight

Lifting dumbbells through the sides

Dumbbell raising standing

How to inflate the shoulders on the bar and bars

Hand dilution with dumbbells

Training with dumbbells at home

  • Mar 08, 2018
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