Household soap - useful properties and harm, application in folk medicine and cosmetology

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of detergents. However, the most safe, economical and natural for many years remains an economic soap, which is produced according to GOST, is characterized by medicinal properties. This product is made from fatty acids, due to which it copes effectively with any kinds of pollution.

What is a laundry soap

This detergent is familiar to everyone since Soviet times. The composition of laundry soap includes a large number of alkalis, fatty acids - up to 72%.The activity of ions of this composition( PH) is very high and reaches 11-12.Household soap is divided into several categories by the content of fatty acids: 70.5, 69, 64%.A piece is obtained by cooling a special soap glue. For raw materials, vegetable or animal fats are used, so the product is eco-friendly and hypoallergenic.


The properties of household soap are explained by its chemical composition:

  • Fatty acids( depending on the category 64, 69 or 72 percent).
  • Alkalis: 0.15-0.2%.
  • Animal fats.
  • Kaolin.
  • Palmitic, lauric acid.
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Properties of

The specific odor of the product indicates its natural composition. A large amount of alkali provides a high quality wash in water at any temperature. Any spots of organic origin dissolve perfectly under the influence of a soap solution. The product is hypoallergenic, so it is often used to wash children's things. In addition, the use of household soap for hair is proven, because with its help you can get rid of dandruff and itchy skin. In everyday life the product is necessary for cleaning various surfaces.

Benefits of

Natural fatty acids, which contain every piece of traditional detergent known since the time of the USSR, provide a high value product. The use of household soap for scalp, face, body allows you to replace this budget option with expensive cosmetics. The product can be used not only for washing, but also in many other areas:

  1. Cooking: for washing fruit, vegetables, frozen meat.
  2. Household: washing, washing surfaces, bleaching, as a remedy for bedbugs.
  3. Gardening: treatment from aphids, from spider mite and other pests.
  4. Cosmetology: a liquid solution of soap shavings helps to cleanse the skin, make it supple, healthy. For intimate hygiene, washing the head, this option is also suitable.
  5. Treatment with household soap: it is applied from sinusitis, fungal infections, against hemorrhoids, pressure sores in bedridden patients, with lactostasis in nursing mothers, as a laxative for constipation, as an ointment for varicose veins and for arthritis.

Application of household soap

This detergent has been actively used in solid and liquid form since the times of the USSR.With proper application, the product will be of great benefit. It is worth noting that the natural composition is suitable for children and women during pregnancy. Skilled housewives can treat many diseases with the help of this remedy, use soap from insect bites, from pests in the country. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this inexpensive product.

In folk medicine

Antiseptic, regenerating, antifungal and wound-healing action of the product made it an excellent option for home treatment. Knowing how to make a soap solution from laundry soap, ointment or compress, you can cope with a variety of problems:

  1. Douching with a soap solution works well against thrush.
  2. The product can be used as a candle from constipation.
  3. When hemorrhoids can be gently processed with a soapy solution of nodules to relieve pain and inflammation.
  4. In case of skin lesions, a weak solution helps to speed up the healing process.
  5. It is recommended to make nails with soap chips from nail fungus.
  6. From blisters and blisters after burns, you can treat the damaged area with a soap solution.
  7. From the common cold, sinusitis, you can lubricate the nose with a mild soap solution to prevent bacteria from multiplying and spreading the infection.
  8. This drug is effective against influenza due to antiseptic properties.
  9. It is recommended to treat patients' skin with cotton swabs soaked in a soap solution from decubitus.

In cosmetology

Since soap is made of natural ingredients, it is widely used in cosmetology. For example, this product is suitable for solving the following problems:

  1. Prepared gruel from water and soap chips helps to get rid of dandruff.
  2. Washing the head with soap and household help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Washing with soap is an effective way to eliminate acne.
  4. Baths with a weak warm solution of shavings from soap household help to get rid of cracks on the heels.

In everyday life

Using this product for household needs helps to cope with any pollution, even oil paint and fuel oil. Particularly topical is the use of soap for washing, because with it, any stains on clothes disappear, despite the fact that the composition does not cause allergies and is absolutely harmless. In addition, a soap solution can be used to control garden pests: you need to spray them with trees or process leaves of plants.

Which soap is better than

Before using soap, you should choose the right option. Compositions with fatty acids of vegetable origin are foamed worse than with acids of animal origin. If preservatives and dyes do not contain soap, then its shade should be traditional brown or yellow. White pieces with a pleasant scent, similar to toilet soap, contain dyes and flavors. If the product is a dark shade, then the manufacturer used unrefined animal fats.

Synthetic additives improve the appearance and aroma of soap, but can cause allergies. Such an element in the composition, like sodium chloride, dries the skin. A softer effect is provided by ash( used instead of alkali).Products with 72% fatty acids more effectively cope with pollution( the higher this figure, the better the cleaning properties).If the soap is too hard or crumbling, it indicates the expiration of the product. The seam in the middle of the piece indicates that the soap is pressed. This product lasts longer and does not lose its properties when it comes into contact with water.

Is there an expiration date for household soap

No less important is the issue of storing this detergent. Different manufacturers produce products with a shelf life of 12 to 36 months. Much depends on the storage conditions of soap. For example, in the package, the products retain their properties longer. An important issue is the quality of the product. If the Soviet product perfectly preserved properties for 10 years, then modern analogues are kept much less because of the features of production and composition.

Video: how useful the laundry soap is

  • Mar 08, 2018
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