Proper nutrition for men

All the hostesses know the proverb that only through the stomach can pave the way to the male heart. Preparing a delicious dinner, a woman can not only win the favor of a man, but also to preserve his health. Men's food is different from women's and has a strong impact on health.

The correct diet will help protect the male body from prostate cancer, muscle flaccidity, sexual weakness, baldness, and will also support erectile function. The daily diet should include vitamins and trace elements, it should contain a moderate amount of calories and sugar.

Proper nutrition for the prevention of male diseases

Common reproductive system problems are common men's diseases. Prevent them can a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish, garlic and olive oil, used for food. All these products improve blood circulation, because the causes of erectile dysfunction are associated with its violation.

The lack of sugar in the male body reduces sexual desire. Nerves, brain and glands need glucose. If its content is omitted, then all the organs responsible for the libido weaken. In a daily diet just need to include berries( cherries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries) and dried fruits. Do not forget about fresh fruits and vegetables, especially about pumpkin, beets, carrots and onions.

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Men older than 35 years are trapped in the problem of lowering the level of testosterone, the male hormone, in the blood. The process can be compared with women's menopause, it was called the androgenic pause. With a sharp decrease in the hormone, there is a decrease in potency, high fatigue, memory problems and the occurrence of other ailments. All this can gradually lead to hyperplasia or prostate cancer.

Zinc, which is found in large quantities in seafood, shrimp and oysters, will help avoid these problems. Zinc is an important element in men's nutrition. It is also found in peas, liver, carrots, nuts, beef and cereals.

Cabbage, especially white cabbage, broccoli and color, is useful for the male body, they contain potassium, beta-carotene and sulforaphane, which reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Medical observations show that the risk of similar diseases is reduced by 50% in men who regularly eat spinach and broccoli. Also, experts recommend to include in the diet of Bulgarian pepper, potatoes, avocados, tomatoes, soy, watermelons, because they are rich in natural antioxidant lycopene.

Muscle mass in the male is much higher than that of the female, so there must be foods with a high protein content among the foods consumed. It is a source of energy, it is necessary to maintain a beautiful body relief and muscle growth. It is worth remembering that meat should not be fat and fried. It is best to extinguish, cook or bake.

Fish is also an important component of the diet, because it contains unsaturated fatty acids, prolonging the youth of the body. Improve digestion of dairy products containing bifidobacteria and proteins. Proteins, which are contained in cheeses, cottage cheese and sour cream, will help strengthen the bones and build muscle mass.

Special attention should be given to the cardiovascular system, since small heart damage is not always noticeable, but in the future they can cause angina and heart attack. To normalize the heart, you need to eat a lot of liquid, and the coffee should be replaced with tea, because it is more useful, because of the presence of flavonoids in it. In addition, you need to constantly monitor your weight, as additional kilograms create a greater burden on the heart. It is not recommended to pay much attention to sweets, fatty foods, semi-finished products, fast foods and smoked products. If possible, replace them with vegetables, fruits, lean meat and cereals.

It is known that men are much more prone to stress, they, unlike the fairer sex, are less able to adapt to change and trouble. This fact is confirmed by the high mortality of the stronger sex. For the overall recovery and strengthening of the body you need to consume vitamins of group "B".They will help fight against insomnia, nervous tension and chronic fatigue. In sufficient quantities in avocados, potatoes, nuts, green vegetables, liver, bananas. With internal anxiety, oatmeal with milk, honey or an apple will help, toast with peanut butter, almonds, grapes.

Another male problem is alopecia. Scientists have found out that hair falls out from a lack of iron in the body. For thick and strong hair for food you need to consume beans, chicken eggs, dried fruits, whole grains, beans.

You can distinguish the basic rule of nutrition: for breakfast you need to eat carbohydrates, supplying the body with energy, for lunch - protein foods, and dinner should consist of complex carbohydrates. As snacks recommend fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, low-fat dairy products or tomato juice.

Example of an ideal men's menu

  • Breakfast: Milk porridge made from whole grains, fruit, green tea. As an option, you can eat breakfast for eggs with greens and tomatoes, yogurt and fresh fruit.
  • Snack: cottage cheese or soft-boiled egg, bread, herbal tea or coffee without sugar and caffeine, vegetables.
  • Lunch: lean meat, chicken or turkey, rice porridge, vegetable salad, cottage cheese, lentil soup, salmon, borsch, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Snack: vegetables, fruits, nuts.
  • Dinner: baked potatoes, seafood salad, beef liver, cauliflower is perfect as a garnish, a glass of red wine will not hurt.
  • Before going to bed, you can allow yourself a glass of yogurt, ryazhenka, yogurt or some fruit.

Remember that good nutrition is the key to success and health!

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