Adhesive for lashes and overhead: how to choose and use, reviews

Unattractive liquid or light eyelashes are amenable to many manipulations to become expressive. They are trying to curl, paint carcasses and paints, but still these procedures are short-lived. Women have found a way out - the build-up of cilia.

Types of glue for eyelashes

To have thick and long cilia, women need to undergo the procedure of building up in the cabin or gluing false eyelashes itself. For the first and second cases, you need your own type of glue, which is used in the procedure. Shelf life, consistency of the product, color, drying speed - features that need to be considered when choosing a product. Also there are special hypoallergenic adhesives that can not harm even people predisposed to allergic reactions. The quality and price will differ depending on the set of such features in one product.

There are preparations based on, rubber, silicone, latex and resin. All of them have advantages and disadvantages.

  1. The first is characterized by high resistance and a pleasant price, but can cause an allergic reaction.
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  3. Silicone adhesive is transparent and holds the product for a long time. Immune to water. The disadvantage is that it can not be used for saddle build-up.
  4. Latex( rubber) in the adhesive becomes the cause of its high density, as a result - a long drying. Good choice for beam gluing.
  5. Resin is a waterproof and reliable option. An allergy to this type of glue occurs frequently.

For building

  • Sky

The glue of this brand is very popular and in demand, it is used mainly by professionals. Favorably differs from many others in the absence of any smell, rapid drying( about 2 seconds).Has a liquid structure that provides comfortable, simple use. The drug is suitable for allergy sufferers, embroidered products are kept for about one and a half months. It is recommended to use glue for the false type of eyelashes( at home), but only for those who are able to quickly and correctly glue, because the adhesion time is very fast.

  • I-Beauty

Found in different degrees of resistance. Beauta ultra plus is effective for 6 weeks. Clings very quickly, which deserves the respect of professionals. Suitable for salon and home procedures, it is only to get used to and do everything clearly and quickly. Excellent reviews contribute to the popularity of the tool, it is recommended by the master to its clients.

For false eyelashes

  • Duo

Latex adhesive of this brand there are different types, color to choose from. It is best not to use if you are allergic to latex. Adhesive duo must be used according to instructions, keep in a refrigerator or other cool place, out of the reach of children. Use only after applying make-up, pre-training several times.

  • Ardell

Based on latex resin. Hypoallergenic glue for eyelash extensions and gluing overhead. Does not cause redness of the eyes, eyelids do not swell, the allergic reaction is minimized. Glue-resin for eyelashes is suitable for use even by a layman, since it does not mesh too fast. Training before an important exit into the world is mandatory.

  • Ag Beauty

Suitable for both extensions and for pasting eyelashes by itself. Quickly dries, has the advantage of a lasting effect. It is not dangerous, it has an eco-friendly composition that attracts women of fashion and becomes the main point of choice. Glue is economical in consumption, which is important for beauties who often use it.

How to properly glue eyelashes

Universal means can be considered resinous and rubber versions of the glue, they do not leave a negative effect in most applications. The rest have a negative effect on either their cilia or spoil the artificial ones. An important factor - the glue should dry quickly, so as not to spread, but not so much that you do not have time to do it right. For beginners recommended glue for eyelashes Dolce Vita, it is ideal from all sides.


Step-by-step instruction for fixing the entire ciliary band of cilia:

  • We draw the eye with a black pencil close to the growth line of the hairs.
  • Apply false eyelashes, trying on the size. Superfluous cut off at both ends. The same is done with the second instance, they must be the same.
  • Take the glue( for example, Eyelash Glue) and the brush, remove the excess. We put the agent on the growth line, wait a bit, apply false eyelashes. First we glue the middle, gradually pressing the edges. We hold for about a minute to accurately paste.
  • A toothpick can be corrected by cilia, if they are directed in different directions. Just swipe the base with a wooden stick, after that the hairs will "become" in place.
  • Be sure to draw eyes liquid liner - this will give your image a natural effect. Next, apply makeup.


For the application of this technique, the best option is the glue-resin. It can be applied both to the eyelid and to the cilia. The adhesive is effective for about two weeks. Before applying to the entire eye, it is recommended to check your skin for an allergic reaction: to do this, apply a droplet of funds to the base of the beam, attach it to the eyelashes. Then wait about a day.

Instructions for bonding eyelashes by beams:

  • Make sure that the false eyelashes fit you in length and color.
  • Degrease eyelashes with a primer( you can use makeup lotion to remove eye damage).
  • Apply glue to the bundle and attach it to the desired location using tweezers. Hold it a little.
  • After this, without looking at the promised firmness of the adhesive, it is not recommended to rub eyes throughout the day.

What to do if you are allergic to

glue In case you did not check your reaction to unfamiliar glue or performed the procedure of building in the salon, redness may occur. This is one of the allergic manifestations, as well as swelling or burning. When they occur at home, it is recommended to remove the overlaid products using a remover - a special solution. Apply liquid to the cotton pad, attach to eyelashes if a moisture-resistant adhesive is used. Otherwise, just wash yourself. After professional extension in case of allergy, contact there for the withdrawal.

Video: how to stick eyelashes at home


Angela, 40 years old : For the first time I tried the means for laminating eyelashes in the hope of giving them a healthy, more groomed look. I got a good result. Eyelashes become thicker, stronger, more noticeable.

Veronica, 26 : A friend advised to buy white glue, based on the fact that it becomes transparent. I did not like the result. .. I tried black - I was pleasantly surprised! After the eyeliner, the make-up was simply delicious.

Margarita, 30 years old : I use resin and rubber based adhesives in my cabin. The customers are satisfied with the result and duration of the "life" of the eyelashes. Work with them is pleasant, women do not experience discomfort.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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