To do exercises in the pool for weight loss you need people with excess weight, because swimming( aqua aerobics) acts gently, strengthening the muscles. The water density is higher than that of air, so joints and bones during exercise with such gymnastics experience less stress. To go on charging it is necessary regularly to get a smart, beautiful figure .
How useful swimming in the pool
Gymnastics in the water is popular not only among women. Many men are interested in aquasailing. There are several techniques for how to lose weight in the pool. Performing a water exercise complex will help normalize blood circulation, pump muscles and improve appearance. Classes in the pool can remove cellulite, make the skin supple, increasing the tone of the body. Training can be harmful during an exacerbation of diseases, so before registering for fitness, you need to get a doctor's permission.
The benefits of swimming in the pool for women
Among the many types of fitness, water aerobics and exercise in the slimming pool are best influenced by the female body. At movement the girl overcomes force of resistance of a liquid. This causes the acceleration of the current of lymph and blood, which carries oxygen to the tissues of the body with nutrients. Regular exercises help burn fat and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Exercises in water for weight loss have a complex effect on the body. They improve the work of the nervous, immune and digestive systems of the body. Aquafitness is struggling with stress, removing the nervous overstrain accumulated over the day. During intensive training, the locomotor apparatus does not experience heavy loads due to the density of the fluid. Thanks to a combination of useful actions, feedback on training in the pool is positive.
The benefits of swimming in the pool for men
Men aquafitness carry as much benefit as women. Classes in the pool tone up the cardiovascular, immune and nervous system. During swimming, the amount of oxygen in the blood increases, because when breathing, the respiratory organs work in a strengthened mode. Due to the activation of the muscles of the body, the metabolism is accelerated. This leads to the burning of energy, that is, to reduce excess weight. Regularly visiting the pool for weight loss, you can achieve good results.
Exercise in the pool for weight loss helps to form an athletic male figure - wide shoulders and narrow hips. Training in water develops muscular relief and strengthens the skeleton of .This effect is expressed in professional swimmers. In addition, a visit to aquafitness will help to maintain the volume of bone and muscle mass in mature men. After all, it is known that over the years the percentage of these tissues decreases.
Exercises in the swimming pool for weight loss
Sport is the best way to get a slender figure, strengthening health. Swim or practice aquafitnesses regularly - 2-3 times a week. Exercises in the pool for weight loss are divided into complexes: for the back, abdomen and legs. The load for each visitor is selected individually. Exercises for aqua aerobics in the basin are performed according to the scheme: warm-up, strength training and stretching. You can train 2 hours after eating.
For the
press. Do exercises in the slimming pool using dumbbells, noodles and other sports equipment at the discretion of the coach. Classes are especially useful for women who have recently given birth. By moving correctly, you will notice that breathing and pulse become frequent. Press training program:
- Lifting of bent legs to the chest. Turn your back to the side of the pool, putting your hands on it or holding on to the noodles. Then pull your knees to the chest, overcoming the resistance of the water. The muscles of the press must be strained. Do 10 repetitions for 1 approach.
- Raising bent legs to the sides. The position of the body is the same. Pull the jointed legs with the knees bent to the right, then to the left side, making a turn of the pelvis. Do 10 repetitions for each side.
- Bicycle. Keep your hands on the inventory or the edge of the pool. Legs imitate riding a bicycle, twisting the pedals. First, run on yourself, then - in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 20 times with each foot.
For buttocks
Swimming is good for shaping the beautiful shape of the buttocks, strengthening the muscles. Aqua aerobics will help make this part of the female body taut and elastic. In order for the effect to come quickly, massage the gluteal muscles with hands or a stiff brush before practicing. Movement for training the gluteal muscles:
- Running on the spot. Become smooth, that the water reaches the neck. Bend your knees, trying to touch your buttocks with your feet. To increase the load on the muscles, stretch your arms forward. This movement will help keep the balance and not fall. Repeat the procedure 30 times.
- Lifting the straight legs. Hold hands for the support, lift the straightened folded legs back and maximally up. Strain the gluteal muscles. Then lower your legs down. Move 20 times.
- Swimming. Lie down with your belly on the water, sticking to the edge of the pool. Actively move your legs straight, splashing heavily. Continue the exercise for 5 minutes.
For the feet of
While doing aqua aerobics, you can not only strengthen your physical health, but also get rid of excess centimeters on the hips. Before exercising in the water, warm up the leg muscles. To do this, run around the pool and jump in one place for several minutes. Effective set of leg exercises:
- Scissors. Holding on to the support, lay your belly on the water. Undress your straightened legs, then maximally dilute them. Exercise 20 times.
- Makhi feet. Adhering to the edge of the pool, alternately raise your straightened legs forward, to the side. Plus, to this movement, to increase the load on the muscles, pull your hands forward. Exercise 10 times for each side with two legs.
For the back
The water environment is ideal for unloading the spine and relieving muscle tension. Exercise is recommended to perform after exacerbation of osteochondrosis, radiculitis or other pathologies of the back will subside. Training in the pool of the muscles of the back for the formation of a beautiful posture:
- Reduction-breeding of direct hands. In addition to the muscles of the back, the exercise develops the thorax. Go into the water around the neck and put your feet on the width of the shoulders for stability. Then straighten your arms out as far back as possible, then bring them in front of your chest. Perform 20 repetitions.
- Exercise "Ballerina".Become so that the water reaches the shoulders. Straighten your back. To do this, pull the head of the head upwards, the line of the cheekbones is parallel to the bottom of the pool. Then straighten your shoulders and straighten your lower back. Bending the left leg, pull the knee to the stomach. After that, repeat the motion with your right foot. Do the exercise 10 times on each side.