It's hard to imagine a beautiful make-up without foundation. Such cosmetics are designed to smooth the skin tone, hide small defects( small pimples, redness, pigment spots or dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep or fatigue).In order to create the perfect make-up, it is important to know how to apply the foundation to the face and the rules for selecting the remedy: this will help make the most natural make-up. When choosing the basis, it is important to take into account the tone, type of skin, type of remedy. Below we consider the options for choosing and applying the cream on the face.
Basic types of tonal bases
Almost every well-known company engaged in the production of cosmetics presents on the market foundation creams. Means differ not only the manufacturer, but also a number of other signs: density, quantity of coloring substances( the tone of the basis that allows each girl to choose the most suitable variant depends on it), the content of additional components( fat, lipids, silicone, moisture).The main types of creams that are popular with the fair sex are:
- Liquid foundation is an ideal variant for make-up, since it falls flat, does not crumble and perfectly harmonizes the tone of the face, making the skin as smooth, beautiful and velvety. The use of this kind of foundation has its own characteristics - suitable for normal skin or combination;makeup artists recommend using it for evening make-up and refrain from everyday use;the density, density of the medium depends on the amount of pigmenting components. Especially popular is the liquid cream from Amway.
- Mousse is an easy, almost weightless product that perfectly aligns the skin texture, but with masking functions does not work very well. Such a base is great for daytime make-up. Due to the light texture does not clog pores, which is especially important for oily, problem and mature skin.
- Cream powder is a popular tonic that can hide the small flaws on the face. The only drawback of using powder is its shedding. Suitable cream powder for oily skin, because it has a matting effect and smooths the tone of the face. Popular companies producing such cream include: Mary Kay, Evelyn, Maybellin, Chanel, Dior Skin, Mac.
- The cream fluid is the optimal basis for the summer period, which is suitable for dry skin. It has a moisturizing effect, which is so necessary in sultry weather. The disadvantage of such a tool are low matting properties, inability to hide even small flaws on the face.
- Cream camouflage is the most dense foundation with a lot of coloring components, water-repellent basis. The application of the tool has its own peculiarities: it is difficult to apply due to the dense texture;ideally masks all skin imperfections, pigment spots;Removed from the face only with the help of special tools.
How to choose a tonal basis for making make-up
The quality of the make-up is influenced by a properly selected foundation, so this issue should be given special attention. A wide range of species, firms that offer funds in the cosmetics market, makes choice much more difficult. Buying cream, professional make-up artists recommend to take into account several factors, due to which it is possible to choose the best option and get a perfectly smooth complexion, hiding all the flaws:
- First of all, it is important to choose the right shade of the tonal base so that it harmoniously blends with the skin color. This can be done in several ways: apply to the face and assess how the product is combined( it should only be done with daylight, since the lamps can give some yellow, distort the results);apply a thin layer of cream on the wrist, shade.
- Make-up type: for light-weight make-up suitable light base - cream-fluid, mousse. Such tools will help to level the tone, but it will not be possible to hide obvious shortcomings. For the evening rendezvous is to choose a product with a denser texture and a large number of coloring pigment substances.
- Kind of foundation: the most popular is the liquid base - it fits any type of skin, hides obvious flaws, well aligns the tone;Stick is perfect for excessive dryness. The powder perfectly conceals the deficiencies of oily skin, helps to remove excessive shine.
Features of application of tonal remedy for problem skin
Not every girl can boast of perfect skin. Pigmented spots, freckles, peeling, pimples and wide pores - that's far from a complete list of frequent problems that the fair sex try to disguise. In order to get rid of the drawbacks, it is important to choose the right foundation and apply it to your face, the stylists will help in this:
- Before applying the toner, you need to clean the skin, in addition, dry or sensitive cover with moisturizing cream. Hide the pores will help a product containing silicone or has a matting effect.
- To mask freckles, a foundation with a tanning effect will help, which is lightly, circularly applied to problem areas, carefully masking them, and then shading on the temples, chin, neck.
- Irritation on the skin of the face, redness and eruption is difficult to obscure the usual tonal basis, rather, on the contrary, it can only exacerbate the problem. Experts recommend carefully prepare the face for make-up and apply a light foundation - mousse or fluid with toning properties. To feather is worth fingers, light patting movements, evenly distributing the cream all over the face.
- Visually reduce the appearance of wrinkles will help the use of cream on a greasy basis, and the color should best match the natural shade of the skin. Apply better with a flat brush, it helps to hide flaws, mimic wrinkles around the lips, eyes.
The rules for applying a foundation lotion
You can not get an ideal make-up without smoothing out the tone of the face, smoothing the flaws, which can be achieved by using a tonal base. To get a decent result is simple, but for this it is necessary to adhere to some secrets of applying the product developed by professional make-up artists as a result of a variety of experiments. You can read the rules as follows:
- Before applying, it is necessary to prepare the skin: thoroughly clean with lotion, milk, foam or gel for washing. If peeling is observed, it is necessary to make a light peeling or mask. After these procedures are completed, a small layer of moisturizing or matting cream should be applied.
- Apply the cream with circular light movements, rubbing the product into the skin.
- To maintain balance and get a natural result, you should carefully monitor the amount of cream used, for this you should take it a little.
- Make makeup better in daylight, it will give an opportunity to see even the smallest errors, flaws and correct them.
The better to apply the cream on the face and neck
For a correct and uniform application of a foundation, corrector or concealer on the face can be used a variety of cosmetic attributes - sponges, brushes or fingers. The choice of the accessory depends on the texture of the base, the version of the makeup created and which version is more convenient, suitable for the girl. Consider the rules for applying a foundation with different tools.
Finger pads
To ensure that the coating of the skin with a tonal cream looked as natural as possible and was translucent, many stylists, make-up artists and simply girls who want to look adorable use to apply the base of the fingertip. This option allows you to evenly distribute the product on the skin. Apply the foundation followed by light, patting movements, without stretching the skin, excessive pressure or rubbing.
A classic attribute for applying a foundation to the face is sponge with fine pores. Such a tool provides an opportunity to evenly distribute the substrate, to achieve a dense coating. Make-up artists recommend using one of two ways of applying the product:
- Spotting the face on four points with further distribution of the entire skin with sponge. Feathering should start from the center to the periphery, focusing on the scheme of massage lines. Particular attention should be paid to aligning the boundaries along the line of hair growth on the temples and neck.
- Applying a tonal base immediately to the sponge and distribution of the product over the skin of the face. This method makes it possible to apply the cream with an even thin layer. During this application, it is important to be careful that the foundation does not get on the hair from the sponge.
brushFor correct application of a foundation with a brush it is important to choose the right tool, its diameter, length of hairs. The ideal option for such a procedure would be the use of a flat brush with synthetic elastic bristles. To begin make-up follows from a point application of a cream on four points - a chin, a forehead, cheeks. To feather the foundation in the direction of the massage lines, carefully smoothing out any irregularities and boundaries of the application of the product. At the end of the procedure, follow the light patting movements to level the tone to hide the transitions.
Step-by-step technique of application of a voice-frequency cream and powders with a photo
The correct application of a voice-frequency cream will help to achieve the ideal result in creating a stylish image and make-up. Initially, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use indicated on the tube or box with the product, and in addition to learn more about the technique of creating a makeup, the procedure for masking flaws and skin imperfections. How to properly apply a tonal foundation to the face:
- Cleanse the skin thoroughly, apply a moisturizer( especially if the skin is flaky) and the primer( if necessary, makeup lasted a long time).
- Choose the tool and the method by which the cream will be applied: using a sponge or brush, it is possible to achieve a more vivid result.
- Cover the skin with light circular movements on the massage lines.
- Begin the application from the area around the eyes - under the eyebrows and lower eyelid, using lighter shades of the corrector. Next, you need to paint the T-zone, chin, moving to the periphery.
- Cover cheeks, chin area and whiskey, thoroughly shading the foundation to smooth out the boundaries and transitions between the painted areas and the skin of natural color. Particular attention should be paid to the area along the hair growth line to avoid color gradation.
- To highlight certain areas, it is necessary to paint them with sparkling cream.
Video tutorials on performing makeup for beginners
You can get an even, beautiful face tone using a foundation, a corrector or concealer. Make-up artists recommend with particular scrupulousness to approach the choice of the means, that after using cosmetics, the skin looks as natural and natural as possible, which directly affects the overall look of the make-up. Equally important is the method of applying the cream, the use of special attributes, which helps to get a different result using the same tool. Watch the video tutorial on applying a foundation with various cosmetic accessories:
Tips for experienced make-up artists
Girls in any life situation want to look delightful - from the tips of the hair, the complexion and up to the attire. To know the nuances of creating a stylish make-up, women of fashion read magazines with the advice of make-up artists, follow fashion innovations and view hundreds of video lessons of famous bloggers. Using the secrets of applying a foundation, it is possible to correct the shape of the face, choosing the correct method of application and using the game of shades:
- Trapezoidal or triangular face - apply a light foundation shade, and cover the chin, whiskey and forehead with a darker color.
- Oval - to emphasize the ideal shape of the face, possibly painting the cheek zone from the cheeks to the temples with a darker color than the main tone.
- Round( full) - it is necessary to hide the completeness a little, it is possible to achieve this by using a dark base and staining the cheekbones, whiskey at the forehead, as shown in the picture:
- Rectangular or square - visually hide the "corners", gradually darkening the skin in the chin zoneand the triangular region of the cheeks.