Mask of gelatin and charcoal to cleanse the face of black dots: recipe

The problem of extended pores is familiar to most women, regardless of age and skin care procedures. External factors lead to clogging of the pore, which requires timely cleaning, otherwise there are acne. To solve this problem there are many cosmetic products and folk recipes - for example, gelatinous mask. Does it work?

How does a mask of activated carbon and gelatin

Judging by the number of female reviews, this is the most popular way to clean the clogged pores, suitable for everyone. With its help draw dirt from the pores of the nose, chin and more delicate areas of the face. In addition to cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing of the skin, prevention of acne and inflammation, clarification of pigmentation, general improvement of appearance are carried out. Why and how should the mask act from black dots with gelatin and charcoal? Everything is explained by the chemical properties of its composition:

  • Activated carbon is a sorbent collecting any dirt. Splitting these molecules, he sucks it into himself, locks, displays: this is how the cork is removed.
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  • Milk, which provides the mask with the right consistency, softens the aggressiveness of coal, removes inflammation.
  • Gelatin draws the remains of what was hidden behind the cork, nourishes the skin, regulates cellular metabolism, the level of collagen, is responsible for the adhesion of the working mass.
  • Clay, included in a number of recipes, acts as a product of antiseptic, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which are also involved in the appearance of acne.

To whom the activated carbon mask

is contraindicated The recipe is absolutely safe, suitable for almost everyone, but individual skin reaction to components is not excluded. Doctors advise to conduct a traditional test for allergy: after cooking and cooling, apply a spoonful of mixture on the wrist. If there is no redness, itching, hives, or other negative skin reactions within 4-6 hours, it is possible to apply coal mass to the face. Note that the mask of gelatin and coal is contraindicated in couperose, it does not apply to inflamed pimples, it can provoke desquamation during dehydration.

How to get rid of black dots using the

mask Contraindications have almost no recipe, however, certain precautions should be observed. For example, to monitor the freshness of ingredients, especially coal tablets, milk, which is not stored for long. Mask-film from black dots has some nuances in its use:

  • does not need to apply the composition to the whole face - only to the areas that need cleaning;
  • of the heated mixture must be allowed to cool down;
  • skin before the procedure you need to steam out - the pores will open, the dirt will stretch easier;
  • face mask made of gelatin is applied from the chin and up the massage lines, it is removed the same way;
  • , before applying the mixture, relax the face, especially if you are treating not only the nose;
  • film will be easier to remove, if you put the composition thick layer;
  • do not apply the compound under the eyes, so as not to provoke peeling of this area.

Mask made of coal and gelatin

According to the classic recipes, the mass is a medium liquid, so it is recommended to take a dense brush with synthetic nap for its distribution in the face. The budget option is easy to find in the store for artists. There are 2 simple recipes:

  • The basic version of a mask of gelatin and charcoal helps normal and dry skin to fight with clogged pores: 3 spoons of milk - 6 spoonfuls of gelatin powder, 2 crushed tablets of coal. Mix, warm, let gelatin swell. Cool, apply on face. Keep until completely cooled.
  • The version of the mask for owners of oily skin - on the water. Pour 2 spoonfuls of gelatin with cold water( 1 spoonful), wait a quarter of an hour. Add a tablet of crushed coal, make a gruel, warm in a microwave.

Gelatin face mask with coal and clay

This method of cleansing is already focused on girls with oily skin, very frequent rashes, constantly clogged pores. Such a dense mask from black dots with activated carbon will help maintain a good appearance of the facial skin, if applied regularly, twice a week. Choose clay depending on the type of skin: black for severe problems, pink for sensitive, green and blue for normal.

  1. Rastoloch coal tablet, mixed with a spoon of clay and gelatin.
  2. Pour water, adding it almost drop by drop - it is important to track the consistency of the mask: it should resemble a dough for pancakes.
  3. Insist the mixture, apply on the washed face.
  4. After half an hour, remove the mask with a cotton disc.
  5. Close pores with a piece of ice from herbal decoction.

Video: cleansing mask against black dots


Yana, 21 year : This is awesome! Such a simple recipe and such a crazy effect - next to it there were no useless cosmetics. The gelatin mask against the black dots became my salvation: I do it every week, after I steam up my face. I did not realize that penny-products could draw so much dirt from the pores.

Olesya, 26 : Periodically I visit the beautician for the sake of cleansing, and in between this I try to maintain the skin condition on my own. Home recipes do not like, but the mask with charcoal and gelatin works well. The main condition is to start it right after cleaning, for 3-4 days. And do it regularly until the pores are too tight.

Karina, 20 years : A mask of gelatin and coal saves my money, which I used to spend on frequent trips to a cosmetologist. To maintain a good kind of skin has become easier, acne less often. I use the basic recipe( milk + coal + gelatin), but I impose in several layers, I hold half an hour. While I smear my nose, my chin has already grasped, it is possible to apply the mask again.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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