Our society pays a lot of attention to the signs of the zodiac, the year, the day and the time of birth.
We read horoscopes, predictions, carefully choose a suit and make a menu to "correctly" meet the Chinese New Year, which the Chinese themselves come much later.
But we almost do not pay attention to human blood.
And absolutely in vain! After the nature of the blood group can be determined with greater accuracy than, for example, by the sign of the zodiac.
In modern Japan, this is the real cult. It is possible that soon Japanese fashion will come to us.
The nature of the blood group is not the new teaching
Do you know your blood type and its Rh factor? Then you are well done, because not everyone can boast of such informativeness.
Why does this happen?
Because we know too little about how blood and its group affect human nature, our habits, taste preferences, abilities, and so on.
But this is so interesting!
Investigating the influence of the blood group on the character of a person
It seems incredible that as early as the end of the 19th century, neither scientists nor physicians had the faintest idea that there are people with different blood, more precisely, with different groups.
For the first time complete research was conducted by Karl Landsteiner in the early twentieth century. He managed to distinguish three groups.
His research was continued by many scientists - the most famous being the Czech Jan Jansky, who made the discovery of the fourth group.
Thanks to these studies, we received a modern classification:
But if the first studies were carried out in a scientific way, then to help physicians save people, the subsequent ones already began to be given some scientific racism.
The first hypothesis that the blood group affects the character of a person was put forward by the Japanese. Hirano, Yasima, Fourkawa and others in the late 1920s argued that some people are more intelligent, honest, calm, reliable( in general, good in all respects) precisely because they have the blood of the "right" group.
Then their teachings were branded as unscientific.
Later Nazis with their treatises on "Aryan blood" and "higher race" finally drove such studies underground until the 1970s.
It was in 1971 that the Japanese journalist Nomi( who did not have a medical education, by the way) wrote a book "You are what your blood group is".
The book became megapopular in Japan, although scientists tried to appeal to the mind of readers, speaking about the antiscience of the publication, no one listened to them.
Japan was seized by a maniacal desire to learn how blood affects a person's character. Interest in this topic they retained after almost half a century.
Why do the Japanese think that blood type and character are inseparable?
It can not be said that the Japanese are so wrong in their beliefs that blood and character have much in common.
Many scientists agree that it's not right to divide people into races, and this division is relatively young, when compared with the fact that the blood flowed in the first person, but the division into races and nationalities arose much later.
Blood affects not only the character of a person, but also its gastronomic features, health status, propensity to allergies and much more.
For example, an African with a first group and a positive Rh factor has much more in common with a European, which also has an I +, than his fellow countryman, whose blood group, for example, III-.
This is what the Japanese insist on, paying so much attention to the blood groups( Jap. 血液 型 Ketsuikigata) and their impact on the human character.
Japanese women, choosing a couple, entrepreneurs looking for a partner, employers, forming a team, are not interested in who you are by the sign of the zodiac, in what year and under the influence of which planet was born, and what group you have blood and how it affectson your character.
This is dedicated to the huge articles not only in glossy magazines, but also in scientific collections. And let the rest of the world( and many Japanese scientists, by the way) are somewhat skeptical about this mania of the Japanese, they stand on their own.
Blood type and character: how does it work?
Modern classification is 4 blood groups that affect a lot on that, including - and on the human character.
4 blood groups | | media names | media number Number of media in the | ratio Which group is best compatible | Which one is best to become |
I( 0) | Hunters | 40-50% | Compatible with all but perfect with second or third | Banker, top manager, lawyer, event organizer | |
II( A) | Farmer | 30-40% | With all but the fourth | Teacher, doctor, scientist, salesman or other service representative | |
III( B) | Nomad | 10-20% | With the first andfourth | Inventor, archivist, diplomat, librarian | |
IV( AB) | Philosopher | 5% | With the fourth and first | Inventor, archivist, diplomat, librarian |
Influence of the I blood group on the human character.
People who have the first group are usually called hunters for a reason, but because they have a whole range of qualities and characteristics that distinguish them from others.
People who have I blood type, differ in their character traits:
- Can manage themselves even in stressful situations.
- Do not be afraid to take the initiative in difficult situations and try on the leader's yellow jersey.
- Aspire to their goal, not paying much attention to obstacles.
- Energetic in life and often have time to do more than others.
- Do not pass before the enemy, but bravely rush at him.
- Ambitious enough, so they are trying to make a career and achieve great success in life.
- Quickly learn something new, so it's easy to change one job to another - both studies and professional activities are given to them relatively easily.
- Do not like monotony, so many travel.
- They like to tickle their nerves, that's why they often engage in extreme sports.
- Are sociable, easily get acquainted with new people, have many friends.
What to say on the first date
To the shortcomings of first-class members can be attributed:
- excessive sharpness, quick temper, straightforwardness and authoritarianism;
- desire to do everything at once, from which quality suffers;
- reluctance to bring many things to the end.
If you have the first group, then most of all, you are susceptible to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergies.
II blood type and the nature of its owners.
The second most popular bloody blood - II.Its carriers are usually called farmers( sometimes the name is used).
People with a second blood group have such characteristics of character:
- Calm, restrained and tolerated can not participate in quarrels and fights.
- They lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not like changes in their being too much.
- Patiently perform even the most tedious work.
- Easily find a common language even with unpleasant personalities - brawlers, whiners, etc.
- Conscientiously relate to the performance of even the most minor task.
- Maintain order in the home and at their workplace, always clean and tidy.
- Set up friendly to everyone without exception.
- Demanding to themselves, but also from others expect full return.
- Always ready to help, do not brush aside the problems of close people.
- Thriftly treat money, they know how to save money, they cook well, they know how to do a lot with their own hands, so people often say about people with the second group: "A good housewife, a good owner."
Purposefulness: simple ways to become single-minded!
- stubbornness;
- inability to rest and relax;
- heavy lifting.
Second-groupers can not be called healthy - they often get sick. They have a weakened nervous system, quickly catch cold, can suffer from diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular, hepatic and oncological diseases.
What should the owners of the III blood group know about their character?
If you have a third group, then you have the character of a nomad or wanderer. You:
- Easily adapt to new circumstances and are not afraid to move from place to place in search of a better life.
- Quite emotional, sometimes - even to your detriment.
- Without piety, treat traditions, but adore everything new.
- Endowed with imaginative thinking, good imagination, creative vein, creativity.
- Independent in making decisions and do not go on about someone else's opinion.
- Ready to rush into battle, if you see injustice, are capable of a feat.
- Most likely, you have good manners and know how to pretend to be a reserved person when you need it.
- You give with passion to the business that you like to do.
- Do not be afraid to fight with enemies and change circumstances in a better way for yourself.
- You are a sensual lover and reliable friend for your second half.
How to find your calling?
- impermanence in character, habits, mood, which introduces into the stupor of others;
- attempts to escape to the fantasy world;
- increased demand for other people.
Usually the third group has good health and they do not suffer from chronic diseases. The only thing you need to do is eat right, enough to rest and periodically check blood for sugar.
Characteristics of the nature of people with IV blood group.
The fourth group is the youngest, if compared with others. The conditional name for its carriers is philosophers.
IV group combines the character traits that characterize the first three:
- Good leadership and organizational skills.
- Ability to gather in a responsible and difficult time.
- Sufficient level of diplomacy to conduct complex negotiations.
- Well-developed intuition and even - the presence of extrasensory abilities.
- Good balance of rationality and emotionality.
- Communicative, which allows you not to experience difficulties with finding friends.
- Internal Intelligence and Tactfulness.
- Fragment in relation to those who offended you.
- Developed imaginative thinking, which often leads to unexpected, but very useful discoveries.
- Multifaceted personality and sharp mind.
- difficulties in making decisions;
- constant internal conflict;
- a kind of stupidity.
In terms of health, the IV group is people who often suffer from infections and colds, but at the same time cope with them quickly enough.
How does a blood group affect a person's character? Look in the video:
You do not have to believe that you can determine character by blood group .But, you see, there is a certain amount of truth in this.