How not to fall into depression: advice of a psychologist

Depression is a fashionable word today that can explain its bad mood, indulging bad habits, bad character traits and even laziness.

Indeed, he said: "Stop, I have depression!" And no more questions for you.

No, I do not in any way deny the presence of this( very serious, by the way) mental illness.

You just need to be able to distinguish the usual melancholy from depression, because the methods of neutralizing them are completely different.

And also remember that from the first to the second - just one step, so you should know the recipes, how not to fall into depression , even if it seems that the whole world has turned against you?

What is depression and what is its classification?

Depression is a serious enough mental disorder, the most common one today.

It suffers from over 100 million people, and in fact the statistics cover only recorded cases.

The most sad people live in North Africa and the Middle East.

There is good news: Ukrainians do not even enter the top twenty countries with depressed citizens.

instagram viewer

Although this is more likely due to the fact that Ukrainians simply do not have the habit of contacting specialists.

They prefer to consult at the best with the pharmacist, at worst - with the neighbor Zina, who was helped by these yellow tablochochki.. ..

What are they from?

Yes of everything!

Depression has pronounced symptoms that allow it to be distinguished among other diseases:

  • understated self-esteem;
  • insomnia;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • distorted perception of reality;
  • inability to experience joy, often in a bad mood;
  • motor retardation;
  • change in the food system: a person completely loses appetite or vice versa;
  • daily apathy;
  • reluctance to engage in the usual activities;Alcohol abuse and other.

If for a long time your friend or relative can not get out of depression - then it's time to help him!

Diagnosing a disease in itself is much more difficult, it's easier to know how not to fall into depression .

3 common types of depression:

  1. Endogenous is the most serious type of disease associated with biochemical changes in the brain.
  2. Seasonal - appears due to lack of sun in the middle of autumn and usually passes in the second half of spring.
  3. Reactive - an overly emotional reaction of the human body to a tragic event.

The first type lends itself only to prolonged medical treatment, but with the second and third people are quite able to cope on their own.

Moreover, if you know how not to fall into depression, despite the weather outside the window and the life turmoil, then there will be no need to fight this disease.

How to overcome depression: 5 tips

Even a few decades ago, Soviet doctors completely refused to recognize the existence of such a disease.

The society was also implacable towards the sufferers, considering the symptoms of depression as a manifestation of weakness!

Indeed, strong people are more difficult to succumb to this mental illness, but even more refined natures have a chance never to to fall into the depression of .

So, for this you need:

  1. Be able to see pleasant little things.

    My ex-colleague Diana, her inexhaustible optimism surprises everyone around.

    I never heard from her complaints about rain, crowd in public transport, torn pantyhose and stuff. She always knows how to find good even in hopeless situations.

    Is it rainy or slushy outside the window? Great, then, the earth will get enough moisture to give a good harvest!

    Without a reason, the chief shouted? It's okay, he's also a man and he can have a bad mood.

    The heel on the boots is gone? No problem, there will be an occasion to buy a new thing.

    And so on - to infinity!

    Do not believe it, but even the death of her grandmother, she met with a philosophical calm in the style: "We'll all be there. She has lived an interesting life, she was a good person and will definitely go to heaven! "

    I always try to talk with Diana quite often, at least a couple of words to get a positive charge!😀

  2. Filter the bad information.

    Yes, the world is not perfect.

    Every day a huge number of people die, most of whom are not guilty of anything.

    Wars, natural disasters, epidemics, crimes, homeless animals - the list can be continued indefinitely.

    Can you help them all?


    And if you panic, surround yourself with one pessimism, then this will improve the world?


    So it can not be plunged into all this negative?

    If you really want to be useful, do charity work, work as a volunteer.

    First, you'll feel right.

    And secondly, you will not have time for bad thoughts.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome - effective fighting methods!

  3. Do not take more than you can carry.

    Sometimes depression is caused by banal fatigue. ..

    The desire to earn quickly and much, to save all loved ones from problems, to help everyone and everything leads to the fact that a person can not stand and break!

    If you feel that you can not carry this load any more, shift something onto the shoulders of others or simply - throw away something that you do not need!

  4. Take care of yourself.

    Do you know the simplest way, how to drive away the depression of ?

    takes care of itself!

    Your accommodation should be as comfortable as possible, food - balanced.

    You must sleep and rest enough to allow the body to recover.

    You must give food not only to your body, but to the mind.

    You can not neglect the care of yourself: watch the figure, beautifully dress, do not despise the makeup and visits to the beautician, hairdresser, manicurist and pedicure.

    Pamper yourself sometimes with something delicious or unexpected purchase!

  5. Listen to special audio from depression!

    Until recently, special audio tracks from depression developed by experienced psychologists began to be very popular.

  6. Love your life!

    Do you think that Vasya's neighbor lives much better?

    Eh, I'll surprise you: Vasya envies his friend Petya.

    And so - in a circle.

    Do not try on someone else's fate on yourself.

    Each person is unique, it has both pleasant moments and difficulties.

    With some you can fight, but some tests you just need to withstand with dignity.

    We can only live one life and it's too short to spend it on all sorts of rubbish depression!

Are you still confident that you are depressed?

I recommend to see an interesting speech by Oleg Torsunov,

who advises

how else to overcome this lousy state!

These simple guidelines will help you overcome the depression of and live life in complete harmony with yourself and with the world.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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