6 rules how to achieve harmony in relationships

So tell me what do you mean by the words: harmony in the relationship?. ..( do not be lazy and express your opinions in the comments under this article). ..

So, harmony, as if in the philosophical sense, it is the consistency of opposing, and often even conflictingelements.

To the relationship between a man and a woman - this definition is very suitable!

It is difficult to meet two identical people, and in pairs, and at all, people of the opposite nature are mostly connected.

It's not difficult to explain - a person complements himself with those qualities that he himself is deprived of.

Here's an example:

  • if a woman is contact, easy to communicate, always positively tuned, then next to her, as a rule, a more calm, silent man;
  • if a man is generous, easily parted with money, then his half is likely to carefully save every penny;
  • if a man is explosive, quickly lights up with new ideas, easily hurts, then he will look for a woman calm, balanced.

That's right!

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How to achieve harmony in the relationship - 6 recommendations

The pairing is similar to puzzles - where one has a notch, the other has a ledge.

And, despite the difference in character, temperament and preferences, such people can perfectly live together for many years.

Moreover, it is these families that live in harmony.

It's hard to imagine how long two people could have lived together that break out over each word.

However, the mismatch of characters also makes itself felt.

Insults accumulate, quarrels break out, a tense atmosphere is created in the house.

And after all only with comfort - harmonious relations are possible.

In order for none of the couple to feel uncomfortable in a relationship, that a joint life was pleasant and convenient for both, and therefore harmonious, there are some rules.

To be with someone without love and understanding, just out of fear of loneliness - will not save you from spiritual anguish! Look for your man, with whom you will share absolute harmony and comfort even in a quarrel!

  1. Do not think only of yourself.

    Of course, some time a selfish person will tolerate him, but sooner or later he will find someone who appreciates him more. And it's ridiculous to talk about comfort with an egoist.

  2. Discuss your problems.

    Not often loved ones immediately say that they are offended, prefer politics "but let him guess", or ignore small grievances.

    The unspoken accumulates, there is irritation, and even anger, and all this results in a major quarrel, the cause of which are small oversights, which you did not want to talk about at one time.

    Therefore, it is very important to discuss all the issues and questions that have been discussed and solved immediately.

    You can not save anger for a loved one.

  3. Learn to trust.

    Controlling every step of your half, humiliating interrogations, skewing mistrustful looks, showing jealousy - express a clear disrespect for the partner.

    This inevitably leads to a protest, to a quarrel.

  4. The ability to forgive.

    No insurance against errors.

    If you value your relatives and plan to live with him a long happy life, you need to learn how to forgive.

    And, one word "forgive" is absolutely not enough.

    Forgive, therefore, forget the offense, strike it out of your life.

    No more reminders, reproaches, caustic remarks should no longer be.

    Understand, to live forever guilty with you no one will be!

  5. Overall goal.

    You may have different interests, different interests, but there must always be one common goal, common cause!

    Your interests somewhere must overlap, otherwise it often happens so - the children grew up and the family broke up.

    That is, there was a common goal - to put the children on their feet, as soon as it became, it became clear that the couple does not unite anything else.

    And it was not a pair at all, but some kind of caricature. ..

  6. How to improve relations in the family?

  7. Life.

    Life very often destroys family unions, not only their harmonious relationship .

    It is important to properly allocate responsibilities to each other from the very beginning, and most importantly - do not let household squabbles take up!

We look obligatory!🙂

Oleg Torsunov is talking about what harmony is in a relationship!

There are many more tips, how to achieve harmony in the relationship , however, even adhering to the above rules, you can avoid big mistakes.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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