Anthocyan forte is an effective assistant for vision problems

An effective and effective remedy for eye problems is the biologically active additive Antocian forte.

The presence in its composition of active components replenishes the reserve in the body of the necessary substances.

This preparation is available in the form of round tablets of dark purple or light purple color with impregnations covered with a transparent coating.

Tablets of 0.4 g are packed in blisters of 10 pieces. The carton contains 30 tablets.

Antocian forte tablets are sweet and sour taste and do not have a pronounced odor.

    • 1. Composition of the preparation
    • 2. Pharmacological action of the preparation
    • 3. Application of the preparation
    • 4. Contraindications to the use and side effects of the preparation
    • 5. Prices for the preparation
    • 6. Analogues of the preparation
    • 7. Reviews

Shelf lifethe drug is 2 years. Do not use this product after the expiration date indicated on the package.

The drug should be stored in a sheltered, dark, dry place at room temperature.

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Anthocyan forte is not a drug, so it is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. Before using this medication, you should consult your doctor. The composition of the preparation includes the following components:

  • anthocyans of blueberry,
  • black currant anthocyanins,
  • proanthocyanidins of the bones of red grape varieties,
  • vitamin B2( or riboflavin),
  • vitamin C( or ascorbic acid),
  • vitamin PP( or nicotinicacid),
  • zinc.

Pharmacological action of the preparation

See the price for Vitrum Vizhn Fort. Also in the article detailed instructions of the drug, its useful properties and contraindications, customer reviews.

In the article( link) about popular and effective analogues of cream from eye diseases - Demalan. Comparison of pharmacological properties and price range.

The action of the Antocian forte is based on the action of its individual components:

  • Anthocyanins of blueberries are able to penetrate and accumulate in the retina and other tissues of the eye. They have a strong antioxidant effect and neutralize the negative effects of free radicals. They also protect the vessels, reduce their permeability and fragility, help in case of diabetic retinopathy, normalize intraocular pressure and outflow of fluid inside the eye for glaucoma.
  • The black currant anthocyanins differ from the anthocyanins of blueberries in composition and function. They have greater antioxidant activity, thereby increasing the effect of blueberry anthocyanins under high eye strain.
  • The bone proanthocyanidins of red grape varieties are similar in construction to anthocyanins, but have greater bioavailability and antioxidant activity. They increase the elasticity of blood vessels, increase visual acuity and contrast between images in people constantly working at the computer, normalize intraocular pressure, accelerate dark adaptation.
  • Riboflavin and nicotinic acid ( vitamins B2 and PP), when combined, can enhance their effect. Their use contributes to the prevention of cataract development, treatment and prevention of "night blindness", to improve adaptation in the dark after bright flashes of light.
  • Ascorbic acid promotes the constant presence of rhodopsin pigment in the retina, reduces damages and permeability of capillaries( which is most important for diabetic retinopathy), helps in the prevention and treatment of glaucoma and cataract, and also when glaucoma reduces intraocular pressure.
  • Zinc has an antioxidant effect, and also enhances the effect of other antioxidants. Without zinc, vitamin A is worse absorbed, which makes vision worse in the dark. With the help of zinc, the risk of senile macular degeneration of the retina is reduced, impulse transmission through the optic nerves improves, the risk of degeneration of the optic nerve decreases.

The components of the Antocian Fort product complement each other's work, provide a high antioxidant effect of the drug, as well as protect the eye's structures: the retina, capillaries, and the lens.

Anthocyanin forte should be used as an additional source of anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, PP vitamins, B2 and C, and zinc for:

  • diabetic retinopathy( eye damage in diabetes mellitus),
  • cataract,
  • glaucoma( to reduce intraocular pressure),
  • of macular degenerationretina of the eye,
  • myopia of any degree,
  • with weak night and twilight vision, as well as disturbance of dark adaptation,
  • high eye strain when reading, working with computer or video monitor,
  • constantlym driving a car in the dark to minimize the blinding effect of headlights of oncoming vehicles.

Application of the preparation

Before using any complex of vitamins, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose the optimal combination of components for you, which means that you will choose a certain drug.

The drug is recommended for adults to take 1 or 2 tablets per day with a large amount of liquid. Duration of admission is 2 months, but the number of courses of use is unlimited. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Contraindications to the use and side effects of the drug

The only contraindication to the use of the drug Antocyan forte is the individual intolerance of some of its components.

No adverse effects were observed when the instructions were followed and the drug was used in the approved doses.

No data are available on the interaction of this drug with other agents. Before using the drug Anthocyan forte together with other medicines, you need to get a doctor's consultation.

The prices for the preparation

The average price for a pack of 30 tablets Anthocyan forte in Russian pharmacies varies depending on the location of a particular pharmacy and the date of manufacture of the drug from 280 to 330 rubles.

In the pharmacies of Ukraine, the average price for the same drug is about 200 hryvnia, which is higher than its value in Russia.

Further on the eye ointment, the analog of Blepharogel - Demazol. Is the analogue of the original better?

Detailed instructions( here) about the complex preparation - Blueberry Fort.

How to prevent glaucoma? Analogues of the preparation

Often the main analogue of the drug is considered to be Blueberry forte, but Antocian forte differs significantly from it with a large number of active ingredients in the composition and used in the manufacture of the latest technology.

An analogue with exactly the same composition, ideally suited for the treatment of eye diseases in diabetes, does not exist. If the drug is used to relieve fatigue and prevent some other eye disorders, you might think of using the following vitamin complexes:

  • Complivit Ophthalmo,
  • Lutein complex,
  • Okuvait Lutein,
  • Nutrof Total, etc.


Reviews about the action of the drug Antocian forte are presentedbelow.

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