Motivation of staff

The main and most important resource in the company is, undoubtedly, people.

To ensure that employees work effectively, they need to constantly motivate something.

Motivation of personnel is one of the most important ways to increase the efficiency of work inside the company!

One of the most effective schemes of is the development of personnel - it is considered and will be considered a "result motivation".

This means that employees are paid material rewards for any specific achievements in the company.

Thus, the company improves its performance and raises profits, but the employee increases his money capital depending on his own efforts.

What are the methods for motivating staff?

  1. Motivation material:
    • premium,
    • various bonuses,
    • increase in wages;
  2. Motivation intangible:
    • written or verbal praise from management,
    • handy work schedule,
    • career and professional growth,
    • seminars and training,
    • corporate parties;
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Motivation is individual:

    any employee has specific goals and specific needs, so the individual approach is most effective.

Also development of personnel implies its specificity for each position.

Motivation of staff. How to motivate a marketer?

If you consider the motivation of marketers, then everything is not enough.

According to the management, the marketer does not produce anything, but only brings a large amount of costs in the form of the requested advertising budget.

It turns out that the goods remain on the shelves for one simple reason - the unnecessary commodity to the market.

The production director successfully fulfilled his desires and did not even think of consulting with the marketing department.

In this situation, no external or media advertising can not save!

To correct the situation - it is necessary to give certain powers to the marketing department in making independent decisions about the promotion of a new product range to the market.

This will be an excellent incentive.

Another option for motivating the marketing department is when the company is working on a system, the so-called Hubbard system.

The remuneration of an individual employee depends on the company's total cash profit.

For example, depending on a particular position, skill level, work experience, etc.the official units are defined.

For example, the main top manager - 250, the chief accountant - 150, the marketer 120, the sales manager - 80.

All received total cash profit of the company( minus all current costs) is divided by the sum of all the official units and is distributed independing on the position of the employee.

Motivation of staff. How to motivate sales managers?

For today, there are two bonus systems for sales managers.

The first system is the promotion of premiums to the sales volume of a particular employee.

"Only two incentives force people to work: a hunger for wage and a fear of losing it."
Henry Ford

The second system is a link to profit.

It is difficult to determine the relevance and effectiveness of a particular system.

The choice is made depending on the specifics of the company's activities.

Another way to motivate sales managers is to "fight" with other managers.

That is a kind of competition, who will sell most.

Of course, with this reward should be tangible.

Motivation of staff. How to motivate a logistics manager?

There is the following scheme of motivation: 30% salary is a salary, the remaining 70% is premium.

What can be the indicators of bonuses, rewards?

  1. does not reduce inventory levels to the established level;
  2. accurate and believable information on the number of assortments of certain products presented to managers;
  3. rapidity of inventory planning by quantity, as well as by assortment;
  4. timeliness of delivery of products.

Each of the criteria sets its share in percentage.

A full premium is 100% fulfillment of the prescribed and established criteria, failure to meet 1-2 criteria deprives the premium of a certain share.

If none of the criteria is met, the premium is not paid.

But motivation of personnel should not be limited to material reward.

The internal emotional state of an employee is also very important.

It varies depending on the success of the work done.

If there is a success in the work, then the mood is uplifted, if the failure is the opposite.

Depending on this, there is progress in work or regress.

It is important for an employee to feel progress in their professional activities.

The task of the manual is simple enough - to use everything to support progress and eliminate everything that leads to failure.

For an employee of intellectual work - this can be elementary professional support from a colleague or management.

This year, an interesting poll the largest site in Ukraine for finding work and employees) in social networks was held from 03/05/2013 on 12/12/2013.

500 respondents from Ukraine participated in this survey.

What is the most effective way to motivate staff?

With this it turns out that 67.2% of Ukrainians( and this is more than half) consider the best system of motivation of personnel is a cash reward.

Supervisors, To your note:

be sure to check out the informative video about

how to motivate your staff!

Dear employers, draw conclusions and are encouraged by your valuable employees!

Because only on their work depends the success and promotion of your company!

  • Mar 04, 2018
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