Many people have always asked and asked the same question:
« Why am I poor ?Why is one lucky in life and they are rich, and others poor? "
The psychology of poverty can easily be compared with the same lung cancer, with the same family treason!
The problem of poor people is that they have a certain way of thinking, which is VERY much different from the way of thinking of rich people!
So, the most important thing is the state of your mind, the state of your thoughts!
Poverty will back away from you and run away if you change the whole course of your thoughts!
It has always been clear how twice two that a man who is born in certain conditions of life, he adopts all customs, laws, traditions from the same society with which he lives.
Rich people and the poor, very different concepts about the world, it's only in appearance It seems to you that we are all the same people and all equally deserve the same happiness!
But, the very wealth is created by the person himself - from him and only on him depends - whether he will be poor, or rich!
We write our own destiny - REMEMBER THIS!
Every second person is just sure that if he was born in a poor family, then everything can be crossed on him, as he will live his own future life in his own poverty.
But everyone judges by himself!
Unfortunately, not everyone can get out of poverty thoughts and switch to thoughts of a rich and independent person!
You know, it's a whole art to think like a rich man, this is an infinite knowledge of oneself-and it's worth it!
Poverty is not karma, you can easily get out of it, just need to pull yourself together and FORWARD - search, search, and search for possible business ideas !
By the way, I want to advise you an article that will be very useful for you, I hope it will give you a couple of fresh business ideas , from which you probably will start your business: Ideas for business
You do not need to look with open mouth when the richpeople conduct their business, what moves they are taking to the next breakdown of the gold money - it's just a technical aspect!
The most important thing is always to follow the thoughts of rich people, watch - this is very important!
I hope you know the fate of the famous Rockefeller?
So, he himself rose from the bottom poverty due to his sharp mind and logical thinking, he used his talent to be in the right place, at the right time!
10 recipes, how to get rid of the laziness
He spent most of his money contributions on charity, and what is most interesting - it's the poor people who despised him!
He once created a monopoly and many people deprived of all means for further existence.
The fact that he was despised by the majority - and there is a fundamental error, because they valued the person by deeds, appropriated to him the price tags of morality, and immorality, and then they were picking up their nose and praising themselves for their kindness and honor!
And what in the end? Do you have a penny in your pocket?
Tear your nose and wash away on the bones of successful people 🙂
You sit there in front of your TV, and curse the rich, in that they allegedly do not allow you to live peacefully!
Brew on in your grievances - I hope that you will get full pleasure from this life, and psychology of poverty will always live with you. 😉
Today we need to start from other rules, sorry, we are not living in the USSR, so we need torely only on themselves, and not listen to grandmothers near the front door, as they chew on all the wealthy people!
All problems in life - we create for ourselves, and we also created the poverty of !
Make a new decision!
NEVER, Hear, NEVER blame others for their own troubles and problems!
You yourself have chosen your life, which means you yourself want to live it exactly as it is at the moment!
And if, for example, some "bad uncle" has deprived you of honest money, then spit on him and head proudly up, think, create new ideas, reflect!
The psychology of poverty is your wrong thinking!
And as long as you think like a poor man - you will never have money!
Always try to look at your problems on the new side, by dampening your emotions a little - look at it without charges!
If life has pushed you with a very serious problem - breathe in deeper and with a smile accept it!
So it is so necessary, it means that you need to solve it, then fate itself wants to test you and see whether you are weak or not, whether you will easily surrender, or still squeeze your fist and go into battle?
This is an additional experience - and it will only benefit you.
Life is a very patient thing, and it will wait for your decision as long as you need it!
So do not rush, but carefully think over each decision!
A video that tells us about the 12 rules of wealth
guided by John Rockefeller:
I agree that immediately new and fresh thoughts, a new consciousness of a rich man in one day will not be born!
Initially, it takes a long way to go, but it will be very interesting, albeit difficult!
You will need to overcome your fears, while you need to earn a living and find strength every day a little bit to change your thoughts, initially in a positive direction.