How to increase intelligence: effective methods

There are a lot of smart people, but you do not meet intellectuals in modern life very often.

But when you meet them, you will recognize them unmistakably.

For sure among your acquaintances there is at least one person who can answer virtually any question whose mental abilities really amaze.

Did you sigh while talking to him: " How to increase the intelligence of to become the same"?

If yes, then this article will certainly help you achieve what you want.

Smart, wise, intelligent - are these concepts identical?

Actually, no. Despite the fact that all three values ​​imply the work of the brain, they have significant differences.

Smart, in my opinion, a person is born.

Each of us measured its own number of brain convolutions and cells( you understand that I am now speaking figuratively, right?), Which is why someone studies is incredibly easy, and someone daily spends many hours to study to keep upfrom peers.

But even if you were born an intelligent person, this does not mean that you are guaranteed success.

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The mind is very easy to make a useless organ without feeding it with healthy information, killing with alcohol and nicotine, stupefying serials and tabloid reading.

Wisdom is to see the very essence of things, to find a way out of difficult situations, to compromise, when it is needed, etc.

In order to be wise, it is not necessary to graduate from universities and receive a degree.

Many grandmothers have exactly the wisdom of the world, although their education often leaves much to be desired.

Wisdom is more characteristic of older people, but sometimes nature rewards it with sonship.

I once met a stunning six-year-old baby - her reasoning and attitude to life would envy any adult.

How to improve brain function?

But intellect is a broader concept, which is denoted as a person's ability to use the knowledge he receives, and the totality of all the abilities of a person that he can use to learn something new.

For a long time it was believed that the techniques, , how to develop the intellect , do not make sense, since a person is either born with a remarkable mind or not.

However, intellectuals( people who by their own efforts have expanded the possibilities of their minds) have proved the opposite.

How to increase intelligence? Get rid of his main enemies!

It often happens that a person seems to be ready to work, and reads some books correctly, and studies the dictionary of scientific terms to be able to trump a tricky word on occasion, and bought solid glasses - and the result is far from expected.

Already all the clever advice from the articles " How to improve the intellect " failed intellectual used, but still, something is not right.

People often do not understand that before committing to work, it is necessary to exclude everything that prevents.

It's like, for example, regularly visit the gym in the hope of losing weight, but, at the same time, continue to overeat pies and sweets for the night.

With the trainings of the mind just as well.

"Intellectuals fall into two categories: some worship intellect, others use it."
Gilbert Chesterton

The main enemies of intelligence are:

  1. TV.

    This is generally a serious foe of all good: several normal channels and a small fraction of useful gear are lost in tons of garbage.

    Generally, exclude him from his life - a movie or a program can be seen on the Internet.

  2. Underdelivery

    Our brain needs 8 hours of sleep - this truth has not yet been denied by any of the doctors.

    And healthy is a dream when a person goes to bed early and gets up early.

    Do not torture yourself with illusions that I'm supposed to sleep for a couple of hours a day in the middle of the week, and then I'll catch up on the weekend.

    You are slowly but surely destroying your gray matter, and you are certainly not going to become an intellectual.

  3. Bad food.

    Yes, yes!

    Excess animal fat and sugar, flour, desserts, smoked me, I'm keeping quiet about the nasty things like chips and poisonous lemonades in plastic bottles, absolutely useless for your brains.

    They need fish of fatty varieties, cereals, lots of vegetables and fruits, nuts, dried fruits, greens.

    Products for the brain: TOP-10 products for the brain

  4. Physical passivity.

    First, exercises increase brain productivity( this is a scientifically proven fact), and secondly, they are already tired of these faded spineless intellectuals and faded shapeless intellectuals.

    It's time to change the tradition!

  5. Laziness.

    Well, with this enemy, in my opinion, everything is clear.

    Those who want to develop intelligence should forget the phrases: "Oh, I do not want today, I'll do tomorrow", "So reluctant to read, I'll better watch TV", "Laziness to go to foreign language courses, I'd better lie down at home", etc.

How to develop intelligence: 5 simple ways to

To increase your intellectual abilities is much easier than you think.

You do not need to spend a lot of money, you do not need to drink any medications, you do not have to exhaust yourself with long training sessions.

You can increase the intelligence with:

  1. Books.

    Read as much as possible: both specialized literature, and scientific, and memoirs, and biographies, and fiction.

    So you will accumulate enough knowledge to be able to support conversation in any society.

    But love novels and primitive detectives from the modern series, hand over today to recycled paper.

  2. Learning foreign languages.

    First, such knowledge will always be useful, for example, during a trip abroad.

    Secondly, the study of foreign words perfectly trains the brains and improves their abilities.

    In addition, knowledge of several foreign languages ​​will help you find a good job.

  3. Puzzles, chess, solitaire and other educational games.

    They perfectly train logical thinking, make gray matter move, improve memory and concentration of attention.

    The earlier a child gets acquainted with developing games, the better for him, but for adults this technique is also effective.

  4. Lessons in exact sciences.

    Alas, ah, the humanities, but it is mathematics, physics and other exact sciences that can improve the intelligence of .

    If you are too late to get a higher education or you are quite happy with your profession and do not want to change it, then do math as an amateur: solve problems, go to the profile circle.

    Learn how to perfectly compose and subtract - even the most crafty saleswoman will not be able to cheat you.

    And do you know how to measure your level of intelligence?

    Passed the IQ test at school / university / when hiring?

    Or do you think that this is all nonsense? Let's understand!

    Enjoying the video:

  5. A lot of useful information every day.

    Your brain must constantly work and be in an active state.

    Do not let it atrophy and overgrow with weeds.

    Then these thickets will be difficult to uproot.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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