Fairy tale therapy

Do you like fairy tales the way I like them?

I am convinced that any fairy tale can not be regarded as a fictitious story for unintentional children.

In any even the shortest text, the code is encrypted, which helps to fight fears, find your dream, learn to hinder difficult life circumstances, find answers to interesting questions.

Psychologists have long understood that it is possible to treat people with the help of a fairy tale, and the method came to light, which suits both small patients and those who have matured for a long time.

What is skazkoterapiya?

If I were asked which of the most ancient, most harmless and most pleasant methods of psychotherapy, I would have thought without hesitation: "Fairy-tale therapy, that is - behavior correction or full-fledged treatment with the help of a fairy tale."

After all many, many centuries ago, our ancestors told their children stories that shaped their worldview, helped to get rid of phobias, to understand what is good and what is bad.

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I'm sure that among my readers there are those who have experienced the full effectiveness of fairy tale therapy.

My mom, for example, used this method with might and main.

When I did a little bad thing, I was not punished by traditional methods( screams, belt, corner), I was told a fairy tale.

Mom took an already existing fairy tale or adapted the finished story to my situation, or even made up her fairy tale and told it to me, explaining for the sake of completeness the effect why the main character did bad.

These methods worked much better than cursing or physical punishment.

Unfortunately, modern parents rarely use fairytale therapy as a tool for raising children.

And it's vain!

After all, children, choosing a favorite fairy tale, which they constantly ask you to read, hint at your problems or dreams, help them better understand them.

If the favorite fairy tale changed, then the child himself changed, he grew up.

You need to pay attention to this in order to properly educate your baby.

4 ways to use skazkoterapiyu

Tale therapy in its time explored by scientists with a world-wide name, such as E. Fromm, E Gardner, T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, I. Vachkov and others.

They identified four ways of using fairy tale therapy, insisting that they should be distinguished from each other.

So, a fairy tale can be used as:

  1. Child-rearing tool.

    Telling a fairy tale, you teach a child to live in society, acquaint him with the rules and norms of behavior that are accepted in modern society, instill in him moral imperatives.

  2. A development tool that is applicable to both children and adults.

    With the help of a fairy tale you can learn to take responsibility for your actions, make important life decisions, learn to resist circumstances.

    Remember yourself: in fairy tales, good always won evil, but the heroes had to work hard and overcome a lot of obstacles to triumph.

    The fact that evil characters have always been defeated and carried a well-deserved punishment teaches children( and adults too) to choose the right side.

  3. Narrative( "narrative").

    A child or an adult is not just listening to a story about someone else's life, with his help he forms his own behavior pattern and scenario of his life.

    How to improve the memory of a child?

  4. Psychotherapy.

    This method is used by specialists( psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, coaches).

    Group or individual fairytale therapy helps to solve the client's life problems, get rid of phobias, make the right decision, etc.

Functions performed by the fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is a universal method, because it can perform many functions simultaneously, and can be aimed at solving a specific problem.

So, a fairy tale can help:

  • Get the right emotion from the listener / reader.
  • Get rid of an obsessive phobia: fear of darkness, height and other.
  • Understand life values.
  • Take a difficult, but right decision.
  • Form character.
  • To be assimilated in this society.
  • Learn to appreciate love, friendship, close people.
  • Understand how this world works and by what laws it functions.
  • Get rid of flaws( aggressiveness, greed, craving for lies, etc.).
  • Generate positive character traits( justice, compassion, responsibility, and others).
  • Build relationships with the opposite sex, friends, parents.
  • Forgive those who acted badly with you, and start living on, etc.

How to apply fairytale therapy?

skazkoterapii used in different ways, depending on with whom you are working( with a child or an adult).

example, a fairy tale for the child should be simple to understand and not too long, then as an adult psychotherapy can be used stories with a deeper meaning, contain complex symbols and metaphors.

The most common ways to use skazkoterapii - is:

  1. Work with a ready-made story.

    Tale is read, and then analyzes why the characters have done so, and not otherwise, what are the consequences of their actions, etc.

  2. Author's writing of an author's narrative for an adult or a child, adapted to a specific human problem.
  3. Creation of a client's own fairy tale, in which he could describe his problem and find ways to eliminate it.

    This method is used in psychotherapy for older children or adults.

  4. Staging a story( an old or author's), for example, with the help of a puppet theater.

Free writing - in the pursuit of extraordinary ideas

Writing author fairy tale - an effective method of psychotherapy, which usually takes place in three stages:

  1. Preparation.

    The client must realize his problems, rethink them and calm down before starting to write a fairy tale.

  2. Writing a story( if a person experiences difficulties, the specialist should help him).
  3. Reading and analysis.

On peculiarities of application skazkoterapii child

see in in the video:

Example of skazkoterapii

I will not go into skazkoterapii, as a method of psychiatry, it is too complicated and long topic, leave it for research professionals.

I'd rather tell you how you can raise kids with a fairy tale.

Let's say your child is always lying.

Explanations why it is so bad to act on it do not work.

Try to fix the problem by writing author's history.

algorithm of your actions:

  1. Invent a hero( or use your favorite hero of the child), to acquaint him with the baby.
  2. Create a conflict situation: the hero constantly lied to everyone, and this led to a number of problems in his life.
  3. Emphasize that the hero realized: he himself created problems for himself because he constantly lied.
  4. Bring the hero to the climax: he copes with all difficulties due to the fact that he rethought his behavior.
  5. Come up with a happy ending.
  6. Discuss a fairy tale with a child.

    The kid needs to understand that the difficult situation, in which the main character got into, arose only because of his inclination to lie and if he had not changed, then there was no happy end.

Tale therapy is an effective method of psychotherapy, which psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, teachers in kindergartens use to solve their professional problems.

Parents should also get better acquainted with this method in order to use it to educate their children.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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