What is neurosis and how to deal with neurosis?

Man in the modern world is experiencing a tremendous strain on the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of stresses, neuroses, depressions.

It is impossible to cope with all this without assistance.

Today you will learn what is the neurosis of , what are its symptoms, consequences and ways of treatment.

What is neurosis and how often do we live with it?

Life in the modern world is not easy.

We are always in a hurry somewhere, we are under pressure, starting with the school bench, we are experiencing enormous loads on the nervous system, we study and work a lot, we have little rest, we do not have enough time to enjoy ordinary everyday joys.

For some time( who is more, who is less), we manage to maintain a reasonable balance between work and rest, at the very least cope with stressful situations, but then enough tiny trouble to break and fall into a neurosis.

I remember how at the previous place of work one of my employees made a real hysterics because she tore the leg of the pantyhose about the leg of the chair.

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She screamed and cried, and only when the woman calmed down a bit, we could pull her out of her, that she does not sleep well, eats little, can not concentrate on work, she began to be afraid of being at home alone, which had not happened before, and similar hysterics because oftrifles have become frequent.

More experienced my colleague diagnosed her with neurosis and, having learned that a woman lives with such a dangerous nervous system disorder for more than six months, she advised to immediately contact a doctor.

What is neurosis and who first introduced this term?

For the first time, the token "neurosis"( from the Greek word νεῦρον - a nerve) was introduced into specialized terminology by a doctor from Scotland, William Cullen.

This nervous disease was investigated by many scientists, highlighting the new causes of its occurrence, adding some symptoms and methods of combating it:

  • Pavlov IPbelieved that, if external stimuli for a long time affect a person, then in the cerebral cortex of the brain there is a nervous overstrain, which leads to the appearance of a neurosis.

    The scientist insisted( and he was not alone in his opinion) that neuroses can suffer not only people, but also animals.

  • Sigmund Freud believed that the symptoms of a neurosis are manifested only if your subconscious It enters into conflict with the Super-I, that is, it is the Over-I for a long time that something forbids or in some way restricts your subconscious.
  • American Karen Horney devoted much time to neurosis research.

    She considers this nervous disorder the usual defensive reaction of the body to the influence of unfavorable external factors.

The modern designation of a neurosis looks like this: neurosis is a psychogenic nervous disorder that most often causes complicated life circumstances, prolonged external pressure, various psychotraumatic situations.

Fortunately, scientists have long been investigating this nervous disorder, identified its symptoms, found out the causes that cause it, and figured out how to deal with neurosis and what to do so that it never troubles you at all.

Symptoms of neurosis

Symptoms of neurotic manifestation are so strong that you can easily diagnose it yourself and yourself.


  • inadequately respond to minor, very minor troubles( that's how in the example I cited torn pantyhose caused a hysterical and tears in the colleague);
  • do not sleep well, suffer from nightmares;
  • crying for any reason and even often - without reason;
  • began to be afraid of what they were not afraid of before( being at home alone, an accident that your car could get into, etc.), that is, they are not isolated displays of fear, but an obsession( for example, you go home every day withhalfway, because you are afraid that you forgot to close the front door or turn off the iron);
  • can not get rid of feelings of anxiety, bad forebodings, unable to calm your shattered nerves;
  • is quickly tired, doing even a minor job;
  • suffer from distracted attention and memory impairment;
  • is offended for no reason;
  • often shudders with surprise, if you hear quite familiar sound( phone call, alarm activation);
  • lost interest in everything that had been important before.

How to find peace of mind in your life?

There are also other more obvious symptoms in the neurosis:

  • increased sweating;
  • heart palpitations;
  • stomach pain;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • hypotension or hypertension( decrease or increase in blood pressure);
  • headaches;
  • loss of sexual desire.

Causes of the neurosis

You can not begin to fight the neurosis until you figure out the reasons that caused it.

The most common are:

  1. Exhaustion of the nervous system, because you can not find a way out of a difficult life situation for a long time.
  2. Constant problems in personal or professional life.
  3. A series of troubles that fell on you unexpectedly.
  4. Unresolved conflicts that constantly keep you nervous.
  5. A lot of work and responsibilities that are boring you.
  6. Inability to relax and relax.
  7. Genetic predisposition( your ancestors also constantly suffered from neuroses).
  8. Features of your body( for example, some people get tired much faster than others, not because they are lazy, but because they are weaker emotionally and physically).
  9. Postponed disease( even protracted influenza can cause neurosis).
  10. Lack of prospects in life.

How to deal with neurosis with and without medication?

Once you have found out the cause of neurosis, you should start fighting with it.

Treatment for this nervous disorder can be different:

  1. Get rid of the factors that cause your nervous tension.
  2. How to relax.
  3. Reduce the number of duties( both home and work).
  4. Look at the problem from a different angle and try to solve it.

    If this can not be done at all - resign and live on.

  5. Cure chronic diseases.
  6. Get help from a therapist.
  7. Change your life( get education, find a normal job).

Sometimes it is necessary to fight with neurosis with the help of antidepressants.

But in any case do not self-medicate.

Contact a specialist( therapist, neurologist, psychotherapist) so that he will pick up a drug for you and prescribe a course of treatment.

It will also be useful to view the following video clip

about what neurosis is and who are neurotics:

How to deal with neurosis: preventive measures

How do you know the best treatment for any disease is prevention.

To prevent the symptoms of neurosis( or their reappearance), you need:

  1. Do not get hung up on one thing( work or family), live a full interesting life.
  2. Eat right, so that your body gets enough vitamins and minerals.
  3. It's enough to rest and sleep.
  4. Do not take on too many responsibilities, allow others to do something.
  5. Go in for sports.
  6. Time to deal with problems.
  7. Do not accumulate a mountain of uncompleted work.
  8. Enjoy life and constantly look for new sources of happiness.

I think you managed to figure out what is neurosis and how to deal with it.

If you feel unwell, but can not figure out the cause yourself, contact your doctor immediately.

To treat neuroses at an early stage is much easier than neglected mental illnesses.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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