Treatment of dizziness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Many patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine complain of frequent dizziness. This rather unpleasant sensation can be accompanied by imbalances in balance, coordination of movements, fainting, hearing and vision impairment, speech problems. When the nerve roots are affected, neurological manifestations are noted in the patients: depression, irritability, anxiety or fear.

  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Treatment of
  • Folk remedies

Depending on the degree of injury or compression of various structures of the neck, the symptoms of dizziness also vary. Based on their characteristics, an individual treatment program is assigned for each patient.

Causes of

Physicians still can not unequivocally identify the causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but there are a number of factors that provoke its progression. These include:

  • physical inactivity or poorly developed muscular system in the neck and shoulder girdle;

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  • excess physical activity, in which muscles and joints can not withstand tension;
  • prolonged stay in a forced posture or stagnation in the muscles of the neck;
  • is overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • genetic factor.

Osteochondrosis most often occurs at the borders of the sixth and seventh cervical, as well as in articulation with the first thoracic vertebra. As a result of the progression of the disease, deformation of the intervertebral discs occurs, protrusions and hernias are formed, compensatory sprouting of the vertebral bodies( osteophytes).

Blood vessels, nerve endings, soft tissues are squeezed by newly formed neoplasms. Then there are inflammatory processes, limitations of mobility of joints, muscle spasms, painful sensations. Disorders of blood circulation, swelling entail a decrease in blood flow to the spinal cord and brain, which causes its dysfunction, and, consequently, dizziness, gag reflex, headaches, etc.
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Symptoms of

Varieties of syndromes in cervical osteochondrosis andassociated symptomatic complexes:

  • Vestibular Stem .It develops as a result of disturbed blood flow and the appearance of pathological impulses in the cerebellum and vestibular apparatus. Characterized by a sense of movement of the floor and walls, the vibration of objects and the loss of balance during walking. Additional signs may be nerve tics in the eye, vomiting, or nausea. Most often this syndrome manifests itself in the morning hours after the rise, as well as with sudden movements of the head.
  • Cochlear-stem .Distinctive features of the symptom complex are pathological changes in the work of auditory organs, imbalance. The name of the syndrome is derived from the affected organs in the area of ​​the temporal bones - cochlea. To dizziness, as a rule, ringing in the ears, noise in the head and hearing loss are attached. The appearance of symptoms does not depend on the time of day, it increases with sudden movements, bends and tilting of the head.
  • Synchronous .It arises from spasm of blood vessels and irritation of nerve endings in the vertebrae. It is manifested by frequent sharp fainting. A person can suddenly fall and lose consciousness or simply fall. The condition in such cases quickly normalizes, but there may be a buzzing in the ears and slight dizziness. Sensations of dizziness are accompanied by photopsy( flashing of "flies" before the eyes, divergence of dark circles, etc.) and disruption of the speech apparatus.
  • Hypothalamic .Symptoms of the syndrome are jumps in blood pressure, excessive sweating or, conversely, excessive dryness of the skin, irritability, nervousness, frequent urination, arrhythmia, abnormal body temperature, and fatigue.
  • Spotting .Dizziness is a consequence of disturbed blood flow in the region of the carotid and vertebral arteries. Common complications include visual impairment, photopsy, sensation of blurred vision, and other similar symptoms.
  • Frozen and laryngeal .It arises as a result of the pressure of the deformed discs on the larynx region. It manifests itself in the form of difficulty breathing, a sensation of a lump in the throat, perspiration and the urge to cough, a weakening of the vocal chords and difficulty in swallowing.

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It is worth noting that during the exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms can manifest quite strongly and acutely, and during remission - does not bother the patient at all. As for the dizziness itself - it is present at any stage of the disease.

Read also about another manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis - a headache, and how to treat it
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Elimination of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis is impossible in isolation from therapy of the underlying disease. At the same time, there is no standard treatment program and therapeutic methods are selected individually, as well as medicines.

We can single out only a few general methods aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms and restoring the functions of the vertebral system.


  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the removal of inflammation and swelling.
  • Local or general pain relievers.
  • Muscle relaxants for the removal of muscle spasms.
  • Nootropics, vasodilators and anticoagulants for the normalization of blood circulation in the brain and improving the functioning of the vascular system.
  • Vitamin complexes( especially group B) and psychotropic substances for elimination of a depressed state, improvement of the general condition of the body and the patient's psychological mood.
  • Metabolites and neuroprotectors to improve brain function and protect nerve cells in the absence of oxygen as a result of compression of blood vessels and arteries with deformed vertebrae or intervertebral discs.
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Physiotherapy aimed at restoring the functions of the spine. It includes massage, acupuncture, electrophoresis, reflexology and sanatorium treatment in specialized treatment centers.

Of great importance is physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. The course of therapeutic gymnastics is connected to therapy immediately after the end of the acute period.

At home, it is useful to perform daily morning exercises, shorten the working hours at the computer, or take breaks of 15 minutes every 15 minutes for simple exercises that will not only strengthen the neck and back muscles, improve blood circulation and nutrition of damaged intervertebral discs, but also reduce the frequency andintensity of attacks of dizziness.

Doctors attach great importance to the proper daily routine and nutrition. To reduce dizziness in osteochondrosis, it is recommended to reduce the intake of salt in the daily diet to 1-2 grams. It is necessary to exclude smoking and drinking alcohol, coffee, strong black tea, chocolate, cola and similar drinks. Calling dizziness is capable of prolonged intake of aspirin, so it is desirable to reduce its dosage or discard it.

With severe spinal deformities and intervertebral disc disorders, when conservative therapy does not produce the expected result, the patient may be offered surgery. Surgical surgery is considered as an extreme measure and is performed with the aim of eliminating the compression of vertebral arteries or nerve roots.

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Folk remedies

In case of an unexpected attack of dizziness that begins at home, it is recommended to lie down on the bed or on the floor( the surface must be rigid and even).If discomfort swept during the day during work - try to sit down slowly, lean back and relax.

Ask colleagues to make hot sweet black or green tea with mint and lemon. It will slightly reduce discomfort and nauseated. At home, you can make tea from ginger, lime, parsley, chamomile and oregano. With nerve strains, it is desirable to add grass valerian, motherwort, peony root, hawthorn fruit.

A good invigorating effect with dizziness has aromatherapy. A mixture of coniferous oils of eucalyptus, mint or melissa, citrus can be rubbed in small portions into whiskey during seizures. Prevent the beginning of an attack of freshly squeezed juices from beets and carrots, citrus( if they are not allergic).

  • Mar 07, 2018
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