What to do when everything is bad: 10 tips

There are moments in life that even incorrigible optimists and diehard pieces of iron can not stand firm.

It seems that everything in the world has taken up arms against you: family, bosses, strangers in minibuses and shops, even nature is already pouring a nasty cold rain for a day.

It seems that there can be no more disgusting and you just do not find the answer to the question, what to do when everything is bad .

To begin with, you should calm down, figure out whether it's really so terrible, as it seems to you at first glance, and only then to look for ways out of the protracted crisis.

Is this really bad?

Once I attended a collective training on "Depression and how to deal with it."

One of the participants was not afraid to talk honestly about their current problems.

From her words it followed that now in her life there reigns not just a dark strip, but - there is nowhere more black and from the bridge from which she dreams to rush, she shares only a few steps.

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The coach was not frightened of the suicidal mood of the patient and asked if she was ready step by step with everyone to deal with their problems.

Galya's girlfriend agreed, because she could not understand on her own, what to do when everything is bad .

I bring you a list of memorable problems for me Gali:

  1. The husband left for another.

    During the conversation it turned out that this is far from the first spree of the dog, it began to change, even when they met, but she loved him, therefore she was ready to tolerate everything, if only she would not leave it.

  2. She quarreled with her mother and best friend, because they told her:

    "Left and - Thank God. It was not necessary at all to marry this reveler, how much blood he had drunk with you.
    You should be happy, but not to shed tears. "

  3. The headmaster is constantly sawing.

    It turned out that after the departure of the unfaithful spouse, the girl took a week at her own expense to cope with stress, then she asked for more, but the director refused, suggesting a vacation, if so necessary.

    Galya refused, because she hopes that her dog will still come back, and they will be able to go on vacation to glue their worn-out relations.

    Well, it's clear, the headmistress is a bitch.

  4. The refrigerator broke.

    There's no comment at all.

    Indeed, as a refrigerator, which is already 10 years can break.

    This is only the machinations of enemies - not otherwise.

  5. Going home from work, Galya hooked on something and tore her favorite coat.


    After all, the sewing workshops all immigrated to Mars and there is no one else to repair their clothes.

And then everything is in the same spirit.

"Any depression should be met with a smile. Depression will think that you are an idiot and will run away. "
Robert de Niro

The trainer we got was just excellent, which, point by point analyzing Galina's problems, convinced her that some of them are household trivia( coats and fridge), some can be fixed, if you want( to reconcile with my mother and girlfriend), some are provoked by the girl herself, for example, a conflict with the boss who has already shown miracles of tact.

And for such a husband cry - do not respect yourself, because no normal lady for him would not have married in life.

What to do when everything is bad: 10 out of the deadlock

To begin with, it is worth remembering that, following the black stripe, white necessarily follows, the night necessarily ends in dawn, and the good overcomes evil.

And if you show enough patience, perseverance and wisdom, then you will not notice how everything is formed.

How to cope with depression?

What to do when everything is bad:

  1. Expand your problems on the shelves.

    You need to understand which of them can be corrected by your own efforts, which can only be overcome with someone's help, and which ones do not have a solution at all, they just need to be eliminated( for example, to leave work where the boss every day adds gray hair to you)or simply wait for them( bad weather, for example).

  2. Learning to see in everything good.

    You poured the car when you tried to run across the road in the wrong place?

    Nothing, the dress dries, and you'll know for sure that you should follow the rules of the road.

    Even if serious problems have settled you from head to foot, rejoice at the playfulness of your cat, the smile of the baby in the minibus, the excellent sunny day, the way this dress goes to you, etc.

  3. Do not rush into the whirlpool with your head.

    Most people believe that it helps to cope with the problems of liters of alcohol, hundreds of cigarettes and crazy fun for the whole night.
    Nothing of the kind!

    To the already existing difficulties will add a hangover and lack of money.

  4. Go in for sports.

    First, a strong physical load can perfectly cope with stress.

    And secondly, imagine only: while you were busy with yourself, all problems resolved, and then you are so beautiful, with a stunning figure.

    Yes, the whole world will fall at your feet.

  5. Do good.

    Different volunteer organizations - the opportunity to see that homeless animals, orphans, disabled, single old people are much more difficult to live than you.

    And the good done will come back to you.

  6. Get rid of negative emotions.

    Cry, break a couple of plates, grind, write on the list of your problems, and then burn it - choose what you like more.

    But grooming and cherishing all the filth in the soul can not in any case.

  7. Ask for help.

    I'm not just talking about influential people who can solve this or that problem of yours, but also about priests, psychologists, various spiritual instructors.

    Those who can cure your wounded soul.

  8. Think positively.

    Even if today everything is bad for you, then you need to think that tomorrow everything will necessarily improve, but not: "I will die ugly, sick, no one needs an old maid."

    Dream about good and the Universe will necessarily respond to your call.

  9. Proceed.

    Problems are rarely solved on their own.

    Before you drop your hands, you must be sure that you have done everything in your power to resolve the conflict.

    From the fact that you sit down and will whine all day, how unhappy you are and why life is so unfair, your situation will not change for the better.

  10. Be Humble.

    There are tragedies, which we can not influence.

    I'm talking, first of all, about the death of close people.

    Yes, it hurts you, yes, you think that it is unfair, however, there are tests that we are obliged to withstand with honor, so that when we meet with loved ones and relatives in another world we should not be ashamed.

Did everyone understand? Now give your depression to the pawnshop Stanislav Bodyagin!🙂

How much is he willing to pay for it?

Watch the video:

" What to do when everything is bad ?", You ask.

I will answer: "Do not lose heart, do not give up and hope for the best!".

  • Mar 04, 2018
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