Meditation for attracting money: from A to Z

Yes, yes, we, of course, remember that "patience and work will all peretrut", including lack of money. And if you work for 20 hours a day, then money can, and will suffice, but the joy in life - so it is certainly no.

Then why not learn about what meditation is for attracting money and not "snoop" yourself with some cash?

Meditation for raising money? First, "bury" a poor man!

No meditation to attract money will not help if you groom and cherish your inner "ragged"( darn kapron tights, drink from a gaping cup and "zlobitsya" for a movie ticket once a month), so remember:

  • if you constantly "digest "thoughts from the series" I now can not afford it myself! "," I do not have that kind of money! "," It's only for the rich! ", then the universe does not have anything to answer:" Ok, then continue to live in the flaky"Khrushchev", eat "Doshirak" and rest at the cottage with a chopper ";
  • replace the phrase "I can not afford it!" On "I have the right to afford anything I want. The Universe is sure to take care of me. She will give me everything I need and even more. "
    instagram viewer

Tell yourself this at least 4-5 times a day, and even when your inner "chaff" wakes up, say: "All the best and the best in this world are just for me. Universal love immerses me in a golden stream of money "until you reach your consciousness and it does not accept this idea with Georgian hospitality.

Here is what Viktor tells about his "relations" with money from St. Petersburg:

"I have noticed for a long time that when reasonable savings goes to the stage of" zhalobstvo "(I buy the cheapest macaroni in the supermarket that even my dog,cheap toothpaste and I go on foot to save on the bus), then the incomes decrease - "dipped" »I clients with their money go to the competitors, the premium is" covered "for unknown reasons, and the salary is delayed. And vice versa - as soon as I give money to my wife with a light heart for a new dress or a baly son with a trip to the amusement park, this sum, like a magic wand, comes back to me. And even with interest! This is a household meditation in order to attract money. "

The Tree of Wealth: The Best Meditation for Attracting Money

Among the many meditations to attract money, experts especially favor the next, promising wealth, luck in business and a place of honor in the top ten of Forbes:

  1. Turn off the mobile phone, always ringing at the wrong time, drive the cat, trying to cling to your hand and comfortably settle in a place where no one will "turn over" you.

    Favorite chair or sofa will do the best to start a meditation on attracting money. Breathe deeply and calmly, if you want to attract money.

  2. The essence of meditation is that you should feel like a big, strong tree of money.

    Choose yourself, be an age-old oak, an elegant pine or Californian sequoia - if only the plant caused you an exceptionally positive association.

    Feel the legs become strong roots, the spine - even barrel, and hands - healthy branches. Feel like a crown, like the crown of a tree, you pull up to the sun and the sky, and a warm breeze sway twigs, on your leaves - drops of the purest morning dew.

    Immerse yourself in this "wooden" sense of meditation as deeply as possible and get a real "buzz" from it.

  3. Now it is necessary to say to oneself: "I am a money-sturdy tree.

    I am a huge magnet for wealth and success. I am fully open to the energy of prosperity, prosperity and security. "

  4. Next in this meditation to attract the money you need to imagine how the tender rays of the sun envelop each twig, each leaf, filling them with golden light.

    In your thoughts, say to yourself: "I am filled to the brim with golden energy of money. I am a powerful magnet for success, luck and money. "

  5. At this stage of the meditation, you need to imagine the purest forest spring that washes your roots-legs, taking away poverty, lack of money, fears and gradually fills the trunk with a gentle turquoise radiance.

    Again, say to yourself to attract money: "I fill with a bright energy of prosperity. I am a strong magnet for success and money. "

  6. At one of the last stages of meditation, combine the streams of prosperity and prosperity: in the heart area place the golden ball, and below the navel - turquoise.
  7. Now, as experts say, you are filled with monetary energy.

    This self-awareness needs to be kept longer, even if the expensive boss said that the salary is delayed for two weeks, and you have run out of washing powder, potatoes and favorite chocolate. All will necessarily be adjusted!

    As soon as you feel that the positive charge from this meditation is over, repeat it to attract money.

5 examples of meditation for attracting money for the most creative: creative for health!

Most psychics claim that you can borrow money by creating your own personal meditation, using the images that you associate with affluence for example:

  • meditation "Currency table".

    Imagine that you are sitting at a beautiful table, and on it a lot of money in different currencies and banknotes, gold bars and jewelry. All this is yours legally.

    You are calm, like James Bond, and are confident in your future. Enjoy the feeling of financial well-being and unlimited supply of money;

  • meditation "I am a millionaire".

    You have in your account - n-e number of millions. You go to the bank to put another impressive amount of money.

    Enjoy the numbers in your savings book during meditation, the courtesy of bank employees and the rustling of banknotes. Whatever you say, and in such a situation, even torrential rain will only be an occasion to take advantage of a new umbrella from "Zest" or "Three Elephants";

  • meditation "It's all for me!".

    To attract money you need to clearly determine the amount of monthly income that you want to achieve. And do not be shy, because "love, so the queen, and steal - so a million!".

    Imagine during meditation how you put this money in your wallet or see on the screen of an ATM;

    "You can say as much as you like that meditations to attract money are complete nonsense, but once I decided how much money I need to earn a month to feel comfortable( not too detached from reality), this amount was literally 2 months laterI have in my pocket. Every day I imagined how I would dispose of this money, what things I would buy, even with what banknotes I would withdraw my salary from the ATM.During this time, I left the construction company, where I lived as an accountant and settled myself as a seller in a jewelry salon, where the salary depends on sales. Now I think that it's time to "order" money from the Universe even more, because the holiday is ahead! "- Anastasia from Kiev shares


  • meditation "Oil painting".

    Find on the Internet a picture that reflects your idea of ​​enough money, wealth and life in general "in chocolate" 100%.

    Look at it, penetrate it to the "brain of the bones", concentrating on a sense of calmness, self-confidence, material security;

  • meditation "The Cave of the Eastern Raja".

    Imagine in a cave littered with money, gold bars, precious stones, valuable paintings and even expensive phones and household appliances. The degree of wealth is just off scale! But you do not want to lower it!

    You know for sure that everything is yours and only yours. At any moment you can "fall in" here and take as much money as you need.

    You do not suffer from remorse even if you spend money from a cave not to help starving children in Africa, but to dash off for a week to Nice.

How to attract luck and money?

"Money Bath": recommended by esotericists after meditation to attract money

Once you have found time to meditate, grind the process of attracting money with a special esoteric practice:

  1. Pour 1 liter of boiling water into 4 tablespoons of ordinary parsley and mint( dried or fresh)1 teaspoon of melted cinnamon.
  2. Add all this stuff to the bath with hot water and say out loud: "Money flows like a broad river and will always remain with me."
  3. Get warm in your "money" water, but without a fresh "Cosmopolitan" number, a glass of your favorite vinyashka and your phone.

    You have to imagine how cool it will be when all your financial "Wants" are implemented and "catch" this attitude.

  4. Before you get out of the bath, dip into the water 3 or 5 times with your head and, without drying yourself with a towel, go to the crib.

    Let the drops dry on the body, as your tears from the inability to right now buy the latest model of "Maserati".

  5. Sweet dreams to you, the future queen of branded boutiques, beauty salons and parties on the Cote d'Azur!

Recommended for viewing:

Mantra Ganesha Sharanam - to attract money

Read and grow rich: 10 best books about meditation to attract money and not only

Meditation for attracting happiness, luck, money and even blue-eyed Jared Summer can be found in these books:


Book title



"Meditations for raising money into your life" KJ Joule


"A lot of money. Meditations and coloring of money with magic red glasses » B.Rushel


« Book No. 4.For money. The Law of Attraction of Money » B.Proktor, M.Blad


« How to Attract Money to Your Life » A.Akulich


« I Attract Money » N.Pravdina


« Magnetism of Money » S.Kriyananda


« Concentration and Meditation » K.Hemfreys


«Dengi. Lyubov. Uspeh! Results that you never dreamed of » N.Pravdina


" True Wealth: A Spiritual Approach to Money and Wealth " D.Robinson


" Wealth is in my hands. Guide to attracting money » N.Pravdina

We are sure that you should not throw your work or burn at the stake your brilliant business plan for opening a restaurant in order to completely" leave " meditation to attract money , but here's a try and get an answerto the question "Does it work or not?" it is absolutely necessary. .
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