The past, the present and the future - that is what human life consists of.
Despite the existence of many fantastic films, a person still has not learned to travel back in time to be able to correct his mistakes or prevent a tragedy.
That's why it's so important to know how to forget the past of to start living the present in order to find happiness in the future.
Are those who are trying to forget the past are right?
People in relation to the events that occurred are divided into 3 groups:
- Those who prefer to constantly swarm in the past, rather than move to the future.
- Those who do not take their lessons from them at all, are galloping towards the future with a galloping step.
- Those who remember and respect their past, but focus on the future.
Representatives of the third group demonstrate the most optimal attitude to their past.
Any person in his life makes a lot of decisions, does a lot of things, experiences enough and happy moments, and disappointments.
It's on our mistakes that we learn, so it's impossible to completely eliminate the past.
But some events that happened to us earlier( for example, a difficult divorce or a meeting with a criminal), it is better to let go, otherwise you can never move on or find happiness in the future.
The past will keep you in your claws, not allowing you to spread your wings.
The most common cases of stupid clinging to their past are women who can not say goodbye to old relationships, forget the injuries inflicted by their ex-husband or boyfriend, and finally focus on new relationships.
You never noticed that it is the ladies who tell everyone about their divorce, about what kind of bastard was their ex-husband, although five years have passed since their divorce and the "bastard" has long been fortunate in another marriage, are doomed to loneliness?
Look at these aunts and you will understand that I'm right.
Until they find a way to forget the past and will not find the strength to make room for the future, there will not be any sense.
How to forget the past without harm for the present?
I have already said that the most reasonable I consider the position "I remember the past, but I focus on the future."
After all, not only bad things happened to us in the past, but also good, and if you are trying to completely forget the past, you will forget not only grief, but also joy, right?
Well, here's a story.
Marina's girlfriend made a career in one beauty salon.
Started with the position of administrative assistant, and for 5 years, rose to the director.
Her successful career was interrupted by the intrigues of the bookkeeper of the salon, and Marina was forced to resign.
Certainly, in order to prove itself well in a new place, she must let go of her past and toad-accountant, which envied her mind and beauty, because if she does not, then because of every corner she will wait for a dirty trick.
But, completely forgetting the past - means forgetting all the knowledge and skills that she received at the previous job, all the pleasant moments of communication with a good team, all the material bonuses, the joy of each promotion, etc.
That is, to try to forget the past is necessary with the mind: to take with oneself to the future all the good and useful, by filtering out all the bad things so that it does not cloud your life.
What prevents us from forgetting the past?
For sure, every person at least once, but there was a situation where, despite all the efforts, you constantly return to your own thoughts or actions in your past.
Well, I can not let go of anything.
Do not worry, you're fine.
There are quite objective reasons that prevent you from forgetting the past.
Here are the most common of them:
Feelings of guilt.
The past often does not release the perpetrators of a crime or even a minor offense.
The more conscientious the person, the heavier will be the burden of his guilt.
If you have done something bad not for malicious intent, then you must at least forgive yourself.
But the surest way to forget the past and say goodbye with guilt is to try to correct the situation: return what was taken away, ask for forgiveness for the offense, try to compensate somehow for loss.
will immediately become easier for you.
Desire to return the past.
Sometimes you need to forget not so much the bad that has happened in your past, how much good.
The most revealing example of stupid clinging for the past, because it was much better than now - the loss of property and position in society by the elite after wars or other cataclysms.
So it was in the US after the Civil War and the Great Depression, in Europe - after the First World War, in Russia - after the Revolution of 1917.
The nobility and big businessmen, the palaces and titles that have lost their capital, forced to adapt to a new life, spent all their energy on whining and complaining, not wanting to let go of the past and live in the present.
How can you forget the past? Forever with him to say goodbye!
Rituals are very important in any business.
Once on one of the trainings I heard an interesting idea that marriage can not be considered a marriage until the ritual has passed.
When we young and modern, indignantly buzzed, the coach explained to us what she had in mind: not a stamp in the passport, namely a ritual.
Decide, themselves, that it will be: a traditional painting in the registry office, a wedding in the church or some kind of jocular ceremony on the beach in the circle of friends, but without ritual - in any way.
Rituals can also be used if you can not forget the past.
With what ceremony you say goodbye to them - your business.
If it's about an ex-husband, you can take all of his things and throw them away.
You can get rid of the offenses you have suffered by writing a letter to all your offenders: "I forgive you for that and that and that. ..", and then burn this letter.
You can come up with your own fun ritual, the main thing is to effectively say goodbye to your past, forget it as quickly as possible and start a rapid advance.
How to survive the betrayal of her husband?
5 useful tips how to forget the past
Forgetting the past is not easy, I admit it.
Sometimes you have to use the whole arsenal of means to finally start living the present.
Here are some more useful tips that will definitely help:
Do not look back.
Accustom yourself not to say: "But if I did something like that. .." or "But before. ..".
The past can not be undone and can not be fixed.
Focus on the present and on achieving goals in the future.
Live your life today so that you do not have to regret about the past.
Every day gives us so many opportunities to change our lives for the better.
But for some reason, not everyone is in a hurry to take advantage of these opportunities, preferring to nostalgize for what was once.
Do not be afraid of change.
How would you not like stability, you need to understand that nothing in this world is eternal.
Everything changes.
You need to change with this world, otherwise you will quickly find yourself overboard.
In addition, many changes can go to you only for the benefit, not to the detriment.
- Try to get rid of anything that reminds you of the 's troubles that happened before, whether things or people.
- Sincerely believe that in the future you will have a sea of happiness as compensation for former troubles.
And the following video describes an interesting exercise,
which you can forget and release your past:
Remember that you definitely need to think about how to forget the past of .
If you do not free up space for something new, and continue to cling to something that already does not exist in your life, you can never become an absolutely happy person.