The French are an intelligent nation.
They knowingly claim that beauty is not the main thing in a woman, the main thing is charm and grooming.
Even exceptional external data, given by nature, can be ruined, if you do not devote enough time, money and energy to your appearance.
I believe that women should be interested not in how to become beautiful, but how looks like a well-groomed , because this is the secret of attractiveness and popularity for men.
What prevents us from looking well-groomed?
I think if I asked my readers "What prevents you from looking well-groomed?", Then the answers of the majority would not be much different.
Many would complain that the lack of money and time prevents them from looking well-groomed.
I disappoint you, because you are not looking for enemies there.
As proof, I want to introduce my girlfriend who spends minimum money on professional care( twice a month does a manicure, three times a summer - a pedicure, once a quarter shears), she works 12 hours a day with one weekend a week,but, at the same time, looks well-groomed and attractive. Her name is Nastya.
She was born in a poor family, so she used to do her own thing to look well-groomed.
She learned to cover her nails, dye her hair, take care of her skin not worse than a specialist.
Now Nastya has another problem: money has appeared, but too little time for hiking in the salons.
Nastia pays her appearance in sufficient time and at home, moreover, does it so skillfully that everyone would look so well-groomed even after the salon procedures.
How to become beautiful in 1 day?
And now back to where you started: it's not the absence of money and time that prevents you from taking care of yourself, but the banal laziness and unwillingness to do anything.
If you get rid of them and forget about the phrases forever "I do not want to wash my head, I'll tie my tail tomorrow, no one will notice that my hair is dirty", "So lazy nail polish washing, you'll think, I just made one finger on one finger", "I'm sotired, make a mask tomorrow, "then you will always look well-groomed.
What does it take to look well-groomed?
First, you need to give yourself time every day.
Secondly - money( albeit not as much as you think), because cosmetics are still worth the money, and oatmeal scrubs and cucumber masks, in spite of your grandmother's assurances, are not very effective.
And thirdly, you should know what you need to take care of a woman to look well-groomed.
Well-groomed woman should take care of:
Hair on the head should be clean, regardless of your circumstances.
It does not matter what hair color you wear, you prefer a long or short haircut, but there should always be order on the head.
By the way, about hair: I think that in the 21st century you do not need to remind you that you need to get rid of excess vegetation on your face and body?
Soft soft leather, manicured fingers with natural length of nails.
To cover nails with varnish or not, see for yourself.
But if you cover, then it is better to use a monophonic lacquer, flowers, pebbles, murals look cheap and appropriate for schoolgirls.
The person.
Remember the three essential components of daily care for women's facial skin( cleansing, toning and moisturizing).
Even without make-up, your dermis should look clean, supple and velvety.
Do not be lazy to impose a makeup in the morning( not a fighting color of an Indian, but a light daytime make-up).
Eyebrows need to thin out, but do not turn them into two painted laces.
Do pedicure, not only during the open shoe period, but constantly( in winter it is easy to bring your feet to normal condition by yourself), because with dirty crooked nails and cracked heels you will never look well-groomed.
- do not let your body fade with folds of fat;
- for skin cleansing on the body use not only shower gel or soap, but also scrub;
- moisturize the dermis with a cream or lotion.
Clothes and shoes.
They should be clean, new( or at least - in perfect condition), fashionable, time-appropriate events and places where you go, decorate you, and not disfigure.
How, in the opinion of men, should a well-groomed woman look like?
Men love women who can look well-groomed, regardless of the circumstances and their age.
If you climb through the male forums or get acquainted with the texts in the magazines for gentlemen, you will understand that the tips how to look well-groomed, which I shared with you above, are all relevant to one.
Separately I would like to say that men do not like.
Representatives of the stronger sex believe that looking like a well-groomed woman is hindered:
- Too plucked or tattooed eyebrows.
- Bleached to an unnatural state teeth.
- Smell of sweat.
- A peeled lacquer on the hands and feet.
- Hairy legs, armpits, bikini line, tendrils above the upper lip.
- Accreted hair and nails.
- Frequent visits to the solarium.
- Skin on the face with pimples, black dots, greasy sheen.
- Unkempt clothes.
- A thick layer of plaster on the face.
- Dirt under the fingernails.
- Extra pounds and cellulite.
How to become beautiful and attractive: 5 secrets
Yes, these are these spoiled men, but I think that each of us will croak when it claims to try to look groomed exclusively for themselves, and not to win men's attention.
How to look well-groomed with the help of professionals?
I believe that every woman should visit beauty salons.
Even if you do not have enough money, even if you do a good job of taking care of yourself, even if you do not have enough time and want to fall asleep and rest, and not go somewhere.
Going to the salon is a holiday and there is nothing more pleasant than giving yourself into the hands of professionals.
The obligatory salon procedures for every woman who wants to look well-groomed must be:
- Manicure.
- Pedicure.
- Haircut and dyeing( optional) hair.
- Massage and pleasant programs for the body( for example, scrubbing, honey mask or chocolate wrapping).
- Facial cleansing and other cosmetic care.
What else to remember in the care of
see in the video:
10 commandments of a woman who wants to look well-groomed
A well-groomed woman is not just an appearance.
This is a lifestyle, a state of mind, daily work on yourself.
Naturally, every well-groomed woman should have personal commandments. I offer you my:
- Sports activities and physical activities should be an article of life, not "oh, summer is coming soon, we should start the swing in the morning."
You need to train not only the body, but the mind.
Intelligence is no less powerful weapon than appearance, and if it is missing, then there will be nothing to fight.
Perfume should be used daily, not just on holidays.
You should have your own recognizable unique flavor.
It's less frowning, smiling more.
And to smile without fear and reproach, you need to visit the dentist regularly.
- It is necessary to watch not only for his appearance, but also for his state of health.
- What we eat affects both appearance and well-being, so less harmful mucks, more vegetables, fruits and greens.
- You can not have an impeccable appearance, but at the same time speak like a Gopnik.
Literate speech will add you points in the eyes of others. - It is not necessary to wear designer clothes, but clean and ironed - it is necessary.
To look good, you need to get enough sleep.
I do not always follow this rule, but try very hard.
- Without self-confidence, nothing will ever happen.
Now you know exactly, how to look well-groomed .
It's not that hard, is it?