What is the meaning of human life?

And now I again swung a complicated philosophical theme, but I think that with you we will sink it or at least a little closer to the solution of the rebus « What is the meaning of a person's life

The answer to this question you will not find indictionary or Wikipedia, you will not read in a thick book, you will not hear a professor from a lecture.

This answer must be found most.

Where to search?

In eternal categories, in that which helped mankind to survive in the whirlwind of all adversities.

Oh, why look, this is the meaning of a person's life?

Every sensible person is engaged in the search for the meaning of his life, because he wants to understand what he is living for, what his purpose is, whether he is acting correctly.

And, the smarter, more educated and more readable the person, the greater contradictions it tears.

Fools do not seek the meaning of life and do not suffer from the fact that they waste themselves on all sorts of crap.

Fools are almost happy, even if they have not done a single good and useful deed for all their useless existence.

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I even envy them sometimes.

How to find the meaning of life?

Honestly, I sincerely envied two drunks at the station, which feverishly counted their available money.

The bottle was not enough and they went to people to beg for the missing amount.

Attached to my neighbor in the waiting room.

He turned out to be a deeply religious person and tried to reason with them: "Turn to the Lord, and he will help you get out of this darkness and part with your addictions."

On which one of the drunkards was sincerely surprised: "So, why save us something? Everything's great. If only the fire in the pipes is drowned out, and then look and the meaning of life will come back to us. "

In the life of such people it's all very simple: to become happy and find the meaning of life they only need to find the missing ten on the bottle.

And what will philosophers say: what is the meaning of a person's life?

You, of course, understand that the search for an answer to this question lies in the philosophical plane.

That is why so many philosophers, since antiquity, have tried to understand the meaning of human life.

Maybe my readers will want to listen to some of them.

For example,

  • Socrates believed that the meaning of life is in virtue and in the perfection of one's soul;
  • Aristotle - is to find his own happiness and engage in spiritual work, which the philosopher put much higher than physical;
  • Epicurus - in pursuit of pleasures, but not bodily, but spiritual;
  • Medieval philosophers argued that the meaning of life in honoring the ancestors and serving God;
  • Schopenhauer - is to act as you want, and not to obey someone else's will;
  • Nietzsche - in enjoying life;
  • Wittgenstein and other positivists argued that a person's life does not make sense at all, the meaning is hidden only in the things that make up life.

Oh, I do not know about you, but after reading so many philosophical treatises, I finally got confused and decided that looking for answers to such a difficult question from others is a waste of time.

Every person should decide for himself, what is the meaning of his life.

And since I decided so, I'll tell you, without which life for me does not make sense.

The meaning of a person's life in his close

Man is the creation of a twin, the creation of a herd, that's why existence alone is unnatural for us and makes us suffer.

I'm getting much happier from what I see: all my loved ones are healthy and do not experience great difficulties.

Since birth, we are given a huge gift - our family.

Those who are much less fortunate( orphans, for example) should form their own family: acquire true friends and loved ones.

Love is an incredibly powerful feeling that can, as winged us, lift to the skies, and throw it into the abyss.

If we meet mutual strong love, then we gain the meaning of life - we are no longer alone, we have found that shoulder, on which you can lean.

And if your parents are still alive and well, brothers-sisters, good friends, does not this make us very happy?

The meaning of a person's life in the way forward

I think( yes, what I think - I know for sure) that to some of my readers, especially for some reason a male, I seem like a greedy bitch who mocks losers and constantly talks about money.

Actually, I really want my readers not to stand still, get bogged down in the swampy quagmire, do not settle for anything, instead of trying to do the best.

For me, the constant movement forward( or upwards, as you will be comfortable) is the meaning of life.

If you do not move, do not develop, do not achieve daily some goals, do not learn something new, then why live at all then?

How do people exist that are not going to realize their dreams, ambitions?

Not going to achieve anything?

The meaning of a person's life is not to do evil

I did not want to mix philosophy and religion in the article, because I respect both believers and atheists, the main thing is that neither of them impose their views aggressively,but it seems to me that those who believe in the afterlife( Paradise, Valhalla - call whatever they want) really believe, and not only pretend, try to do less evil than those who are convinced: a person does not have an immortal soul.

As for me, it is necessary to live life in such a way as to do as little evil and as much good as possible:

  1. Do not gossip or condemn others.
  2. Do not lie or expose people.
  3. Do not offend those who are weaker than you.
  4. Do not start scandals and quarrels.
  5. Do not torment or kill anyone.

The list goes on, but we already know what we can not do so that we do not become an evil person.

Also the meaning of life is to do as much as possible: donating money to charity, helping in volunteer movement, feeding homeless animals, helping lonely old women - and for doing good deeds there is an unlimited number of opportunities.

The meaning of a person's life is to feel happy

Happiness is a very abstract concept, I absolutely agree with you.

For everyone, happiness is something of its own.

But it does not matter what makes you feel happy, it is important that this feeling is always present in your life.

It is important to exclude from life what makes you unhappy.

I do not understand people who are constantly unhappy, who live with unloved husbands / wives who go to hateful jobs year after year, communicate with people who are not interested in them.

These people think that they have one more life left, so you can suffer in this one?

For me, the meaning of life lies in feeling happy and if something does not bring me pleasure and joy, then I part with no regrets.

After all, I have one life, so why should I live it in misery and sorrow?

Interesting thoughts from Vladimir Dovgan,

why happiness is the meaning of life, in a video:

The meaning of a person's life is that he has a good memory

Defeat the dragons, save the princesses and perform other feats, trying to become a hero of myths and legends,do not need anymore.

In order that after your death people remember you with a kind word, you just need to remain good, honest, true to their principles person.

And it is still desirable to leave behind a real memory - worthily brought up children, for example, or something tangible: equipment for the clinic, exhibit for the museum, a monument to the dead - think for yourself what legacy you will leave behind.

Not everyone manages to find the meaning of a person's life , but everyone must try to find it.

After all, who needs an empty, meaningless life?

  • Mar 04, 2018
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