What to do if you do not want to live and how to live with it

  • 1 What if I do not want to live?
    • 1.1 Reasons why a person does not want to live
    • 1.2 Why a person does not want to live and how to deal with it?
    • 1.3 What to do if you do not want to live advice
  • 2 What if you do not want to live in Moscow, Russia?
    • 2.1 A child wants to live with his father, what to do
    • 2.2 A child does not want to live with his mother what to do?

Some people face such life situations, when life becomes unbearable, unnecessary and devoid of any meaning. Such phenomena can be temporary.

Sometimes the obsession: "I do not want anything!" Does not leave a man for quite some time. It must be combated, otherwise it can have harmful consequences for a person, in the form of complete detachment and apathy, up to a lethal outcome.

What if I do not want to live?

The fact that people do not want to live in the world are influenced by various factors. Most often this happens as a result of the past or coming difficulties, the death of loved ones, native people.

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Loss of loved ones is perceived less painfully when relatives die as a result of a long illness or old age. If death overtook a young, full-strength man, his loved ones may begin a long depression.

So often happens when leaving a beloved husband, child, sister, brother. In this case, from the mother, distraught from the grief of the wife, the mother can be heard: "I do not want to live, what to do next if I do not want to live?" Such a state can pass with time, and can last for years.

A person should find the strength to fight and live on.

Recommendations and tips on how to find the strength to restore and the usual rhythm, are of a different nature. Tips and advice should come from those people to whom a suffering man or a grieving woman is trusted. The first thing that a woman offers that she says: "I do not want to be interrupted in this world without him!" This is the advice: "We must fight and be strong!"

Reasons why a person does not want to live

In addition to the death of close relatives,live on, affect other cases and situations.

If you do not want to live anymore and you experience internal discomfort, unwillingness to do anything, apathy and loss of strength, you should seek help from a psychologist, in extreme cases, you need to share your experiences with friends or people dear to your heart.

Causes of lack of desire to live :

  • permanent physical pain that does not subside from any medication;
  • is an incurable disease that will lead to death after a period of time( oncology, tuberculosis is severe, HIV infection);
  • lack of interest in life;
  • unfulfilled family life, loneliness;
  • break with family, misunderstanding of children;
  • full performance of the life program;
  • clinical depression;
  • pension and sense of uselessness;
  • big trouble at work;
  • youthful and maiden unrequited love;
  • adolescent egoism;
  • loss of meaning in life;
  • fear of imprisonment;
  • credit collapse, other debts;
  • complete lack of money.

The most important advice in the event that life becomes unbearable - to fight against this, to drive away from oneself thoughts of bad, to hope for better changes.

Why does not a person want to live and how to deal with it?

For each individual situation, there are tips and recommendations. The main emphasis is on the fact that God gave life and takes it after your mission is accomplished in this world.

It's not worth to go against nature, which means that life goes on, and it's necessary to fight for it!

What to do if you do not want to live, tips:

  1. Start a pet.
  2. Go in for sports, housekeeping, needlework.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle, try to lose weight.
  4. Fall in Love.
  5. Find your hobby.
  6. Change the image.
  7. Travel.
  8. Learn to love yourself.
  9. Do charity.
  10. Drive away bad thoughts.
  11. Set a goal in front of you.
  12. Fight for every day you live!

What to do if you do not want to live the advice of

It is noticed that some people experience their uselessness in this world when they retire and remain without their second half. Grandfather is full of desire to give advice, to lead, to do something, to create, and he is cut off in half a word. He is not consulted, his recommendations are not taken into account. From such neglect on the part of children, grandchildren, others, the pensioner is disappointed very deeply.

In this case, you can advise to have a pet dog or, at most, a cat. An animal will be able to take care of, talk.

It is not superfluous to communicate in social networks on the Internet, meetings, meetings. If you have the means - you can go on a trip, to school or college friends.

What if you do not want to live in Moscow, Russia?

Homeland is not chosen, it is given to us with birth and absorbed with childhood. But this does not mean that you need to live in your homeland all your life. When a young man says: "I do not want to live in Russia, what should I do?", Do not force him. Do not you like Moscow, Russia - move to any city in Ukraine, Georgia, Europe, the United States, Africa. It is not worth fighting in this case.

A child wants to live with his father, what to do

Boys often attach themselves to their fathers, repeating their actions, words, sayings. For the child, the father is a friend and companion, an example in everything. If it happens that the parents diverge, the boy bitterly experiences separation.

He wants to live with his "idol" even if he left his mother and went to a strange aunt. In this there is nothing to worry about and it is not necessary to struggle with it. The boy will eventually understand the situation and will be glad to meet with his father. Girls love their father, but most often they stay with their mother.

A child does not want to live with his mother what to do?

Every child and adult needs a mother. This is the person who never betrays, will not give up. If a child does not want to live with his mother, then there are good arguments for this.

So, there is a loving grandmother, aunt, sister, father, with them the child feels comfortable and protected. Sometimes this occurs with adolescent egoism and a misunderstanding of the situation. Each mother will fight for the love of her children.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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