How to live without money?

  • 1 How to live without money tips
    • 1.1 How to live a week before your salary?
  • 2 What to do if money is not enough
  • 3 How to live without money to a woman with a child
    • 3.1 How to live without money at all

Lately, a lot of people started to ask the question "Why do we need money and how to live without money?".Modern society no longer understands how one can exist without money.

Almost all material and spiritual goods need to be paid for - food, utilities, clothing, education, medicine, recreation, etc. Money has become something more than a means to acquire goods.

Having a large bank account is the equivalent of obtaining success in life. As practice shows, you can live cash bases. To come to this decision is difficult, because money makes it much easier to get the desired things.

It is necessary, not just to stop using them, you need to completely change your perception of the world.

How to live without money tips

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Most people, life without money perceive as a utopian philosophy. But in fact, in fact, this way of life allows not only to reduce the stress of financial problems, but also makes it possible to start valuing really important things.

There are several general tips , which will help if not completely abandon the money, learning to live without them, but will significantly reduce their use.

1. Planning is the key to success. In the majority, people spend money without fully thinking about the need for a particular purchase. It is the drawing up of a plan that will help reduce spending. For example, you can start using public or( if health allows) mechanical transport, make a list of really necessary products for a week, look for free forms of entertainment in ads. Gradually, the number of expenses must be reduced, until the need for money disappears completely.

2. Housing - second place in the amount of waste accounts for the payment of housing and utilities. To solve this problem, you can certainly move to the village, but there are other ways. To begin with, you can install special systems for generating electricity( solar batteries) and water( wells), or register as a volunteer in an organic farm, become a house expert( to look after the house while owners are away), move to a special community of like-minded people.

3. Food - most supermarkets, products that have expired, just thrown out. You can agree with the administration on the seizure of such goods. Also, very often it is practiced to exchange their services for food.

4. Exchange - to receive other things( clothes, accessories), you can exchange already available unnecessary items for the required

How to live a week before the salary?

There are several ways to live up to your salary:

  • Take on loan. Simplest. To take money better from friends or relatives, then you can not worry too much about the terms of return and accrued interest will not be. If the relatives themselves on the shallows have to go to the bank for a loan.
  • Pawnshop. Having handed over some unnecessary technique or jewelry, you can get so much money.
  • Advance payment. The most profitable. After all, borrowing at interest from the bank and worry about the accuracy of compliance with the terms of the pawnshop is not necessary.

What to do if money is not enough

Children, no one thinks about what parents buy toys and little joys for their baby. But, having matured, we understand that having a job with a good salary is an indispensable element of adulthood.

Most seek to get as much money as possible so that you can live and afford everything that you want, allow yourself to go abroad to relax, eat well and keep housing and family.

The absence of a stable economic situation of the state does not provide an opportunity to work peacefully, forcing to save on everything. Well, how in this situation, a person with a bunch of debts to live happily and happily? The desire to feed your family forces you to seek alternative solutions to the problem. For example, traveling outside Russia or moving to a village.

How to live without money to a woman with a child

Completely without money, a single mother can not live. After all the kid needs to be fed and surveyed, constantly to be observed at doctors. Starting with the receipt of basic medical care ending - developing toys and nutrition.

There are special charitable organizations that provide assistance to such families. But in most cases, you should rely only on yourself and your family.

Some skills( knitting, embroidering, baking, etc.) can help, knowledge of foreign languages, and their own economy.

How to live without money at all

Is it possible to live a person without money at all? In most cases this is almost impossible. However, there are people who could prove this by example.

Heidemarie Schwermer is considered the best-known example of a complete rejection of the use of money in his life. After moving to a new city, she saw on the streets a large number of homeless people. In order to help in 1994.Heidemarie created the organization "Come and Take", which helped the homeless to exchange unnecessary things or their services for the necessary thing or food.

By 1996 she realized that the availability of money was not so necessary to her and sold everything that she had, leaving only memorable photos and some gifts of children.

Heidemarie has been living for almost 20 years, without permanent housing and stable income. All that she lacks, a woman receives by exchange.

In Russia, a bright representative of this philosophy, was the artist Sergei Balovin. The man founded the project "Natural Exchange", which has been in operation for 6 years. In return for some utilitarian things, Sergei gives an ink-painted portrait.

So it was written more than 1500 drawings, which, together with the history of creation, exhibited in various galleries of China and Russia.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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