Why in life is unlucky and how to deal with this

  • 1 Why in life does not carry the advice of a psychologist
    • 1.1 Why is unlucky in life and how to deal with it
    • 1.2 Not lucky in life - the reasons why unlucky in life
  • 2 Not lucky with men - what to do if you are unlucky in love?
    • 2.1 Tips for women what to do if you are unlucky with men
  • 3 In your personal life, unlucky - why a man is unlucky in love
    • 3.1 What to do with a guy unlucky with girls

Among friends, acquaintances and just casual interlocutors, we often hear that,how they are not lucky in life, in love, with work and money. People are used to constantly talking about their problems, absolutely not thinking that they can eliminate their bad luck.

Anyone can not be born an absolutely happy person, but everyone can manage their life and happiness, having understood one simple truth: great success is daily work on oneself.

Why in life is not lucky advice of a psychologist

If you are not lucky in life advice of a psychologist, will be a guiding star for you along the way leading to luck and luck. Any psychologist, listening to your complaints about life, first of all, will talk about the need to understand the root of the problem.

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After all, in fact, bad luck is a consequence of a problem that you have not solved for many years, many of which can arise even in early childhood.

Luck most often goes to people who work on themselves, not only in the intellectual and physical sense, but also improving morally. Given their weaknesses, analyzing the mistakes of the past and eliminating them, people begin to establish all areas of their lives.

To understand yourself why life is unlucky and go on a long and sometimes hard way of self-improvement, psychologists strongly recommend to perform the following simple algorithm:

  • To sit down at the table and take writing materials;
  • Half an hour focus on their problems, recall the most vivid examples of your failures;
  • Write in the column the most striking examples of your failures, which somehow adversely affected your life. Then, in front of your "failures, write an objective reason, which in your opinion contributed to the problems that have occurred. The main thing in the analysis is to be frankly honest with yourself.
  • Do not shift the blame for your problems to other people! Carefully analyze what happened and try to make the most correct conclusion. Try to describe the cause of failure in one word, for example, laziness, complexes, etc.
  • After you have identified the most significant failures and outlined their causes, calculate the quantitative ratio of the leading causes of failure. For example, you failed because of laziness - 5 times, because of complexes -8, because of non-assurance - 2.
  • Pay attention to those problems that are most often repeated. For example, you constantly crash because of laziness and complexes. Do your "re-education" trying to eliminate these two problems that concern you.

Why is unlucky in life and how to deal with it

If you are not lucky and you do not know how to deal with it, you need to recognize the problem and your weaknesses in the same way, you also need to abstract from the failure that has arisen. Working on yourself, do not forget to include small switches in your head and allow yourself to get away from the problem.

Do not constantly blame and punish yourself for the fact that you are not lucky in life. From problems it is necessary to leave, to release them for a while, so as not to get stuck in the circumstances.

As a rule, depressive thinking attracts even more trouble. It is not for nothing that they say that the wounds heal faster on the winners. Think positively, do not program yourself for bad, because a person is lucky only when he tunes for luck.

Psychologists often advise to reconsider their preferences. For example, if you like dramatic movies, try to replace it with comedies, because very often, without suspecting, a person writes off the behavior pattern of the character he likes. And the heroes of dramatic cinema very often have no luck in life, in love, with work and in other spheres of life, so replace the characters with those that in any, even the most difficult situations find a way out.

Use advice of one of the best psychologists of our time D. Carnegie - live in one day's compartment. It is necessary to understand what happened yesterday, and tomorrow has not yet come. Today you can correct the situation and make every effort to ensure that luck turns to you face.

You need to understand that fixing on the problem, your plans and dreams begin to crumble, because of subconscious humility with failure. A person must fight for his life and place in the sun, so if you are not lucky in life, do not give up, and look for another way to solve the situation.

Not lucky in life - the reasons why you are unlucky in life

Why I do not have luck in life what to do - one of the most frequently asked questions. To realize the cause of your failures, you do not have to shoulder responsibility for others, and honestly confess your weaknesses to yourself.

The main reasons for the bad luck include the following:

1. Laziness is the most common cause of bad luck. The lack of action on the part of the individual leads to another failure. The psychology of such people is based on the fact that everything should happen by itself, luck - in their opinion, it is an innate quality that does not require its own efforts. However, such an opinion is self-deception. You will never get ready for the exam unless you begin to teach the lectures.

2. Thinking of - unlucky in life most often pessimists. Materialization of thoughts can attract the world to our expectations. Where optimists continue to struggle, pessimists drop their hands. Let us recall the famous words of W. Churchill: "Success is the ability to walk from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm."

3. Complexes - a weighty reason for which no luck in all areas of life, which are distributed complexes and fears. Complexes are always preceded by fears, which often deeply rooted in the childhood of man.

So, for example, a person will be embarrassed to speak in front of an audience, if once in a distant childhood, they interrupted him or laughed at him when he read poetry or sang songs. The sooner an individual gets rid of his fears and complexes, the faster he will be lucky in any sphere of life.

4. Uncertainty about and low self-esteem - until you realize your worth, you will never make people appreciate and respect you. A person who is unsure of himself sees a crowd a mile away. The way you behave, how much you value, is transferred to others.

You can raise your self-esteem by taking up sports or developing some abilities that are inaccessible to a wide range of people. For example, you can engage in the facial expressions of your face in order to, in contrast to other people, be able to quickly, in a special way and beautifully present themselves.

To better understand why life is not lucky, psychologists advise you to look at a beautiful documentary, the link to which is indicated at the end of the article.

Do not carry with men - what to do if you are unlucky in love?

Lack of personal life for a woman leads to the fact that she has many complexes associated with her appearance, mind and character.

While other more "lucky" women go on dates alone women spend their evenings looking for flaws. What should a woman do if she is unlucky in love? First of all, stop looking for negative aspects and fall in love with yourself as you really are.

In addition, a single woman should understand that not always the presence of a man guarantees a happy life. Very often, the girls are silent about what kind of relations and feelings are present in this union.

Frequent visits - this is not a reason for envy, because the quantity does not indicate quality. Before you envy someone or start blaming yourself for not being lucky in love, decide on what you want - a one-on-one date or strong and reliable relationship.

Advice to women what to do if they are not lucky with men

If a woman is unlucky in her personal life with men, it is worth paying attention to the environment, the image and the lifestyle of the girl.

Advice to girls and women what to do if you are not lucky with men:

The Daleks are those times when there were balls and other secular exits. Today, modern girls have to constantly be in society, among people, in order to meet that one.

A lonely and self-enclosed woman is foolish to wait for a prince on a white horse who will rush into her apartment and take her to the Maldives. No, this woman first of all should change her lifestyle.

If a woman decides that she wants a relationship, then it is not enough to mature morally for this, it is necessary and make some efforts. So, for example, instead of spending evenings for knitting, go to some cozy cafe with a girlfriend or a good mood, and order a cup of coffee. Perhaps you will not meet that one this evening, however, you will make an effort to change something in your life.

Try to communicate with a large number of people. It is not necessary to walk around the park with only one and the same girlfriend, no, on the contrary, invite a colleague from work somewhere to go or remember about a classmate. The more you communicate with a lot of people, the more likely it is to meet someone. After all, for example, while walking around the store with a classmate, she can accidentally meet her colleague or relative, whom she can easily acquaint you with.

Expand your hobbies and social circle. You have long wanted to enroll in the gym, and time is not enough? Then it's time to do it, if you need the second half. Meet new people, visit different places, it is not clear when and where that meeting will take place.

In his personal life, unlucky - why a man is unlucky in love

A man, like a woman, may have difficulties in his personal life. On the one hand, it seems that the man chooses, but, on the other hand, what the woman chooses. So most men and women remain lonely, afraid of being misunderstood and not accepted.

The main causes of , for which men are unlucky in love, are:

  • The choice is not the type of woman - often men say that they want to see a beautiful, well-groomed, smart, socially active woman near her, but at the same time want, that she was an excellent housewife, paid all his attention to him and spent the evenings at home. But this is actually not one type of woman, two whole. If a girl likes to spend time outside the home, it is impossible to make her look for the tenth time with you some old movie. A homely girl will not be delighted by the fact that you will make her at least discos every night.
  • The best friend - the transition from friendship to love is extremely rare. If she is used to using you as the best "friend" or as a waistcoat for tears, in dealing with her, you obviously do not shine anymore. She must first of all see you as a man, not as a best friend.
  • Wrong choice of a place of acquaintance - it is difficult to imagine that an activist or a regular bar or disco will want to soon become your wife and the mother of your children. Usually such women need to "perebesitsya", and then already create families.

What to do with the guy is unlucky with the girls

If the guy is not lucky with the girls, do not give up. First of all, start working on yourself:

1. Forget about past failures - everyone is looking for their soul mate. It is not always possible to please everyone. If you had a relationship and you were refused, do not take everything into a personal account. Perhaps a woman needed a hardened athlete or a brutal man.

2. Try to make compliments more often - a woman loves ears. Any representative of the fair sex just melts when a man praises her. Try to like the girl to make compliments more often, then she certainly will be interested in you.

3. Improve your skills - even at the first stage of dating, try to show yourself as courageously as possible. Not everyone has innate skills of coquetry, but try to improve.

Look at how your friends or colleagues flirt with the opposite sex, learn from the characters of the films. After all, most often a woman feels welcome, when a man shows genuine interest to her and knows how to take the initiative. The main thing is not to overdo it.

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