How to get rid of complexes?

  1. Before you get rid of the complexes - realize the problem

    To begin, sit down and in a quiet environment think about all of your complexes.

    On a piece of paper, write down all of your thoughts without concealment.

    When the list is ready, prioritize, starting with the most important.

    This work needs to be done, first of all, in order to identify all the existing problems.

  2. Identify the cause of the problem and start to get rid of the

    complexes. When the list is ready, we take the most important complex and analyze it.

    In most cases it seems to us that those around us do not like, look askance, friends whisper behind their backs, etc.

    However, what word is the key here?

    That's right - "it seems to us"!

    And what should we do when it seems to us?


    All these logical chains take place only in our brain, but not in reality.

    There's nothing to be done, but that's the way a person works - someone worries about unsuccessful haircuts, and someone thinks that the whole world is looking at his pimple on the nose.

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    Let's think together. ..
    Do you know that sick and depressed people become the most important in the family? Why?
    Yes, because all the attention of family and friends is riveted only to this one man! Therefore, the inferiority complex is the source of its strength.
    This depressed person constantly complains that he feels bad, that he feels weak and despite all this - he is the strongest among us all. No matter how rude it may sound, they suppress healthy people!
    This should not surprise us, since in this case it is the disease that can give some power!
    And if you ask the question: "Who are the strongest among people?" I will tell you at once - babies! Why?
    Yes, because it is the babies that rule us, and they themselves remain uncontrollable. ..

    That's why analyze the real facts and find out the reason for your lack of complexity.

    In most cases, any complex appears from fear.

    And defeating fear, you easily get rid of all the .

    For example, you are afraid to get acquainted with the girls.

    Having found out the reason of such fear, you will gradually overcome your fear.

    Often when acquainted with a girl in the guy's mind, the following thoughts arise: I'm not dressed well, I do not know what to say, I do not have any money with me, etc.

    Having understood the true cause of fear, you can easily eliminate the inner barrier.

    After all, before meeting you can dress up, take money and think over the topic of the conversation.

  3. Cutting the fear of

    As you have already understood, fear is the cause of all our failures.

    If we obey fear, then all our lives we will be afraid of the opinions of others.

    Fear will never allow us to change hated work, expand the circle of communication, start own business, sign on cancan, etc.

    We will live our whole life in fear and worry because of the opinion of the public.

    But now answer the question: do you have a case before your neighbor is dressed from the neighboring entrance, and how is she made up?

    And maybe you care about the capillary mesh on her buttocks?


    Then why should it matter to you?

    Do not seek to please absolutely everyone - it's not possible.

    The main thing you should like yourself and be individual!

  4. Appreciate the merits, get rid of the shortcomings

    Usually we think about our shortcomings, we talk about them, we pick them up with a bottle of beer, but we completely forget about our own merits.

    We always underestimate the advantages and exaggerate the shortcomings.

    Do you agree?

    Tell me, do you know at least one person with the perfect appearance, career, family status and friends?

    Personally, I come to mind only Iron Man, but in fact he is not real, and therefore does not count.

    Any person is not perfect.

    Someone's ears stick up, someone does not shine with the mind, somebody is bad in the sport.

    But why shout about it at every corner?

    Protruding ears can be covered with hair, the absence of the mind can be replaced by force, and the lack of power - with the mind.

    Therefore, from this day, try to keep silent about their shortcomings and talk about virtues.

    Within a few days you will notice positive metamorphosis taking place in your mind and you will easily get rid of complexes .

  5. Act and you will understand how to get rid of

    complexes. No matter how many books you read on a similar topic, they will not help you if you do not act.

    Of course, sometimes it's okay to act scary.

    It's much easier to stay in your comfort zone, get under the blanket, curl up and get angry at the whole world.

    But that does not help!

    Starting to do the exercises, you can feel that it strains you.

    You immediately start looking for reasons why you should not do these exercises.

    This is absolutely normal!

    Starting to fight with the , you exit from your comfort zone, and fear begins to tread on the heels.

    Do not be afraid of this condition.

    Show your body who is in charge and do not stop, go to your goal!

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We all live in an ever-evolving world.

Earth is a huge organism, living its own life.

Every day thousands of people are born on Earth, who live, suffer and die.

. No matter how different people are, everyone has the same trait - a complex.

Some successfully dispose of their systems, while others can not cope with them.

In this article, we will analyze what are the complexes, where they come from and how can cope with the complexes!

Complexes are human thoughts, limiting all his actions and actions.

In other words, in the head of each person there is an invisible limiter on some of his words or actions.

While this limiter is in the "on" mode, a person is not able to do any things.

Where does this limiter come from?

Yes, you just create it yourself! !!

Article to Note: How to deal with cockroaches in the head?

For example, a teacher at school criticizes Petrov's work and comments on the whole class.

What does Petrov think at this time?

Instead of taking notes and correcting mistakes, he thinks: "Well, all I'm stupid, I do not know anything and I do not know how."

That's how the first complex appears.

However, there is good news!

Meditating how to get rid of , each person can independently switch his limiter to the "off" mode and remove all restrictions.

For this you need to do only 5 extremely simple steps.

So, let's get started.

How to get rid of the complexes: the instruction!

I recommend viewing a small video clip with another

with a simple but very effective advice how to overcome your complexes:

Do not let your complexes take over you.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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