How to improve your life: what should you do?

There are people who are content with small and are afraid even to dream about something inaccessible.

There are those that constantly strive forward and are never happy with what they have.

The first is unlikely to think, how to improve their lives and certainly will not move from dreams to decisive actions, but the second must be remembered that in pursuit of a crane in the sky you can miss a tit in your hands.

It is very important to find harmony between your dreams, aspirations and reality.

It is possible and necessary to improve one's life, in fact, the meaning lies in this, but the main thing is not to lose touch with reality and not to allow loss of what is really expensive.

To improve your life, you need to become better yourself

Often in real life you can meet people who are dissatisfied with everyone: they are surrounded by stupid, unpleasant people, they happened to be born in a poor family, because of lack of money they could not get education, without connections -get a good job, men - goats / women - fools, because they do not like, etc.

instagram viewer

This stream of complaints about the heavy fate seems to be endless.

Can anything be improved with this attitude?

These whiners do not even realize that in order to improve their lives, you just need to become better yourself:

  1. Get higher education.

    You do not need to tell that you do not have money for it: if you get stuck and pass the exams well, you can get a free form of training.

    You can also combine work and correspondence form of training.

  2. Find a normal job.

    I do not live in a country of fairies and unicorns, so I understand the level of corruption in our state, but I also know very well that it is easy to find a promising job with the possibility of career growth and high pay without links simply because you have the necessary set of qualities and are readyto work hard.

  3. To develop independently.

    This can be done by reading books, watching videos, attending trainings and seminars, cultural events, developing travel( not to Turkey with its all inclusive, go on tour, which will acquaint you with the main European sights), study foreign languages ​​and.

  4. Get a set of positive qualities that will help improve your life: perseverance, responsibility, punctuality, ability to work, organization, emotional endurance, honesty, ability to learn fast, etc.
  5. Change your attitude to people and your life.

    Maybe it's not life and the people around you - shit?

    Maybe you yourself are the same person, just do not notice it?

    Stop whining, complaining, suffering, learn to think positively and see everything is good, then you will definitely improve your life.

To improve your life, you need to make it more comfortable

I'm now talking about solving commonplace everyday problems.

Inspect your home.

What do you see?

Wretched apartment, in which there was no repair for a long time, cluttered with unnecessary things?

You can not live like this, you need to immediately improve your own living conditions.

Moreover, to improve them is not so difficult.

Make it more comfortable, and accordingly you can improve your life:

  1. Have your home repaired.

    You do not need to hire a designer and invest huge amounts of money in European-quality repair - limit your makeup( floors, ceilings, walls), the main thing is that in the end result you like everything.

  2. Having bought a new bed with an orthopedic mattress, hypoallergenic pillows and beautiful bed linen.

    Such kingly bed will help you get enough sleep overnight, restoring your own strength.

  3. Throwing out of the house all your unnecessary trash.

    That's why you keep clothes in the closet that is small and out of fashion for a long time?

    In the hope that the fashion will return, and you again lose weight?

    But after all, in the upholstered cupboard there is no room for updates.

    Throw away all that is superfluous!

    This applies not only to clothes, but also to things that you do not use.

  4. Buying a smart home appliances.

    Do you spend too much time washing, cleaning, cooking?

    And all because they did not have smart technology( automatic machine, powerful vacuum cleaner, multivark, etc.), which will do half the work for you.

How to improve your life: become more organized

Perhaps you can not understand how to improve your life , because you are an absolutely unorganized person who does not have time, is constantly late and wastes a lot of time for nothing.

I need to change everything.

You can improve your life if you start:

  • adhere to some kind of regime: do not stay up late, get up early, make lists of cases, perform what is written there, etc.;
  • exercise regularly;
  • eat right: less meat, no fast food, plenty of vegetables, fruits, greens, dairy products;
  • to arrive on time for meetings and work - appreciate both your time and the time of others;
  • fulfill its duties, finally defeating procrastination.

Celebrating the unsteady, unorganized idlers rarely succeed in improving their lives, even if such a desire arises from them.

Until you take yourself in hand, until you begin to exercise will power and adhere to some kind of regime, nothing will improve.

Take a look and you will find that bunch of confirmations among your friends, colleagues and relatives.

10 useful tips for those who want to improve their lives

Here are some more useful tips if you really want to improve your life:

  1. Do not waste all your earned money - invest a part in your future.

    And in general - money should be treated wisely: do not get into debt, do not spend it on bullshit, do not give out to the right and left.

  2. Stop worrying about the mistakes of the past, learn from them and forget about it.

    Live the present and the future!

    This will help improve life.

  3. Do not wait for the ideal moment in order to improve something, it may never come.

    You need to act now.

  4. Do not allow yourself to be treated dishonest arrogant people, you need to learn to say: "No!".
  5. Stop wasting time and energy on gossip, complaints, discussion of things that have nothing to do with you - so nothing will improve.
  6. Stop communicating with people who are constantly whining, spoiling your mood, pummeling at some stupidity, that is, making your life worse.
  7. Avoid scandals and other stressful situations.
  8. Do not be selfish, give time to your loved ones, help to improve this world, without wasting yourself all at the same time.
  9. Do not pay attention to fools and critics - confidently go your way.
  10. Smile more often and believe in your success.

How to improve life with a notebook and pen? Answer in the video:

What should not you do if you want to improve your life?

Normal people constantly think how to improve their lives.

This is quite a reasonable and laudable desire that will help improve life.

The main thing - to move from fantasy to concrete actions.

And you should not allow the most common mistakes that will slow down your results.

3 most common errors that interfere with improving your life:

  1. You do not need to be distracted by various nonsense while doing the work.

    You have a specific amount of work, for example, you need to write an article.

    Close social networks, turn off the phone sound, turn off your TV, music and do business.

    After you finish the work, you can reward yourself by viewing Facebook or something else, but you do not need to be distracted by these stupid things during the work.

  2. You do not have to worry about people and events that have nothing to do with you.

    Every day you wake up with the idea, how are the characters of the reality show?

    Can not live without news and want to know where the next cataclysm occurred?

    Why are you doing this?

    You need to concentrate on your life.

  3. You can not just work and never rest. Of course, your workaholism and serious attitude to work are laudable, but you can not only work, you also need to rest, otherwise you will soon earn health problems, chronic fatigue and stress.

    And all this will only help to worsen your life, and not improve it.

You do not have to be unique to understand how to improve your life .

A bit of perseverance, a little strength of oxen, a little optimism, a drop of work on yourself and everything you can do.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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