Amber for all ages, peoples and ages.
Where did the tradition of using amber beads come from when teeth are teething, no one will say now.
But once born on the shores of the Baltic, it quickly spread not only among the peoples of Russia, but also among the population of the whole world.
Content of
- Amber acid does not happen much? !
- Why beads?
- The right choice
- Features of the application
- Moms are grateful, and the children are calm
- All the power of the sun in every magic piece of
Amber acid does not happen much? !
Even if artificial succinic acid has the properties of stimulating the energy of the cell, increasing its resistance to destruction and contributing to recovery after damage, then the natural, allocated in homeopathic doses with amber beads - even more so.
And what is the process of eruption of teeth, like a child with hardly endured pain and experience of powerful destructive processes in his gums, inevitable when the teeth "extend" to the surface?
How to save the child from pain that does not allow to eat or sleep, the pain experienced by the clock and the day when first one tooth is erupted, and then repeated with the appearance of each of the following?
And here at the moment of finding the first real, though temporary teeth, and comes to the aid of amber acid with its magical properties.
Having a beneficial effect on the metabolism of each individual cell by natural reduction of the state of acidosis in the human body( excessive acidity in the blood and tissues), it creates conditions in the body that are most favorable for the child to live such a crucial moment.
Because it causes:
- the most natural analgesic effect;
- reduces the excitability of the nervous system due to a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity to pain.
This allows a small body to cope with the supply of tissues and body structures with the necessary nutrients and building materials. After all, teething does not alleviate the need for growth, nor any other needs of a rapidly developing body.
But besides causing a natural analgesic effect, is there any other action in amber that can be harmful to the body?
The centuries-old experience of wearing amber on the human body does not have any such example, and the studies conducted by the founding father of bacteriology Robert Koch confirmed that succinic acid not only does not have toxic effects on the human body, but does not accumulate in it in excessive amounts, so it does not become a ballast.
Amber acid has long and successfully been used in human nutrition( as a food supplement E 363), as well as to stimulate biochemical processes in animals and plant organisms, that is, in the cultivation of plants, domestic animals and poultry.
Why beads?
What should be the amber beads worn on children with teething? And why is it preferring beads for all amber products?
The power of beads is provided by both the sphericity of each individual bead and their sequence forming a vicious circle.
The spherical shape of the beads provides minimal, but sufficient contact with the body, without allowing it to adhere to it and without exerting pressure on the skin, has a mild massage effect.
Wearing on the neck as close as possible to the face and teeth is also beneficial for the development of the teeth, especially at the time of their "germination" from the "soil" of the gums.
Finally, beads strung on a strong string of strictly necessary length, will never fall into the child's mouth, either accidentally or intentionally, including his unconscious actions with his head and hands at the moment of maximum pain.
The correct choice of
The only safety requirement for using a bead during teething is for a child to purchase them in the right place.
An experienced specialist will explain that beads are strung on a high-strength silk thread - the material is as natural as beads themselves.
The yarn is tear-resistant, however, in case of accidental damage it will not allow the beads to crumble and get into the holes on the face at will and without the child's desire, for each bead is separated from the next in order by a separate knot.
The length of the warp thread is calculated along the circumference of the neck of the small dentist patient. It should be sufficient to not interfere with life and movements, but the necklace also should not be too loose to hang around your neck, so as not to be removed from it unhindered when changing the pose.
The requirements for fastening are quite simple: it must be not metal, but made of amber plastic mass, with a plastic screw mechanism, which has a guarantee of tensile strength when applying excessive force.
Features of application
But periodically amber beads should still be removed. This is the period of sleep and the time when the child should be left unattended. Before bed, not to interrupt contact with the body, the beads can be wrapped around the ankle of the child.
When removing beads, if necessary or at night, it is worthwhile to inspect the thread-base. In the event of its dilapidation, it is enough simply to re-arrange the beads from the "tears of the sea" or "the sun's gifts", as amber poetically called amber in his homeland - the Baltic Sea.
Moms are grateful, and children are calm
Children's amber beads, like salvation with teething, gain a second wave of popularity, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of parents.
I remembered the amber beads when the first teeth of my own son started to be cut, although I used to refer to the amber "collar" with a laugh, especially seeing him on the boy's neck. Now I testify warmly with both hands: the method works! I do not believe in magic, but there is something in amber.
Maria, 22, Moscow
If she sobbed with pity along with the first child, when his teeth were cut, then with the second such problems did not arise. Because the good people prompted: put on the neck amber beads - and it will be easier for you and him! True truth: put on - and the baby immediately fell asleep, and when he slept, he became much calmer, and then did not suffer much. Thank you, kind people!
Olga, 27, Omsk
All the power of the sun in every magic piece of
Researchers of Ancient Greece and Rome studied the mysterious properties of the fossil resin of the oldest coniferous trees even before our time.
The ancient Greek name for amber "electron" already speaks volumes, in particular, explains its ability to magnetize-electrify from friction and attract metallic( iron) sawdust.
But not only its strange electromagnetic properties are amazing amber.
Its excellent preservative properties were used in mysterious compositions for perpetuating the bodies of pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Yes, and in our fast-paced age, the ancient "combustible stone" created by nature preserves the feminine and masculine youth, used in no less mysterious recipes of the beauty and medical industry, in good faith.
Preventing the hemolysis of red blood cells and blood clotting in the wrong place and at a time when and where necessary is the answer to just one of the many puzzles of a health-preserving stone worn on the body.
To benefit health and alleviate suffering, a stone is capable not only of an adult, but also of a child, in particular, during the eruption of teeth.