How to change your life?

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The desire of to start a new life is not a rare occurrence and if it arose, then do not neglect it!

It's better to start every Monday - I'm joking 🙂!

Or it is more logical, as many say - new life begins from New Year.

Tips how to change your life:

However, New Year's Eve and the subsequent Christmas holidays, which replaced the order of wakefulness and sleep, also mega-idleness - do not contribute to the development of healthy habits and to cardinal changes in destiny.

You can not postpone until the summer, and even more so until the fall.

Summer adjusts for active rest and distracts from constructive activity.

Additional stress and stress, and then also depression - do not entice.

Hope that, how to change your life in the fall?

Generally funny!

In autumn, all nature and all life is dormant. We should not talk about winter.

Spring remains the only launch pad for the to begin the new life of the !

instagram viewer

It's easier to change the life of than it seems.

If I decided to start a new life, start it. The first step in a new life will be something that did not visit you in the past - determination.
Unknown author

You just need to set yourself a task and go to its solution, just do not go "on your heads."

It is necessary to believe in yourself - to concentrate on solved problems and to do at least one step a day to get closer to the desired one!

In spring, nature itself will help renew the entire plant world.

You can work on yourself right after the carnival.

After all on the last day of carnival even heavy smokers quit smoking - it is checked.

  1. Do not be afraid to part with the past!

    On the contrary, overcome fear of the fact that tomorrow may start very differently.

    Will start differently - that's good!

    Doubts - "and suddenly there will be worse", do not take it into your head at all.

    Once the question arose about changing its life , then "there" will not be worse!

    Do not look for easy ways, like those to return to where it was good.

    More likely - there will also be bad!

  2. First of all, it is necessary to define specifically what does not suit the present life.

    Recall your past successful and not-included projects.

    Analyze the ways to achieve them.

    How and in what direction did these achievements of change the life of ?

    Extract lessons from the past, so as not to step on the "old" rake.

  3. Specify the tasks and list them.

    The clearer you draw your goals, the simpler are the ways and instructions to achieve them.

    Global tasks should be divided into step-by-step stages and the goal set is achieved by the method of successive approximation.

  4. To develop a plan of action, to start its implementation and not to forget about the power of autosuggestion - I will manage.

    It avoids all negative and pessimistic moods.

    And, with all this, do not forget the near man.

    Allocate at least fifteen minutes in the morning, before going to work, at dinner and at bedtime.

    This will keep the relationship with the partner afloat and will encourage you to cope with problems not alone.

  5. Do not, for morning coffee, start a conversation about problems at work, and complaints about upcoming business.

    It's better to replace them with a kiss and a smile, well. .. if the rest is not strong enough, or time.

    In the evening, do not hang in front of the TV.

    It's better to chat with your loved one, about what be nice.

    And in any case, do not arrange any disassembly before going to bed.

  6. Save money "for a rainy day" - a good habit, but do not turn into Plyushkin.

    It's okay to spend some of the savings on all sorts of nonsense.

    Just make yourself a gift, especially since no one has done it for a long time.

    It will cheer up and inspire optimism.

  7. Announce the battle to stress and take time out.

    All, even the most powerful organisms need a respite and in time for recovery.

  8. Stop drinking coffee with buckets and look for support in smoked cigarettes.

    Maybe, I will repeat - drive away from myself all sorts of pessimistic moods and negatives.

    And do not forget that hopeless optimism is already a diagnosis!

I suggest you to watch a very nice and powerful movie about how

starts to change your life and your thoughts!


From some fairy tale. One man took his cross and turned to God: I'm tired of it, replace it. ..

God: come in and choose, that's all the crosses I have.

Man finally chose, and God said to him: so it's your cross, you brought it here yourself.

Everyone has his own cross,
Groans are useless. ..,
And at the whim of heaven,
Insults are inappropriate.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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