How to overcome laziness and become a happy and successful person?

Today we'll talk about the evil enemy of mankind, about Leni-mother and how how to deal with laziness !

Why does this nasty state come so often to us?

How to overcome laziness?

All of us very much like to regret ourselves, to lament every time:

"Everything, from Monday I'll go on a diet, or I'll go to the gym, I'll wake up at 5 am and run every morning, swing the press - remember yourself?

That's it. ..

And the same Monday comes and as always nothing happens, everything stays in place, nothing changes - and then you regret yourself again, find 100 excuses, as if to shield yourself and so everything goes in a circle!!

Then I congratulate you - you are in the shade of laziness!

How can overcome the laziness of ?

Perhaps this state appears when you set too many goals for yourself, pile them on yourself, and then you realize that you do not have time and yet do not do a small bit of what you have planned.

For example, you set yourself for a goal to go 4 times a week to the gym and each time to practice there for 2 hours!

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You go to the gym, as planned, intensively try to play sports, but it does not last long - and after a while you throw your studies for a long time!

10 recipes, how to get rid of laziness

Why is this happening?

Yes, because you put a heavy burden on yourself, and it starts to bore!

Yes, because you want everything at once!

You have not yet developed a habit, and you already set yourself MEGA-goals, you want to look like a cover in a week!

So how to overcome laziness? Very simple!!!

Recently discovered one effective Japanese method against laziness, which is called " Kaizen ", it is also called " Principle 1 minute ".

The rule of this technique says that you are doing your own business( training, sports, reading) exactly 1 minute - and no more!

But classes should be held daily, exactly at the same time, but for 1 minute!

You also understand that 1 minute of time is nothing, it's not enough - therefore, the occupation of some business will pass unnoticed, with ease and with pleasure!

You even forget about Leni, she will not have time to knock at you.

The same actions that you can take 1 hour of time, and you understand it and find any excuses, only to not do anything - you can stretch for 1 minute!

Here you will see, every day you will develop your habit with the help of 1 minute!

View a video training course, shake a press, read an interesting business book, for example, "The richest man in Babylon" - and this is all given to you only 1 minute of time, these "difficult" classes will bring you one joy, you will startbe proud of yourself for what you have done!

Thus, you make small steps, improve and achieve your goals!

Agree, it is better for 1 minute to overcome laziness - than absolutely nothing to do!

With the help of the Kaizen technique, you will become more confident in yourself, in your power, quietly start to spread your wings confidently and savor your own success!

You slowly begin to increase your precious self-development moment for 5 minutes, then for 15 minutes, then for 30 minutes, etc.- without noticing it, you will be able to overcome laziness - tell me cool?

This method originated in Japan. It means "kai"( change) and "zen"( wisdom).

Discovered this wonderful technique of Masaaki Imai.

The author considers this "miracle" to be a true philosophy, as it can be easily applied both in personal life and in business!

In the West, the Kaizen method seemed completely ineffective, because people there believe: "To achieve success, you have to work hard, otherwise you will not get anything from life!"

But you will agree, man is not a machine!

If a person is to work hard for days to work and then come home and study - he will become mentally tired, he will soon have no desire to do anything at all, not only Lazy Mother, but also depression!

It remains only for you to decide what you want from life and start applying this technique in practice!

I advise everyone not to be lazy, but to see a short and funny cartoon with meaning!

The cartoon is called: "We take off the Laziness with a positive mood"

So it's better to do everything from the beginning, a little bit, slowly, stick to the principle of 1 minute, which will gradually increase, and you'll see - soon you will not recognize yourself. ..

  • Mar 04, 2018
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