Walking hand in hand under the crown, the young swear to each other in fidelity, love to the grave and support in grief and joy. ..
The first months and even years of married life the newly married couple can not breathe one another.
They go everywhere, holding hands, spend time together and every minute enjoy a joint society.
However, over time, the passion fades and some unfaithful husbands start to look to the left.
How can I survive the betrayal of my husband in this case?
And is it worth trying to restore the old relationship at all or is it easier to leave, giving an advantage to the opponent?
Let's deal!
How to survive the betrayal of her husband: why does he change? !
When the question of the reasons for the betrayal of a husband comes in, all psychologists, and along with them men, begin to hide behind the masculine nature, biology, etc.
After all, since the Stone Age, the Neanderthal man, after killing the mammoth, copulated with a dozen women to bring as many offspring as possible to the world.
Yes, of course, if we lived in the Stone Age, then an excuse with the offspring would have passed, right?
Blah blah blah. .. 🙂
After all, in those days people lived on the strength of 30-40 years, young men died in the war against the mammoth and constantly needed more and more people to replace the dead.
However, now, the time of progress, high technology and robotics, the time of mammoths and Neanderthals - has passed.
9 tips on how to survive the parting with your loved one
So now men can quite be faithful to their wives until old age.
But why then do they change?
What prevents them from being good family men and faithful husbands?
The answer is simple - we, zhschiny, push our own husbands into the hands of rivals, and then we lament and demand attention to our person. In all the reasons we are not going to dig now, but we will only analyze how to survive the betrayal of the husband , when it already happened.
2 best tips on how to survive the betrayal of your husband
To understand how to act in this or that situation, you must know exactly the nature of treason:
- annoying is an accident,
- lifestyles of a male,
- or fleeting passion.
Nobody is immune from treason, therefore, each case should be approached individually.
5 reasons why women change
Do not rush into extremes
Very often, when a woman learns of treason, she puts a cross on herself. She can not survive the betrayal of her husband and is considering suicide.
But tell me, is the meaning of your life the satisfaction of the needs of another person?
And with the betrayal of this man your life is over?
Of course not!
Therefore, drive bad thoughts from your head and think that everything that is done is for the best.
Do not start hysterics
After learning about the betrayal of her husband, do not rush to roll scandals and beat the dishes.
Try to step back from the situation and think. ..
You can take a vacation and drive to Turkey, or you can stay with a friend for a week.
At this time, try to live like you do not have any husband.
Do not deny yourself any pleasure, buy a new dress, put it on and go to a club or movie.
Feel like a woman and try to enjoy it!
Having seen such changes, your husband will understand what mistake he made and beg for forgiveness.
Survive the betrayal of her husband alone or together?
It's up to you to decide whether to share your grief with someone else.
Many psychologists claim that it is necessary to throw out emotions.
However, I would advise you to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision.
It is not known whether your friend will sincerely sympathize with you or gloat in secret.
If you want to really share your problem and hear the words of support, register on some forum and throw out all your emotions.
In this case, you will receive many times more advice and support words.
Engage in the analysis of
After you digress from treason and emit emotions, to how to survive the betrayal of your husband , you can approach with a sober head.
If the betrayal was random and single, you might think about forgiveness.
But this is provided that the husband himself repents and asks for forgiveness.
If the betrayal is your husband's constant companions, then it's better to think about parting.
If you are young, do not have children, it is better to put a fat point in the relationship now! After all, your husband will not change.
Believe, after doing this 1 time - soon wait and 2 times. ..
Changing - it shows that it does not appreciate you, plus puts at risk the STDs.
Do you need this?
A woman should be loved and carried on her hands, and not put her horns to the right and to the left.
Start talking with your husband
Whatever decision you take, be sure to talk with your husband.
Do not rush to his neck, do not hysterize, but talk calmly.
Let him see before him a confident woman who looks after herself and knows her own worth.
And then who knows, maybe you decide to change your decision about parting, and your feelings will flare up again with a vengeance. .. although I doubt, but everyone can be, we are all different!😉
I recommend to see, very good advice from the psychologist
about how to survive the betrayal of her husband
and how to live with it:
Play with her husband
If you decided to come back and forgive your husband, do not rush to throw at his neck.
Try to play with it, like a cat with a mouse.
Call on the husband's jealousy, do not let him relax.
Let him be in constant fear of losing you and fighting for you.
In this rhythm of life, no man will sidestep.
If your own wife requires constant supervision, and so strives to escape from his embrace.