How to become happy?

Do not know how to become happy ?Where to find this long-awaited happiness?

Then this article is written for you! I already tried!)))

7 useful tips on how to become happy!

Remember how many times an annoying phone call interrupted an interesting conversation or a wonderful feeling of emotional union with a loved one when you realize that you are happy right now.

Remember how this call violated the romantic atmosphere that you created or interrupted you in mid-sentence when you wanted to say something important.

But nevertheless, you picked up the phone, feeling extremely irritated at the same time.

From such, at first glance, little things and our life consists.

So why do we need to conduct it the way someone wants, not ourselves?

It's all simple.

Either you are the author of your life, or a victim of injustice and circumstances!

In this article we will look at 7 tips that will definitely change your life for the better and you will become happier !

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  1. Take responsibility for your life in your own hands.

    Remember that it's you and only you decide what to be or not to be in your life, and only you can build it the way you need it.

    No one can live your life for you.

    And if you do not take control of your own life in your hands, sooner or later you will begin to understand that life is passing by.

    This happens just when we live in the past or the future.

    The past will not return, and the future will remain the future.

    It is very important to live the present moment, here and now, because this moment will never happen again, and soon it will also be your past.

    It is important to feel and realize that you are living right now and to be happy now, and not to postpone it "for later".

    How can you believe in yourself?

    Taking life in your hands, you will understand that you have no one to blame when something goes wrong, as you wanted, because you are able to change it!

  2. Take care of your favorite business, creativity.

    It can be: singing, needlework, dancing, reading, walking in nature, yoga, evening jogging, traveling, rest on the beach.

    You know, many of us can find 1001 reasons why they can not fill their lives with happiness and pleasure.

    And the most popular reason is the ignorance of what can please us.

    And all because we just are not used to rejoice, we are swamped by our routine work and daily routine.

    But! !!

    If you are used to living with the word "must", then please change it to the word "I want"!

    Yes. .. you'll have to work hard, but you want to become happy ?

  3. Always bring it to the end.

    Very often, starting a new business, we literally catch fire with an idea and are confident of success.

    But it takes quite a bit of time and our enthusiasm goes somewhere, and we throw started at the halfway point.

    The same happens with the next case, and then.

    In the end, it turns out that our whole life consists of a chain of unfinished undertakings, and this does not add joy to our lives.

  4. It's not necessary to pick up the phone whenever the phone rings.

    This puts you in dependence on calls and does not let you live peacefully and relaxed.

    If you understand that you do not want to talk with anyone at the moment, do not do it. You do not owe anything to anyone!

    And one more thing, turn off the doorbell.

    He very often can tear us away from important matters or meditations!😉

  5. Love.

    Even if you at the moment seem to like that there is nobody to love, it is not.

    Love yourself, the world around you and people.

    And life will return you this love a hundredfold.

    After all, what you give, you get in return, multiply multiplied.

  6. Throw away unnecessary people from your life.

    Tell me directly - Do you need people who have "everything bad" every day?

    You need them only in the role of a toilet, where they are not ashamed to merge their negative and whining!

    Of course, they need it and they need you!

    Do you need this?

    Admit yourself honestly - are you after these conversations much become happier ?

    How can I cheer myself up?

  7. Constantly thank.

    God, the universe, life for everything that you have.

    This can be as a very minor thing, so the main thing that everyone has.

    Feeling a constant feeling of gratitude, you thereby open the way for everything new that will necessarily happen in your life.

    Whatever the life situations, it's important to always remember that you can not give in to despondency, you need to live the present moment, here and now.

We are looking at interesting arguments from the well-known psychologist Natalia Tolstykh about how

is to become a happy woman and stop screwing up on trifles!

P.S.Men also want to watch this video. . for self-development!🙂

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  • Mar 04, 2018
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