Women are different. ..
Some men see off admiring glances and rush to throw everything at their feet, while other less fortunate ladies pellet them with an envious whisper: "Here, the infection, it's so attractive."
And here on some aunts do not pay the slightest attention neither men nor women.
Why is that?
And because one managed to find the answer to the question " How to become attractive ?", And others - no.
But it's quite simple: to memorize the basic commandments of female beauty and attractiveness, to become captivating for men, to attract the eyes of others.
If you are a little podnapryazhetes, if you will not be lazy to look after yourself, if you jag on the nose of the main commandments of an attractive woman, you will amaze everyone with its charm and attractiveness.
"You can not become attractive if you are deprived by nature"!
I spent part of the school holidays with my grandmother.
Naturally, I had girlfriends there.
One of the girls was very distinguished from our company not very attractive appearance: it was thick, with pimply skin and eternally unwashed hair.
Already in adolescence, we tried to explain to her in a friendly way that the girl must watch herself that you can not overeat in such quantity with grandmother's pies, especially if you have problems with being overweight, that you need to wash your head more often, and for a problemSkins have special means that it's not difficult to become attractive if you just try.
We wanted, as best, but, naturally, it turned out, as always.
The girl began to aggressively defend herself, accusing the nature that "offended" her, and us for the fact that "we are attractive, and she is not."
At the same time, the young lady was not ugly, she was simply neuhozhennoy and lazy.
She did not even try to become attractive, considering that once I got pimply skin and a fat body, then so be it.
At the same time, she was terribly jealous of her more attractive girlfriends and dreamed of a prince.
Prince, however, never met.
An asshole met that he treated him disgustingly, but even soon he left her.
Several years ago, I accidentally met her - in front of me was a groomed greasy aunt( she is younger than me for a year!), Without the slightest trace of attractiveness, with the same unwashed hair and dirty nails.
The look she was looking at me was so penetrated with hatred that I hurried to finish the conversation and leave.
You can not become attractive, scoring to care for yourself
My childhood friend is not alone in her delusions.
Many girls believe that if they got a problem body, skin, hair, nails, if their appearance has some drawbacks( often - invented), then you can completely clog to care for yourself.
If you managed to jump out married, then for five years of marriage you can devour 20 kilograms, stop looking in the mirror and do not try to improve your female attractiveness.
I'm horrified by the phrase: "I'm already married, so I can eat what I want / stop watching my figure / do not spend money on beauty salons, etc.".
And then, when a husband, tired of a nehozhozhennogo elephant next to him, runs away to an attractive woman, these aunts begin to tear their hair and curse all and all for their unhappy share.
Yes, the share here is completely irrelevant, you yourself are ruining your chances of personal happiness: instead of becoming attractive, you turn into an eerie something that love is simply impossible.
And there's nothing to blame for nature, there's nothing to hate other women.
Their attractiveness is the result of hard work, time and money costs. Who prevents you from adhering to the basic precepts of self-care.
Become attractive - therefore, be well-groomed
Here for me, "attractive" and "groomed" - this is almost a word-synonyms.
To become attractive, enough care for your appearance:
Get rid of extra pounds.
With them to understand, how to become attractive , you can not.
In addition, excess fat deposits are harmful to health.
Start to lead a correct lifestyle: go in for sports, eat right, quit smoking and consume alcohol in large quantities.
A woman with a cigarette is attractive only in her fantasies.
- Keep your hygiene: wash your hair before strands become fat, take a shower twice a day, use deodorant antiperspirants.
Manicure and pedicure should be regularly done to all women that they want to become attractive.
And it's better to trust professionals, and not cut off the cuticle cuticles of the house.
In addition, rarely anyone can independently varnish their nails as the master does in the salon.
Carefully care for your face skin with the help of a cosmetologist and home care products.
How to become well-groomed?
Feet, armpit and bikini zone should be free of excess hair.
Increased hairiness on the body does not attract men.
- Do not ignore makeup and perfume.
Changing the wardrobe to become attractive
The proverb "Meet on the clothes. .." has not lost its relevance, as if the hippies, radical feminists and other women who are hammering into their appearance could not have dreamed about it.
No matter how smart and charming you are, how could you not master the skill of dialogue, no matter how competent in the profession - neither this nor much else gives you the right to dress in anything.
Without a thoughtful wardrobe you will not be able to become attractive. Your clothes should be:
- fashionable and stylish;
- attractive;
- clean and whole( fashionable hole now on jeans does not count);
- relevant;
- impeccably going to you - a well-chosen wardrobe hides the shortcomings of the figure and emphasizes the virtues.
Revise all the things that are in your closet. Discard those that:
- are small or large;
- can not be combined with anything;
- have a shabby appearance;
- you did not wear for a year;
- absolutely do not go to you.
And now fill the holes that have formed with quality and stylish basic things that go to you immaculately.
This is not a waste of money, it's a reasonable investment that will help you become attractive!
The following video will also give you some great tips,
to become attractive to the stronger sex:
How to become attractive: 10 commandments of an attractive woman
Women's attractiveness is not such a big mystery behind seven locks.
Do you think aunts who envy beauties do not know what to do to become attractive?
Yes, they know perfectly well, they are just lazy.
After analyzing the various beauty tips and recommendations of psychologists, I formed for you 10 commandments of an attractive woman:
- To look after yourself daily.
- It looks immaculate, even going to the store for bread.
- Competently form your wardrobe and think, before you put on something.
- Use makeup.
- Get an expensive and pleasant perfume.
- Go in for sports and lead an active lifestyle.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Smile more often, be cheerful and cheerful. Gloomy pessimists are unlikely to be attractive.
- To be self-sufficient, not depend on the man neither materially nor emotionally.
- To devote a lot of time to its intellectual development, to be an interesting companion.
And what: these commandments have become for someone a revelation?
Yes, I will not believe in life!
Or do you really continue to believe that these bastards( attractive women) hide their secrets of attractiveness from less fortunate fellow tribesmen?
Well, well, it's much easier to deceive yourself and look for the guilty than to take care of your appearance, career, intellectual development.
And yet I believe that the answer to such a difficult question was simple enough for most of my readers.
Those women who can not understand how to become attractive , just lazy and greedy.
They do not want to allocate time, energy and money to care for themselves.