Dressed up radio. What is it and what does it eat?

Sarafan radio is an blue dream, perhaps, of every businessman or businessman.


Well, what kind of leader does not dream of having clients come to his company, and even bring other clients?

However, most enterprises believe that word of mouth occurs spontaneously and can not be controlled.

I'll say right away - it's not like that.

And absolutely any entrepreneur can not only run a word of mouth, but also control it.

This is exactly what will be discussed later.

What is word of mouth: in simple words

Dresser radio is a transfer of some information to each other.

Information is transmitted on a voluntary basis under the influence of emotions.

Simply speaking, if you liked some product, then you will tell about it to your friends.

If you do not like the product, in addition to friends, you will talk about it as many people as possible.

Many entrepreneurs have long looked at the word of mouth and, with varying success, try to tame it.

The first attempt to direct public opinion was pretty easy.

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Companies offered their products to opinion leaders with the expectation that leaders will praise it and crowds of customers will flee to them.

However, everything was not so simple.

Leaders did not want to give out recommendations for free, so this channel quickly decayed.

But a little later, entrepreneurs ceased to amaze and amaze the consumer, but focused on providing quality services.

Ways to attract customers: 3 effective methods

After all, if a person liked the product or service, then with a high probability, he will already talk about it.

So if you are an entrepreneur, I advise you to pay attention to how your employees behave with your customers.

Pros and cons of word of mouth

Like any advertising, word of mouth has its drawbacks and pluses.

Let's stop on them and we will disassemble in more details.

Pros of the wordy radio:

  • customers themselves come to your office,
  • you get free powerful advertising,
  • customer flow is growing day by day, the
  • brand is getting recognition and is gaining momentum.

Disadvantages of word of mouth:

  • you can not interfere with what is being said about your company, the
  • information passed by word of mouth can be distorted and remind the corrupted phone
  • if the customer remains dissatisfied with your services, he will warn absolutely everyone about thisexceptions.

By the way, negative information usually spreads much faster than positive.

This is only because a person is much more willing to share something bad than good.

Therefore, if you screw up, then the information about your failure will spread in a matter of days.

How does an entrepreneur tame a word of mouth?

The question is quite complicated, but it's quite logical.

And if you want consumers to talk about your organization in a positive way, read the following simple rules.

Rule 1. Use the wow effect

Let me remind you that word of mouth starts to work from an overabundance of emotions.

Therefore, try to ensure that the first time you visit your company, the client experienced the strongest positive emotions.

For example, you came to a regular haircut, and you also had a head massage and washed your hair with a special medicine.

Will you be happy with this haircut? Still would!

And if you come to the store for a hair dryer, and the seller during the consultation you nahamit?

Do you buy a hair dryer at all?

Very much I doubt.

We attract customers using the clever methods of

Rule 2. Pay attention to the interior of the office of

We all know the well-known saying: "On clothes are met".

So do not discount your company's appearance.

Imagine an office with scruffy walls, a dirty floor and a peeled table, behind which sits an unshaven dowager in a greasy shirt.

Will you buy something in a similar office?

Hmm. .. I think that's vryatli!

It's another matter if you come to a clean and bright office where a neat young lady immediately runs to meet you and politely offers to taste rare Indian coffee.

With decent service, you will come here again and again.

Rule 3. Quality service

So we got to the most important point.

I'll tell you a secret that without quality service, no one will ever come to you again.

And even more so will not advise your company to your friends.

Rule 4. Never deceive the customer

Remember: no matter how cozy your office is, if you lie to customers, then quickly go broke.

People do not need noodles on their ears, they need, first of all, a quality service or something.

For example, if you vtyuhali someone cheap tour to Turkey, while promising luxurious conditions, then be sure - the customer will not only not come back to you again, but also discourage you from going to you all your friends.

How to succeed in business?

Rule 5. Rejoice your customers and launch

word-of-mouth radio radar. Although this item is the last one on the list, it is impossible to name it as such.

That's why do not skimp on gifts for customers.

Such a gesture will only strengthen the positive emotions of your buyer and tighten it to your company.

For example, recently I bought jeans in one boutique.

So, together with them the seller presented me a comfortable bag.

Agree, it's nice!

Butik not only managed to bind me to myself as a regular customer, but also get a bunch of positive feedback.

And to fix the information obtained from this article

I suggest that you view a small video,

how to launch a word of mouth:

In conclusion, if you follow all these rules in good faith, then the word-of-mouth radio will start working with unprecedented force.

You just have to control the flow of positive feedback.

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 16
  • 141