Comfort zone. How to get out of the comfort zone?

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The inner state of mind of a person, in which it is pleasant to be, is called the comfort zone .

It does not allow a person to realize his dream, makes him degrade and takes away the desire to realize his potential!

Internal - here an important word.

The same objects of the external world for different people can be interpreted in different ways.

For example, for one, expensive varieties of coffee, tea, cigars, luxury furniture, an expensive car that he uses every day have become habitual - it's no longer impressive.

For another, all of the above may be just a dream, to which he aspires.

In other words, zone of comfortable finding of is:

  1. Well-established habits.

    A person does not develop at all, being in a familiar and familiar environment, rooted in a comfortable zone.

  2. Behavior stereotypes.

    A person starts acting on the machine, performing the same actions day by day, ceasing to feel and perceive the surrounding reality with his own mind.

  3. instagram viewer
  4. Thinking patterns.

    The person becomes the consumer of everything ready.

    He becomes too lazy to think, too lazy to do something.

Behind the comfort zone is a completely different "side of the coin" - a zone of uncomfortable and unusual behavior.

Going from one zone and getting into an unfamiliar atmosphere, a person learns to live anew, re-feel, make vitally important decisions.

Therefore, we have to look for new life guides( pivot points), so that the new world becomes much clearer and easier.

The condition in the opposite zone can be compared with the process of growing up a child!

How to get out of comfort zone? Ways to exit:

To leave a comfortable stay will have to anyone.

The whole point is when and how he can get out.

Prepared or thrown out of a comfortable shelter to the mercy of fate.

The second way out of the ordinary existence of a more traumatic soul: stress, neurosis, depression.

Life circumstances or changed conditions cause a person to dramatically change the course of his routine life, which entails a considerable threat to health.

To prevent such sudden changes in life, it is better to make an informed decision to choose the first option for getting out of the "gray" consumer's existence.

Then all the changes in life will proceed in a softer form with sparing influence on the psyche.

"If you always set yourself boundaries in what you can do physically or mentally, you can equally well be a dead man. It will spread to work, morality, for life. There are no boundaries, only horizontal areas of stabilization. But you can not stay on them, you need to go beyond them. If this kills, then it will kill. "
Bruce Lee

97% of people 2/3 of his life hope that they still have to come!

Enough of children's illusions!

I bring to your attention 5 invaluable tips that will help you get out of the comfort zone and achieve your goals!

  1. Go to the courses or to the weekend club!

    Do not be lazy, but look on the Internet, in newspapers - interesting courses in your city.

    Find something that will please you and forward to new acquaintances and exciting activities.

    And yet. .. do not just sign up for courses, but visit them regularly!

  2. Take an unforgettable trip!

    Select for yourself a couple of free days to go on a small trip.

    From you only need to choose the route of the trip and take the necessary things. . EVERYTHING!

    You do not need to plan anything anymore.

    That's right on the road, think about your time, what will you do, where will you go. ..

    Thanks to this method - you can get out of its comfort zone and get unrealistic impressions!😉

  3. Take on new tasks, for example, at work!

    Take on a specific project!

    And do not just work on it, but try to make something new, non-traditional, in order to make things work, like clockwork!

  4. Go in for sports! If doing - then increase the load!

    Everyone knows that physical activity adds self-confidence, health, self-esteem and of course raise self-esteem!

    Do not you play sports yet?

    Then it's your time to change something in life and start yourself tidying up!

  5. Set those goals that completely change your life!

    In our case, we need to take on such a goal that will help change you and your life-being!

    Plan the time for which you can implement it.

What is the danger zone of comfort?

The dangers that lie in wait in a comfortable and gray life - lack of motivation.

Acting and even forcing yourself to act is not easy at all.

Develop a habit of working on yourself and making efforts regardless of mood and weather conditions - becomes a top priority.

This is promoted by an active way of life, physical activity, curiosity, self-confidence, living of life on a "here and now" basis.

For more details on how you can get out of your comfort zone, see the

in a cognitive video!

Breathe life!

Self-improvement and regular development, not degradation, allow small steps to leave the existing comfort zone .

  • Mar 04, 2018
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