Self-development is the basis of a successful person's life

Today we will talk with you about what terribly scares the mountain-businessmen, at least those that came across in my way, about self-development .

Self-development? Ha, nonsense! I have money!

I do not know how it is for you, but for me wealth and success are far from always synonymous words.

Although I was a child in the crazy 90's, but I well remember the so-called new Ukrainians.

In crimson jackets, with golden anchor chains on bovine necks, in shiny foreign cars and. .. with the same cow-like expression.

In the 90s, huge money was earned mainly by those who were not smart, industrious or educated, but brazen and unprincipled.

A bit of luck, criminal inclinations, lack of conscience and - voila: the first million you have earned in your pocket.

But such schemes are rolled only in troubled times, the transition period.

As soon as life got into the rut a little, it turned out that not all "crimson jackets" were ready for it.

Someone fell from the bullet of a competitor, someone dropped everything for fun, but someone simply lost everything, unable to turn a semi-legal business into a legal one.

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And only a few, those that even remotely understood what self-development , remained afloat, removed the crimson-gold uniform of the 1990s and turned into respectable businessmen.

How to start a business and not depend on anyone?

But even those that managed to keep the money earned during the reorganization, often remained at the level of development of the shell.

Let it be shod in the stouse shoes, even if sitting on the golden toilet, but still - seashells.

On my way more than once came across shells that twisted from such words as "psychology", "self-development", "personal growth", etc. Like, go you, baby, where far away with your stupidities.

I made money, I'm cool!

What is self-development?

Self-development is a constant work on improving oneself and one's life.

Many people, even if they think they are very successful and happy, do not develop precisely because they do not know how to do this and do not understand the true meaning of the word "self-development".

For some reason it seems to many that if you get a good job, married / married, have children, have a car, own housing and even a little money for entertainment, then you can already relax, the plan is fulfilled, life was a success.

However, this is where the main error lies.

People who do not want to engage in self-development, having all the natural data in order to climb to the top, are just criminals.

Behind the success stories of famous people is not luck( although it never hurts), and the years and years of hard work on themselves, improving their knowledge and skills, the all-round development of their personality, etc.

"The whole meaning of life lies in the infinite conquest of the unknown, in the eternal effort to learn more."
Emil Zola

Successful people would never have become what they were if after the first good luck they sat down exactly on the pope and refused to move further.

Self-development is vital in order that:

  • live happily ever after in absolute agreement with itself and with others;
  • does not just make an acceptable career, but become the best in its field;
  • to achieve all the goals;
  • get rid of complexes and become the soul of any company;
  • to find love and happiness;
  • not only have a beautiful soul, but also a beautiful body;
  • live the fullest possible life, so that on your deathbed you do not have to cry about the wasted years of life.

Mandatory components of

self-development In order to achieve success as quickly as possible, one can not concentrate on any one stage of self-development.

For example, a successful person will not focus only on the career, hammering into other components of a harmonious personality.

If you really want to realize yourself to the maximum, then act in different directions:

  1. Reason.

    The easiest way to train the mind is to read books.

    They allow you to develop erudition, to learn to think analytically, to expand your horizons, to be able to maintain conversation on any topic, etc.

  2. Character.

    Each person in the character has both strengths that help him achieve his goal, as well as shortcomings from which one should try to get rid of or at least hide them so as not to allow enemies to take advantage of your weaknesses.

  3. Health.

    You, of course, understand that even a completely healthy person by nature can turn into a decrepit sluggish something if he eats, gets horrible, does not go in for sports, drinks like a horse, smokes like a locomotive, leads an absolutely wrong way of life,e.

    In your health you need to invest and then even in old age you will feel great.

  4. Beauty.

    The proverb "Do not be born beautiful, but born happy" I like, only I would change its ending to "and be born non-sluggish".

    Not for nothing the ideal of female beauty in France is not the woman who has the right facial features or unfortunate parameters 90-60-90, but the one that stylishly dresses and cares for herself.

    Tight figure, manicure, pedicure, order on the head, carefully thought out wardrobe anyone will turn into a beauty.

  5. Career.

    It is not enough to get a managerial position, you need to constantly strive for higher results, develop yourself, improve your knowledge and skills, become an indispensable member of the team.

    Only such people get the opportunity to manage huge corporations, to earn huge money.

    And they certainly are not afraid of reduction.

  6. The inner world.

    This, of course, is a very vague concept and you can call this stage in your own way, but without it in any way.

    Under the self-development of the inner world, I mean traveling, having an interesting hobby, going to the theater, cinema, museums, attending presentations, everything that allows you to expand your horizons and usefully spend your free time.

  7. Love.

    A successful person is not necessarily a biscuit, which is forever lonely.

    In pursuit of success, do not ignore such a bright and useful feeling as love.

    Respect your parents and take care of them, be friends with brothers and sisters, fall in love and create your own families.

    Very often the accomplishments are made precisely because of love, and the desire to give all the best to their second half.

And a few more thoughts about self-development and

where to start.

Watching the video:

self-development is an ongoing process that excludes lengthy vacations.

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Just need to try to be a harmonious person in everything and always strive for a better life than you already have.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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