How to achieve success: 5 reasons that slow us down

Agree that each of us would like to achieve the success of , to become a self-sufficient person who is satisfied with himself and enjoys every day of his life.

And although we may have different reasons for this, on the whole, all of them, one way or another, boil down to several basic characteristics: health and physical condition, material prosperity and security, social recognition, self-realization, personal life and family.

Therefore, by most of us, success is perceived as reaching a certain level, defined by a mark in the "scale of development" of a particular characteristic.

That is, in the language of mathematics, the "success formula" in the most simplified form looks like this:

Success is the sum of the "marks" of each of the characteristics, taking into account their significance for a single person.

Therefore, in order for to achieve the success of , it is necessary to develop oneself and one's life in those spheres that are of the greatest importance, and at the same time do it consistently, despite the possible "resistance" of relatives and friends.

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But why is everything more difficult in practice?

Why do most people for many years of life settle for the swamp they have at the moment?

And why get out of it even with a strong desire is often an impossible task?

To answer these questions, let's look at the five major "stumbling blocks" that hinder the development of a person and return him to the former life of a loser.

1. How to achieve success or why do we incorrectly prioritize?

Let's return to the main spheres of life, which were listed at the beginning of the article.

And now put a conditional estimate of 1 to 10 in front of each of them, but only so that they do not repeat.

And look at your "Priority Scale".

Compare it with the one that is obtained from many of those whom I have already offered to pass this test: first place is personal life and family, on the second - health and physical condition, on the third - material prosperity and security, on the fourth - self-realization, and on the fifth - social recognition.

How did your answers coincide with the "average" ones?

Actually, if they coincide completely or completely, it's neither good nor bad. This is a reality that is right for you and for the moment.

Another question is how honest you were with yourself. To understand this, let's look at a few examples.

Say, you put family and personal relationships above all other spheres. Excellent.

And how many times today did you say important to you people "I love you" or "Are you very dear to me"?

Or instead of the horizontal placement of its fifth point on the couch( sticking in social networks, watching the next delirium through the zombie box, etc.) went with the child for a walk, went to their parents or spent time together with the other half?

Unfortunately, often at this moment many people start very tough resistance to such words, and in response you can hear: "It's temporary, now such circumstances, but in reality I. .." and then on the rolled-in.

But that's bad luck - "convenient" and "perfect" time does not come.

There is always something that will distract, demand attention to yourself, and there will always be excuses for laziness and weakness.

How to do everything: 10 practical tips!

So, if now you see partly( or completely) your own reflection, it means only that you need to stop lying to yourself and honestly prioritize your life priorities. Be frank at least with yourself!

In the course of this lesson, one should not try to "adjust" to externally imposed beliefs. For example, you could be told that the main thing in this life is health or that a career is the basis of a successful life, etc.

But in fact you can feel your priorities differently.

And this is normal, because each of us is unique and unique.

Or do you want to make "bends" under your surroundings all your life? !

2. To achieve success, we dream of running a marathon at a mad speed

How many times after another promise to "start a new life" you immediately tried to drive yourself into a tight framework?

For example, completely abandon the sweet, or abruptly stop watching TV after 22 hours.

Start to play sports 5 times a week or call your relatives and relatives every day to sincerely take an interest in their life and maintain a warm relationship.

But after a day or two, maybe in a week or two or three you notice that you are "on the limit", that you can not( or do not want to) continue what you started, that there is no sense, etc.

Do you know such situations?

In fact, each of us faces them at the moment of change.

And most of them retreat.

And do you know why?

We try to start abruptly without any special preparation( moral, physical or any other) and quickly deal with everything.

It's like making a "home hamster"( which most people are) run in the wheel without breaks for an hour or two.

Well, if after that he will be able to move. ..

After all, the path to change is not "hundred-meter", where it is enough to lay out right away and after a minute rest after the load.

On the contrary - you expect a "marathon", perhaps even a lifetime.

"I'm just sure that you can learn how to fly. Of course, flopping to the ground is not sweet, but you do not have to start right from the top. "
Astrid Lindgren. Pippi Long stocking

And trying to run such a huge distance in one breath, and even immediately taking the speed limit - it's suicide.

What you need to do after the planned route, so gradually, day after day, begin to pass( and not run) a certain distance.

And then gradually increase the duration and complexity of the loads.

What is the point in breaking up the first day, and then looking for excuses in inaction?

Say, if you want to start exercising in a gym, you do not need to try to show off on the first day before others and give yourself a 157% load on all muscle groups so that in the next days you can hardly move and feel constant pain in the muscles.

Or, in the case of creating your own business, you do not have to try to create a ready-made model in one day, which will immediately become "perfect" and will start bringing hundreds of customers.

And so - in everything.

Schedule small steps to achieve your goal and concentrate on them every day.

After all small, but everyday repetitive business will lead you to the desired "point" before the sharp, but non-systemic, sharp jerks on the principle of "all or nothing."

3. We do not want to really learn to succeed

If a person develops in the direction that is really important for him, one can only rejoice and wish for future success.

It is quite possible that you are also actively studying in your field: reading profile literature, watching webinars and recording trainings, attending live events, participating in discussions and even being in some professional association / community. This is really cool and deserves respect!

Self-development is the basis of the life of a successful person

But if you understand, why do we learn at all? Hardly out of idle curiosity or "knowledge for the sake of knowledge".After all, in the long run, you will learn something new in order to then help you in practice.

Therefore, it is the practical application of knowledge that should become the logical continuation of real, quality learning. But the problem of many people is that they only "imitate" it, portraying themselves as clever men, who all know, but do not do anything at all.

Let's look at examples.

For example, a person attends a seminar on opening their own business( sales training, development of speaking skills, communication with the opposite sex, etc.), where he receives a lot of various information. There it is so much that a person can "explode brain".

After such an event, he gets a release into the blood of the so-called."Hormones of Happiness", as well as adrenaline and other stimulants. He is full of determination( on the wave of positive) tomorrow to put everything into practice and is preparing for a quick victory over his "inner enemy", to become the "master of the world", etc.

But starting to work, this confidence somewhere quickly disappears.

The legs are weakened, the tongue is tangled, the tremor in the voice is felt and. ..

Most likely, the person refuses his plan and decides that he needs to "wait a little" or "take a break" in order to gain experience and then start practicing.

Typical behavior of "homemade hamster".

Where, then, it is asked, to take experience, how not in practical exercises in the "field conditions"?After all, no book, no coach or mentor, no matter how skillfully he was able to model role plays and classes in the audience, will not be able to give you real experience, which can only be obtained through his own trial and error.

Of course, you need to listen to the experience of others, try not to make obvious mistakes, but until you fill your own "cones", you are unlikely to get ahead. Of course, it's much more convenient to fall apart on a couch with chips and beer and dream about a slender muscular body or talk about a smart car, to earn on that with the current salary will have 26 years. ..

Well, of course, to end the accusations of everyone and everything in their own failures.

Instead, just stop whining, complaining and looking for excuses!

Begin to introduce everything that you have learned and seen, heard and received from others.

Just take it and do it! Let it be crooked, inconspicuous or clumsy.

But, in this way, you will already move much further than those clever men who can not do these elementary things, but only talk about life and give everyone stupid advice.

But do not forget at the same time that you do not need to try to run a marathon like a sprint.

4. How to achieve success or why we strongly love marmalade?

Perhaps this item caused you surprise.

Or, on the contrary, you already guess what will be discussed. In any case, this is one of the most serious problems that a person can face in trying to achieve his goals.

Why is that? If we do not go into the specifics of the structure of our brain, the meaning of "marmalade dependence" is that most momentary pleasure will be preferred by the majority of people to future successes.

For example, many people can easily eat a chocolate bar now to get a five-minute joy, then they will give it up in favor of the joy of getting rid of excess kilograms.

Or instead of starting a business and getting dividends from it in a year, they prefer to settle for uninteresting monotonous( sometimes - slave) work, for which, however, they will be stable and monthly pay, even several times less.

Success in business. How to succeed in business?

There are a lot of such examples.

By the way, "jujube" is not necessarily food or money.

Such examples can be your hobbies, relationships, personal growth, which you "dig in" into the ground when instead of reading you choose a zombie box( TV) or instead of trying to get acquainted with a girl( guy), you are self-flagellating on your "ugliness".

The question is only what the person really wants to do, and what is the reason for this he is ready to refuse.

After all, there is no way that everything could be done at once, and even without consequences.

Moreover, often these are the "joys of life" are imaginary and far-fetched.

However, this is a completely different story.

5. How to achieve success: you need to remember the main thing. ..

But this principle is very simple.

Every time a person wants to do something or, on the contrary, avoids some activity, he should honestly answer himself: "How can I do what I do( maybe I'm going to do) or do not( postpone)me to my goal? "

That's all, no more secrets," chips "and" secret knowledge of the great gurus. "

This very simple and effective principle can really help you in the business that you really want to do.

Or in achieving your main goal.

Do not think that one reading of this article is enough to succeed.

It's all the same if from one possession of a treasure map she would transfer her owner to the right place, and then she would dig out the chest and open it.

We should not also assume that it is necessary to implement all of the above principles simultaneously, and to follow them rigidly.

After all, we are all living people, that's why in our life everything can happen.

And no matter how many times you stumble and deviate from the route.

Much more important is whether you have enough strength to return to the path that you have chosen for yourself, and continue to go for to achieve its success .

For fixing information and motivating yourself to the success of

, I recommend viewing the video below.

Act now! Forward to success!

It's much easier to be a "homemade hamster".

Just remember that miracles happen behind this most comfortable house, outside of your present comfort zone.

Author: Denis Pilipchuk
E-mail: [email protected]

  • Mar 04, 2018
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