Self-improvement: how to achieve it?

I'm not tired of repeating to you how important is the self-improvement of .

This is actually the main guarantee of success.

You can not in any way stop at the achieved, you can not assume that you already know everything and know, after the first achievements.

Successful people are why they are successful, that they are not tired of learning and developing.

A vivid example of this - Hollywood celestials.

Self-perfection in Hollywood

Hollywood. ..

When mentioning this Dream Factory located in the US, most people imagine an eternal holiday of life, happy people who have everything: money, popularity, who can do their favorite profession, and even get paid for itdecent wages.

Who among us did not look enviously at Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise or another Hollywood celestial on the red carpet and did not ask questions: "How did ordinary people manage to reach the top?", "Oh, why did not I in their place"And other.

And few people understand that the popularity and huge fees of Hollywood stars - not a gift from heaven, but the result of serious work and constant

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self-improvement .

Even the stars of the first echelon do not consider it shameful to attend master classes, trainings, to be engaged in acting. And this applies not only to actors.

Writers, producers, directors, who have a lot of awards in the zagashnik, and billions in their bank accounts, do not hesitate to try on their pupils' outfits on a regular basis.

Self-development is the basis of the life of a successful person.

Of course, the main reason why they do this is Hollywood's specificity.

Only to ignorant people this place seems to be a paradise on earth. In fact, it is more like another Biblical monastery: it constantly boils, boils, screams, moans and howls. You can not rest here on your laurels.

Every superstar knows that two dozen hopeful starlets come to her heels, which at any moment can take her place, move her from the pedestal.

In Hollywood, as in sports, you need to constantly raise new records and prove that you have the right to win a gold medal again and again.

How does Oscar-winning Al Pacino cultivate in the profession?

Self-improvement is done not only by ordinary stars, but also by the true legends of Hollywood.

I was really shocked by the story of Al Pacino, who is preparing for the role in the film "The Venetian Merchant" based on Shakespeare's works. On the picture, which lasts only 2 hours, the great actor spent a year of his life.

He attended courses in acting, was engaged with a teacher specializing in the interpretation of William Shakespeare's works, read historical works to understand the atmosphere and life that prevailed in the 16th century.

Oscar-winning actor, a legend in the world of cinema, has not regretted the year of his life to flawlessly cope with the role of the rich squire, although no one doubted that Al Pacino and without any special training will cope with any role brilliantly.

"Who improved, he can not believe that this improvement is over."
Lev Tolstoy

Still, the amazing actor considered it his duty once again to prove to everyone that he was not accidentally on top, became an idol and an example for imitation.

That his success, world popularity, the audience's love and millionths of fees are the result of constant work, work on his skill and self-improvement, and not an accident or gift of the very fate that losers like to say.

And now tell me those who are always jealous of someone else's success and mournfully ask: "Well, why am I not his place?" - many of you adhere to the rules of Al Pacino in his profession?

Have you ever worked on something as carefully as he did without regretting the whole year of your life, having studied all the nuances of the case you are dealing with? Very much I doubt!

Self-improvement in Ukrainian: 5 mandatory components of

As you understand, self-improvement does not depend on the country of residence of the person who wants to succeed, or the things he does.

I have cited as an example of Hollywood stars and the legendary Al Pacino, so you understand, even the celestials are forced to work hard.

In addition, the creative profession does not mean that you can be lazy and work half-heartedly. Usually those who think so quickly drop out of the clip, no matter what they do.

The hackers and lazy people can not tolerate any sphere of activity.

If you understand how important it is to constantly improve, but do not know where to start, then for sure you will benefit from advice from the famous Ukrainian businessman and political figure Gennady Balashov.

He believes that self-improvement is impossible without such components.

  1. Choose the right teacher.

    Let's say you want to become a world-famous artist.

    Who, in your opinion, will best teach you how to achieve this: a teacher in an art school that does not have a single solo exhibition, or an artist with a great name, whose paintings are sold at auctions for a lot of money?

    You need to learn from the best, those who managed to achieve amazing results in their profession.

  2. Keep collecting information constantly.

    Information - a very formidable weapon, even when you're hiring, what to say about business or other activities.

    For example, when getting a job, you will benefit from different competitors if you find out what the firm does and offer some interesting ideas.

    How to increase the intelligence: effective methods

  3. Spread the maximum.

    Leave half measures and work half-heartedly.

    If you really want to create a unique product or become the best in your profession, then you must give all your strength and all your time to the business you are doing.

    Only this way you will become unique, not just a good specialist.

  4. Learn to understand those with whom you are dealing.

    If you want to sell a product or get money from an investor to develop your business, then you must understand exactly what the buyer or investor wants to hear from you and get.

    Put yourself in his place, get used to his role and then you will easily find a common language with any person.

  5. Be unique.

    Do you know which product or service can be sold as costly as possible?

    Those that, except for you, no one else offers.

    If you manufacture a unique product or provide services that no one else provides, you will be able to request any price.

And a couple of smart thoughts on the self-improvement

are presented in a short video below.

We look:

I hope I convinced you that self-improvement is the most important part of the life of any successful person.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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