Syndrome of professional burnout

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I usually give you advice on how to plan your work schedule, what profession to choose in order to achieve success, etc.

Today we will talk a little about another, about what is syndrome of professional burnout , where and why it is taken, how it can be avoided, etc.

As you can see, I care not only about not being lazy and working a lot, but also about making sure that you work correctly, without driving yourself like a horse.🙂

What is professional burnout?

Burned at work. ..

This phrase we perceive, rather, as a joke. Like, someone just waved to work or was tired of a cretin-boss.

All he needs is a vacation.

And if the text about professional burnout is also accompanied by some cheerful picture, then this only strengthens our prejudice: such a topic is not worth much attention.

And how are you mistaken, as professional burnout - the diagnosis is incredibly serious and its neglect can lead to terrible diseases, and not only mental.

For example, recent studies confirm that most patients of oncology departments are people suffering from a neglected syndrome, of which we are now speaking.

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Occupational burnout is a syndrome that occurs when the emotional, physical and psychological state of a person is in decline, that is, it is completely depleted and can not recover, get rid of stress.

Psychologist E. Morrow, investigating this syndrome as early as the early 1980s, came to the conclusion that the state of a person suffering from professional burnout can be compared to a slowly smoldering wiring, which sooner or later will lead to a catastrophe.

The image was so bright that it is still used to explain this phenomenon.

Symptoms of professional burnout

Symptoms of professional burnout, especially at an early stage, resemble periodic stress.

Without reason, your heart starts beating, you are afraid to ask the boss with a question, although nothing like this happened before, you forget about some usual work duties that you have been doing for many years, you can not get yourself to start work, you get irritated over triflesetc.

And, what's the most interesting, if you ask "Do you want to change jobs?", "Do you want to do something else?", "Are you tired of your job?" You most likely hesitate before answering "Yes"Because subconsciously you understand that your present state can be connected not with a specific place of work, but with other reasons.

Such a disease as professional burnout has quite specific symptoms, the most common of which are:

  • You are constantly feeling tired, neither the weekend nor the full sleep gives you the opportunity to recover.

    In addition, you very quickly get tired, having performed even an easy task.

  • In the morning you can not force yourself to get out of bed, it seems like you did not sleep at all, but worked all night.
  • You constantly feel bad( it's about physical indicators): the head hurts, pressure leaps, diarrhea or constipation is excruciating, there is no appetite, or vice versa. Eat like an elephant, heart beating like an abnormal one, etc.
  • You have a broken sleep: from the evening you can not fall asleep, tossing at midnight, and in the morning - you can not wake up.
  • You do not want to look after your appearance.

    Suddenly you began to feel that caring for your hair, clothes, makeup, manicure - unimportant or you simply do not have the strength for them.

  • You often break into a cry, to tears.

    You can yell at a colleague without reason, get offended, stop talking, etc.

  • You have become indifferent to both the praise of the leadership and its scolding.

    You do not care how and who will react to the work( or unfulfilled) you have done.

Causes of the emergence of the burnout syndrome

No one is insured from professional burnout, especially if you work hard and hard.

Of course, the first thing that causes such a terrible syndrome is stress, but in order not to become its victim, you need to know other common causes that cause it, and remember who can most often become its victim.

So, the main reasons are:

  • Too many duties.

    You simply do not have time to do everything during the working day and start taking work at home, coming earlier to the office and leaving later, sacrificing breaks for lunch, weekends.

  • No rest.

    Even on weekends, you think about work, instead of having fun and relaxing, doing business or doing household chores.

  • You overload yourself with information, a large layer of which - in general you do not need, and your "computer" starts to hang.
  • You are not able to fight any more irritating factors at work: a tyrant-boss, a stupid colleague, for which you perform all duties, a brainless secretary who again confused your schedule of meetings or namutila with correspondence, noise in the office, etc.
  • A large number of people who have to communicate, and which suck your life force.
  • Absence of movement: you have been sitting on one chair for 10 years, and career growth or financial well-being is not observed.
  • A mistakenly chosen profession that you hate.

And a few more facts about the professional burnout of

and how it differs from laziness and fatigue,

, see in the video:

How not to bring yourself to a professional burnout?

Preventive recipes are fairly simple and familiar to everyone, we will not invent the second bicycle.


  1. Healthy sleep( at least 8 hours a day).
  2. Complete rest, the weekend is invented just for this.
  3. Ability to relax.
  4. Regular exercise in sports to relieve negative energy and become physically fit.
  5. Care for yourself, even through "I can not".
  6. Drawing up a plan for the day.
  7. Early risers and unreasonable sending to bed.
  8. The right motivation, for example, I carry out this work in order to be financially independent.
  9. Having a hobby, a personal life, so as not to focus only on work.
  10. Optimal loads.
    Do not take more than you can carry.
  11. Photos of loved ones and wish card in the office.
  12. Citrus scents.
  13. Proper nutrition, the use of foods that contain vitamins, minerals, trace elements.
  14. Walking in the fresh air.
  15. Love for yourself and the desire to take care of such a good person.🙂

These are preventative measures, but if you are sure that you are already suffering from professional burnout syndrome , it is better to seek help from a specialist, rather than wait until your bad condition grows into a serious illness.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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