Where are you, life? Do not pass by. ..
The most valuable thing that a person has given nature is life!
So why are some so in a hurry to neglect her gift?
I'm not talking about suicides now, but about people who seem to live, but somehow too unwillingly.
Sometimes it's not even clear why these people were born, because they absolutely do not get any bonuses from their existence, they do not fight for a place in the sun, they do not do good deeds, they do not try to love their life.
Like and evil they do not do anything, but they are of little use.
Such people want to grab by the shoulders and start shaking with the words: "Yes, shake up, at last! Stop living the wasted ! »
Mole you are pale, not man!
My sister had an employee.
For her sluggishness, dullness, lack of a vital position, unwillingness to deal with difficulties, she received from the team the nickname Shadow.
She did not look like a man of flesh and blood, and what to say about the weak-willed character.
And at first, her employees could not really understand what she was so annoying about them.
With no one, the lady did not struggle, she did her work carefully, she did not spread gossip, if she was asked about something-she did it, asked, she answered.
But the Shadow was very boring, without sparks, without goals and even without a cherished dream.
As soon as she appeared in the team, the girls decided that she had some sort of grief and tried to help something.
Only after a while they began to understand what a frozen state is - the norm for it.
The more the team watched, the more irritation she caused.
It seemed that her lack of initiative and apathy infect everyone around her.
But the last straw that filled the girls' patience was the situation with a trip to the sea.
Once Shadow, during her rare exit from trance, admitted to colleagues that she had never been to the sea.
The kind-hearted head of the trade union, Nadya, decided to surprise the unlucky employee, and ordered for her one single ticket, put on the team, to a sanatorium on the Black Sea.
I did not appreciate the shadow of the gift and started to refuse: "How can I go myself, and my husband will not let me in, the more he is going to buy a new car - there is no extra money in the family. .. and what will I do there?"in the same spirit.
Nadia was so upset that a voucher would disappear that could have made someone happy, that in a heat she uttered a monologue that ended like this: "You are a pale mole, not a man! But stop wasting your life! »
After the scandal, Shadow changed the work, and the girls sighed with relief - in their friendly team there were no members of the club" Loser ".
We take the steering wheel off the autopilot
The shadow can not be saved anymore, she chose her life model and does not intend to change herself.
I very much want to hope that among my readers there are no such insects, but if at least 10% of your life you are wasting, then be sure to read the article to the end!🙂
Generally, cease to waste your life simply enough - you just need to get out of the somnambulistic state, set yourself specific goals and start implementing them.
Anu-ka, set aside, chorus whiners and his wretched hit: "It's not at all easy!"
I'll give you some useful tips, but whether your life will change or not depends on you.
I'm not tired of repeating that thoughts are material.
If you will draw only positive pictures in your head, then some of them must be fulfilled.
Write to-do lists.
Visualization on paper helps the abstract desire to become more material.
Start to keep your diary of success!
Enjoy everything you do.
Try to love even unpleasant for you work or family responsibilities.
Do it.
Do not let your desires die on a piece of paper.Move from intent to doing.
Set specific goals:
I will be the director, I will open my business, I will go to Spain, etc.
Common phrases: "I want to be rich and happy" - never lead to success.
Do not try to pierce a deaf stone wall with your forehead.
If you are not appreciated at the current place of work, then do not wait 20 years until it happens.
Look for a boss who will appreciate your skills. -
Do not turn back at the first failures.
Sometimes life sends tests to check whether a person is worthy of success or not.
Do not disappoint her.
Try to put every day to the maximum.
Forget the phrase "I'll do it tomorrow!"
How to find the meaning of life?
Reward yourself for success.
Pamper yourself sometimes with gifts.
Stop complaining about failure.
See, in the end, that life provides many opportunities for realization, and ignoring them is a real crime.
I recommend to see a useful video with VERY strong subtext!
I hope after watching it, you stop wasting your time and
will start moving your fifth point( sorry, but it's true)
Man is really a real miracle of nature, who can become the master of his destiny and take from him what he deserves.
But often we treat the given life as a rehearsal, they say, I still have time to become rich and successful.
In the meantime, years and decades pass by, old age stealthily slips in, and we start to realize with horror that it remained to stand at the start.
Stop wasting your precious life for nothing and running to conquer Olympus.