Do you want to become rich and successful from tomorrow?
Then dream of your health, clever people!
Actually, you can finish this article, but it will be unfair to you, dear readers of the success diary.
After seeing the alluring title of tomorrow's wealth, you certainly expected to get a magical grail and learn the secret of rapid earnings!
If this is true, then you:
- lazy and dunce, wiping pants on the couch,
- amateur freebie,
- is a naive fool who still believes in goldfish or Harry Potter, the
- is a curious reader hoping for luck.
I'll tell you directly - to become rich and successful for one day is simply impossible and this requires years of hard work and faith in yourself.
And the numerous sites offering magic earnings courses, after which you will earn millions tomorrow, is nothing but a beautiful scam.
After all, even for earnings on Forex, you need months of training and training on a demo account.
How to become rich and successful - go to your goal
So, if you realize that tomorrow anyone can become rich and successful and you are ready to go to wealth gradually, then the following tips will help you as well as possible in achieving wealth!
Well, if you are waiting for some magic, then know that even a magic kick will not help you fly to the intended goal.
So do not waste your time, but go get a good sleep!)))
Friends, I think, to this place all the idlers and freeloaders were eliminated.
And those who are left, shake your head, how to become rich and successful .
Now I will give you five simple rules that you should not only remember, but also apply in life. Without this, you definitely do not face wealth.
Let's go!
Rule 1. Find in yourself an uncontrollable desire to become rich and successful
The first and most important rule on the way to wealth and success is an irresistible and burning desire.
It must corrode you from within and call to action.
In other words, the burning desire for money is like a burning desire for sex in 15 years.
At this age, all thoughts of a teenager are aimed at one thing.
How to succeed in business?
And after all the teenager can not calm down, yet will not achieve the. And he achieves. ..
That's why start developing this desire for money, if it is not - use psychological training, work on the subconscious. In general, by any means, force yourself to really want a mountain of money! !!
Rule 2. Consult with knowledgeable people who have already become rich and successful
When starting a business, always ask for advice from an experienced and knowledgeable comrade.
For example, you want to open a cosmetics store, consult on this only with the owner of another cosmetics store.
They were going to be engaged in tissues, ask for advice from a person who is well versed in the tissues.
And if you are going to make money on Forex, then for advice go to a successful trader with confirmed results.
After all, you will agree that neighbor Vasya is unlikely to be able to teach you the trade of currency pairs, and the janitor will not be able to tell what kind of cosmetics it is better to trade.
That's why advice should always be asked only from a knowledgeable and successful person.
Rule 3. Learn to count money
Remember, you will never become rich and successful if you do not know how to count money!
Tell me this way, how much money do you have?
How much cash, how many on the card, in the account or in the stash under the carpet?
And how much money and what do you spend monthly?
Do not know?
That's it!
How are you going to become rich and successful, if you do not even know how much you spent yesterday in the supermarket?
That's why you learn to control your financial flow.
Create a sign in Exel and write down all your incomes and expenses for several months.
And the costs, as well as income, should be recorded absolutely everything.
Ride on the subway for 20 rubles - write down.
We bought a box of matches - too.
In a month you will clearly and clearly see where your money is going.
And in a couple of months you will be able to cut your income several times!
Rule 4. Each month put aside some of your money
Having learned to control your financial flow, start to save some money.
After all, it is from this money that initial capital will be formed for your future business.
Get a separate card for this and monthly add to it at least a tenth of your income.
Under no circumstances do not spend money on this card for any nonsense.
After all, you put money aside for business, not for entertainment.
Even if the monthly amount is not large, in a year you will be able to see the tangible figures on your account.
For example, postponing only $ 100-200 monthly, in a year you can save $ 2,400.
And this money can already be enough for investment.
Rule 5. To become rich and successful - one must believe in the success of
It often happens that we seem to want money, but due to education or due to our personal qualities we do not believe in a successful outcome of the case.
In this case, we again take on autosuggestion.
Every day, start repeating yourself, for example, that you are a successful programmer( choose a profession at your discretion) with a monthly salary of 5 thousand dollars.
And all statements must be in the present.
Got the point?
When you say: "I am a successful and in-demand programmer with a salary of $ 5000", your subconscious quickly begins to look for ways to translate your statement into reality.
If you talk about yourself in the future, then your subconscious mind does not think to wake up.
It's still far from the future. ..
It's also not a bother to imagine yourself this successful programmer every day.
Imagine how customers call you, you dictate their terms to which they gladly agree.
And for a moment do not doubt the success of any conceived business.
I recommend watching a powerful video from Natalia Grace,
on how to become rich and successful.
I hope her advice will awaken your desire to act!
So, if you want to become rich and successful - start applying these rules in practice and the result will not be long in coming.
As they say, there are no poor people - there are only lazy people.