How to do it all: 10 practical tips!

Time. ..

It has a terrific property to stop at a place when we are doing something boring and unloved, and, literally the next day, fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second, if we are having fun or need to cope with a lot of things. .. unfortunately. ..

Few people would not want to acquire such a valuable ally and learn how to manage time.

So, imagine that there are people who tame the clock and they do not need to worry about how how to do everything .

Well, how can you learn to manage everything?

I once had a former colleague of work - Nastya.

Stupid, active, executive - good, in general, a girl.

But she has one huge drawback, which hinders both her and her entire team: non-compliance in the execution of cases.

Zapar is actually its second name, and stresses and neuroses from piled up tasks are unchanging satellites.

It can not be said that she is simply lazy and does not want to do anything, this would explain the situation of Nastya.

She is constantly busy with something and seems to be trying to do everything, but something is always not enough to make it all happen!

instagram viewer

I believe that my colleague's main problems are because she:

  1. Does not know how to plan her time.
  2. Constantly distracted.
  3. Not able to focus on one thing.
  4. Does not know how to lead a personal success diary.
  5. Takes more than it can overpower.

How to do everything: the beginning!

Learning to do all tasks on time is as easy as programming your life for success.

People do not even realize that most of the problems and obstacles in their lives they create themselves.

It is worth to show only a little effort and everything will turn out even better than you expected.

Of course, sloths who do not want to work on themselves will never understand how to do everything , and they will flounder among unfulfilled cases without hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you know: "You can defeat any battle by just selecting the right weapon!"

So, you need to start the taming of time with the purchase of a beautiful notebook, pen and watch.

The expense is small, but the benefits of this acquisition will be enormous.

"To begin with, imagine that the hour is not just a time unit. This is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. It is enough just to determine what exactly you need. »

But most importantly - you must understand that a person who feels tired and unhealthy, in principle, will not be able to work productively.

Therefore, take for the rule:

  1. Get enough sleep:

    cherished rule about 7-8 hours of sleep necessary is not invented by fools.

  2. Eat right:

    is not only what's delicious, but also for what's useful.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits should be regular guests on your table.

  3. Doing sports:

    physical activity not only increases immunity, but also gives a boost of vivacity.

10 tips on how to do everything

  1. The to-do lists are yours!

    I hope you've already bought a beautiful notebook and pen to keep your diary of success?

    So: take the habit of writing in the evening or in the morning the lists of cases that you plan to finish during the day.

    And, do not write them from the noodles, and beside each point indicate the time required for its implementation.

    Did the deal?

    Tick it off the list.

    You can also create separate lists of global plans for a month or year.

  2. Stop distractions!

    Social networks, gossip about stars, news, telephone conversations with girlfriends, tea-drinking with colleagues are all pleasant components of human life, but they should not displace everything else!

    Until you have finished your work, you can not resist the desire to get into Facebook or to the UNIAN site, drop the phone call from a girlfriend, refuse a coffee mug.

    All this can be done during a break.

  3. Do not waste more duties than you can get!

    Every person has a limit of his abilities: someone has very little, someone - very impressive.

    Your task is to define your own!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles a day, and you are only 3, no matter how hard you try?

    Then do not beg for the boss 5 tasks, then sit until midnight, do not have time, get nervous and get the next day "scolding."

    Better do your three tasks on time and with quality!

    How to do everything - 5 important items

  4. Keep order in the workplace!

    Even if your workplace is your own apartment, you do not need to turn it into a dump.

    First, unnecessary objects are distracting, secondly, you spend time finding something in these blockages, you need something, thirdly, the disorder is dampening and does not allow you to tune into the working mood.

  5. Optimize the workflow.

    Each case, including home, can be simplified and reduce the time for its implementation, if you show a little ingenuity.

    Here, for example, the files that I need to work on a daily basis are copied to a separate folder, although I keep all electronic documents in thematic chronological folders.

  6. Use modern gadgets.

    When preparing a dinner, you are surely happy to resort to the help of a food processor, multivark, electric meat grinder, etc., and do not do everything manually, wasting time and energy.

    The same principle must be adhered to in any business!

  7. Reward yourself for success.

    Have done quickly and qualitatively one thing - have a cup of tea with a delicious cake, another - take a look at the news feed on Facebook, the third - go for a walk, etc.

  8. Do not trample on one place.

    People suffering from perfectionism, can bring themselves to hysterics in search of only their understandable perfection.

    Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.

    Do not fixate on some stupid ideals, if it hinders your progress.

  9. Do not accumulate unfulfilled business.

    Forget about the phrase: "I'll do it tomorrow!".

    Today is today, and you must finish everything planned before midnight.

    If you postpone something every day, then sooner or later an avalanche of unfulfilled tasks will cover you.

  10. Do not be afraid to ask for help.

    Sometimes, because of pride( or stupidity?), We are afraid to turn even to the closest people for help.

    If you do not have time, then ask your mother to cook dinner, her husband - to take the child out of the garden, a friend-colleague - to answer the call from the customer, etc.

I recommend a few more useful tips for

from the well-known video blogger Pavel Bagryantsev:

"How to manage and manage many projects at the same time?"

These 10 recommendations have helped more than one person to restore order in their lives.

You can try them all and choose the most optimal for yourself, you can combine these tips, or you can come up with something of your own.

The main thing is to start acting, and not just to moan everyday: " How to do everything ?".

  • Mar 04, 2018
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