How to get rid of the fear of darkness: 3 recipes

Tell me, what were you most afraid of as a child?

I, for one, was afraid of the dark.

It seemed to me that there were a huge number of monsters hiding in it, which only waited for my mother to turn off the light to grab my leg.

Especially when I went to bed - I covered my head with a blanket, God forbid, even the toe did not look out - because I was afraid that someone would grab me by that finger and start dragging me out of bed!

Do you know this?

I'm sure that many of my readers have experienced similar problems.

Sociological studies confirm the most common childhood fright - the fear of the dark, which has the scientific name the no-phobia of .

In most cases, this phobia disappears with the child's growing up, but sometimes remains the same companion.

If you are ashamed to suffer from children's rudiments, then from this article you will learn how to stop being afraid of the dark in adulthood.

To get rid of the fear of darkness - we analyze our childhood

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One day in the student years a classmate invited a company of his friends, which I also entered, to the dacha.

Parents of the young man are quite wealthy people, so our party without problems with comfort settled for the night.

I and my classmate Lida slept in one room, like two single girls.

I sleep quite sensitively, especially at a party, so I immediately woke up, hearing a rustle.

Opening my eyes and adapting myself in the dark, I saw Lida, who uncertainly makes her way to the door.

I did not call her to avoid scare, but a minute later I regretted my decision, because the night silence was violated by a wild cry. Turning on the light, I saw the sobbing Lida.

A little calmer, she told me that she was terribly afraid of the dark, but she was ashamed to tell me about it from the evening.

She made her way to the exit, despite her own fear, as she very much wanted to go to the bathroom, and screamed, because she was entangled in an unfamiliar room and accidentally touched the curtain with her hand.

I, honestly, was just shocked then, wondering how night and curtain can cause hysteria in an adult.

Having talked, we found out that Lida has been suffering from no-one's phobia since childhood, having listened to the horror stories from the elder friends at the fire.

And she chose the profession of a psychologist because she wants to know, how to get rid of her fear of the dark and teach others.

My classmate is still studying this problem, and here's what conclusions she came to.

"Fear, it's not behind you - it's in your head!"

Why are people so afraid of the dark?

Most often people are afraid of not the darkness itself, but of what it hides. ..

Lida, when studying this problem, tested volunteers with no-one-phobia.

Research has shown what really people are afraid of:

  • Uncertainties.

    We are often frightened of incomprehensible moments.

    Night is akin to a opaque box that hides many secrets.

    We can not use our eyesight to make sure that there is nothing terrible around, so we are afraid.

  • Monsters, witches, babaik and other fictional torturers, who in our childhood we were frightened by moms, and now continue to do this horror movies.
  • Quite real villains, which are really full in our troubled times.

    About them we are so fond of broadcasting from TV screens and in documentaries, and in art, and in various programs, and even - in news stories.

It would seem that with such serious factors it is impossible to stop from being afraid of the dark , but I guarantee that an effective antidote for each poison will be found.

As you have already understood, the fear of something completely concrete is replaced by a common "I'm afraid of the dark."

I have cited several common reasons, if you find one in one of them, then listen to the following tips.

  1. I know for sure that there is nothing in the dark

    If you are most afraid of an unknown danger that lurks in the dark, you need to convince yourself that this is your home in which you absolutely know everything!

    The shadow on the wall throws away a beautiful vase, behind which you are so lovingly courting.

    Noise produces a refrigerator, which stores so much delicious.

    The curtain swayed, because you opened the window to not choke from the heat, etc.

    Your house is really your cozy fortress and you know every centimeter here.

    And how can you be afraid of something you know and love?

    4 recommendations how to rid yourself of the fear of death

  2. Evil monsters - props of Hollywood

    Well, that's how many of your acquaintances have seen a real house-haver or ghost, or even some evil otherworldly power?

    No, no, I do not need to retell the stories of "The Battle of Psychics" or quote articles of the newspaper "Obvious-incredible".

    I'll tell you a secret that the heroes of such shows and publications are either hired actors, or even fiction.

    I'm not saying that otherworldly forces do not exist, but why should they hide in your bedroom?

    If you are still afraid of a black hand from a horror story told by a friend in childhood, it's time to remember how old you are.

    If the fear of non-existent monsters is the result of viewing a large number of horror films, then it's time to tie with a similar movie.

    Why to spoil your nervous system and drive your head so stupid?

  3. Away from the criminal reading

    My grandmother reads the newspapers in awe and every time I visit her, she tells me a bunch of stories about where someone was killed, robbed, etc.

    If I took all this information literally, I would have closed in a bunker for a long time.

    But is it worth it to poison your life with fears that will never become a reality?

Tips for a psychologist on how to best overcome your fear

Topical tips on how to stop being afraid of the dark:

If you are afraid of the dark, because you are sure that villains will break into you at night, it will be wiser to protect yourself, rather than shake with fear under the blanket:

  1. Place the grilles on the windows and replace the old door with a more powerful one.
  2. Start a dog.
  3. Sign up for self-defense courses.
  4. Get, finally, a permit for weapons and buy at least pneumatics.

I recommend watching the video with the exercise,

which will help you to relax and forever get rid of the fear of the dark:

Remember that you can and must fight with your fears.

If you indulge them, then destroy your life.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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