How to become calmer?

So, imagine the situation. ..

Morning. Alarm clock shows 7 am. You can barely open your eyes and curse neighbors whose dog poured out on the balcony for half a night. ..

On the way to work, a goat stepped on your foot on the bus, and some kind of mump accidentally tipped your coffee at you.

At work, every second client composted your brains with your complaints and complaints, and on the way home you cheated the saleswoman in the store.

And now, sitting comfortably on a soft couch in a comfortable living room, your husband accidentally dropped a plate of sandwiches on a recently vacuumed carpet.

Here it was Ostap and suffered. ..

You not only told your husband everything that you think about him, but also recalled all of his joints in the last 3-5-10 years of married life.

And this is not the first such case.

You constantly break on relatives, accuse them of all mortal sins only because you are spoiled by a completely unfamiliar person and you do not want to enjoy life at all.

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In such cases, do not blame everyone, but it's worth considering how is becoming quieter !

After all, you will agree, why spoil relations with your beloved husband, when you can come in harmony with your inner world.

How to become calmer - working on ourselves

  1. Begin to set goals

    When you have firmly decided to become a calm person - start work on yourself with the goal setting.

    Tell yourself that peace is the most important feeling that you need to develop in yourself.

    And do not wait: do not wait for the weather at the sea, do not wait for a suitable sign, but do it.

    We decided to to become calm - then start working on yourself today!

  2. Stop and breathe

    Remember that calmness does not come to you this very second, and does not even come in a few weeks.

    In order to become a calm person you need months and even years of training.

    And we'll start training with breathing.

    When you feel your anger and anger propping and asking outside, do not rush to release it.

    Instead, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths and exhalations.

    Believe me, after five such breaths the desire to be hysterical and nervous will disappear by itself.

  3. We help ourselves to become calmer with the help of sport

    I'll tell you frankly, it's never worth to suppress anger.

    The suppressed emotions gradually accumulate and can spill out in many different ways: you roll a grand scandal, get sick or get covered with pimples( hives, etc.)

    You do not need it, right?

    To avoid composting your relatives' brain, sign up for boxing, karate, aikido or dancing.

    All these exercises will help you to throw out negative emotions and become calmer .

    Well, if you do not have money for the gym( or you just hustle), then buy a dart, stick a photograph of the evil one on it and throw it into the hated dart as much as you like.

    Simple ways to relieve stress!

  4. If the sport removes tension, yoga helps to find peace of mind

    By registering for a dance or boxing, you shoot only those emotions that overwhelm you here and now.

    To become a truly calm person and not to fuss about various nonsenses, you should dig much deeper, and yoga will help in this difficult matter.

    Constant yoga classes will not only help you become calmer , but also develop flexibility and harmonize the soul and body.

    If you do not believe me, I'll give you an example of my friend, let's call her Christina.

    Cristea was always a clean swear. Wrong step left or right - all. .. shooting)). ..

    And recently, her husband on the birthday gave a sweet Persian cat. . She briefly admired him. ..)

    When no one was home - the "nice cat" managed to scratch her doroguschycorner compartment-ward 🙂

    Returning from work and seeing what was done - Christina broke. ..

    I do not know what happened to the cat that evening, but the husband fell under the hot hand of 100%. .

    As a result, she realized that she was ripping offtrifles on people who, in principle, are not to blame for anything.

    How to calm down after stress - 5 ways to

    And she thoughtlessly signed up for yoga, started reading Buddhist literature and turned into a super calm person in a tank.

    Now, no matter what happens in Christine's life, she always remains calm and unshakable, she stopped screaming, and the talk started so quietly that her opponents have to listen to her with her mouth shut and not interrupt.

    So learn from the mistakes of others and know that you can not help crying!

And this is how you need to remain calm in all situations!

Watch and learn!

Summarizing all of the above. .

However, these methods are the most effective and effective.

You, of course, can search on the Internet for another million and one way how to become quieter .

But I'll tell you a secret, until you learn to stop and breathe, no advice will help you.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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